Daily Accountability/Lifestyle Change - Everyone Welcome! 7/18 - 7/24

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  • Good Morning, Everyone!

    Weigh In: 146
    Down: .2

    Mamakat I'm sorry you went through that yesterday.
  • Quote: Got my first insult in years. Got to love group/mob mentality. I took my kids to the new Popeye's chicken (no I did not have any). Although I didn't participate in eating I did go up and get the food and serve it to them at their table. It was on the trip back that a group of 4 young men (17-22 I'm guessing) snickered then one said "look at that big fat a**." It's not the comment that bugs me, because I know it's big and fat (anyone who can see me knows) it's the smugness that they only feel when in a group. If they were alone they'd never have the gall to say something. I just kept walking shrugging it off so as not to embarrass my children.

    People can be so cruel.
    You're beautiful!
    Shake it off
    We love you here!
  • I can defo tell when TOM is near. I have almost unbearable back pain!
    He brings gifts in lbs
    No celebration today! (buhu)

    Happi OP day to us all!
    Off to pick, pick, pick
  • Mornin'!

    Weigh-in 195.4, back to the low.

    After all my talk about veggies yesterday, my husband ended up bringing home leftover pizza. Oh well. Actually, as pizza goes, it's pretty healthy. Extremely thin crust. They're small. One was a white pizza with tons of spinach and goat cheese (it was actually a little disappointing). The other is the primavera with no cheese had piled about 2" tall with tomato, mushroom, eggplant, broccoli, garlic, grated carrot. Ooh, that one is good.

    And speaking of healthy pizza, I found out from my neighbor that our grocery store carries a ww pizza dough and a multigrain pizza dough. I'll have to try it! She prefers the multigrain, and my son has had it at her house and liked it. Score!

    I once again flopped on riding my bike in to work. I thought I might pull it off this morning, but it just didn't happen. I'll have to get out and do something after work. Yesterday I started scrubbing down the porch in preparation for painting it. Better than sitting on the couch, but I can do better.
  • Quote: Hah Zoodoo that reminds me of that funny standup comedienne who used to do the line:

    "I took my parents back to the airport today. They leave tomorrow."
  • Quote: Ooh, I'm intrigued by this cilantro technique! Is it still as good as fresh? I'm a cilantro lover as well.

    And I'll look into the chimichurri sauce. With those ingredients how could I go wrong?
    I would say the frozen cilantro is not quite as good as fresh, but waaaaay better than dried. I am always needing it in or on something and don't always have it in the house fresh, so this works well for me to get my fix. I seem to be the only one in my family that likes it that well. They tolerate it when I cook with it, but I could bathe in the stuff
    Yes, chimichurri is a must try. Good this time of year on some grilled meats! Just watch the calories in the oil.
  • Well, here comes the gain for ovulation. Up 1.8 pounds today. I ate 1500 calories yesterday so I KNOW it's not from me overeating. I didn't get to workout yesterday because my older son is sick and my mother in law was expecting her guest to arrive about the time I would have a class and we had pizza for supper. I had two pieces (thin crust) and ate salad otherwise. It's totally water weight for ovulation. Now I REALY hope I ovulate today so that so that I don't go over 200 pounds tomorrow! That would make me laugh, but also make me cry!

    So, my water gain for this month was 1-1.5 pounds until today. Today (like I knew would happen), I gained about 2 lbs, so when the whoosh starts 3.5 pounds of it is the 'known' water weight I'm carrying around. We'll see how much more I lose than that of the accumulating water weight that is unknown - replacing fat.

    Taking the bodypump class at 10:45 am and I switched the gym to go the one my son likes best for KidSpace. My older son seems to be feeling better today, so that's good. We leave for vacation in Friday!

    ETA: Finally went to the bathroom after 4 days (very typical for me) and it's now better by one pounds giving me a bit more buffer if tomorrow I go higher! LOL
  • I'm thinking I don't have a "nut" allergy. I started having a reaction on Sunday afternoon. I don't recall having anything with nuts in it. It seems to be clearing up now. Here is a TMI alert When I have a reaction, I don't use the bathroom. I didn't go yesterday or this morning. This is very unusual for me. I tend to be a very "regular" person. Anyways, I am going to try to set aside some time today to have the lab work done that the allergist wanted me to have. Since I can't figure it out, maybe the Dr can.

    I should have had the damn peanut butter pie!
  • Quote: I'm thinking I don't have a "nut" allergy. I started having a reaction on Sunday afternoon. I don't recall having anything with nuts in it. It seems to be clearing up now. Here is a TMI alert When I have a reaction, I don't use the bathroom. I didn't go yesterday or this morning. This is very unusual for me. I tend to be a very "regular" person. Anyways, I am going to try to set aside some time today to have the lab work done that the allergist wanted me to have. Since I can't figure it out, maybe the Dr can.

    I should have had the damn peanut butter pie!
    Can you exclude peanut oil? Maybe something was cooked in it?
  • Shishkeberry: If you don’t go upstairs then pretend it isn’t there!

    LGW: I’ve always heard that weird cravings mean that your body needs something in that food. Maybe you didn’t dairy or something and that is why the ice cream?

    JuhR: welcome! The pizza gets me every time!

    Roadbikerchick: glad you are back. You can lose the 10lbs. The summer seems so busy it is very hard to stick to all the well laid plans!

    Smess: Is ripped in 30 a video exercise? Sorry about your plateau I know they are frustrating. You can get past it. Just be consistent.

    Mamakat: I get called standoffish too. It is a funny word. The truth for me is that I am rather shy and at times feel awkward at getting to know people. When I really feel comfortable with someone I am very outgoing with them. But in groups or with new people I clam up and don’t know what to say. 6 POUNDS in a WEEK! WOWWZER GIRL. I need you as my muse! Does your husband travel a lot. Mine is gone most weeks. I’m used to it.

    Vixsin: Don’t know how long you have been gone- but your pic looks great!

    Alaskanlaughter: YAH for whooshes that stick!

    ZooDoo: TOM makes me HUNGRY! Grouchy would be welcome if you would take away the hunger! I would dice parsely into a salad… never done a thing with a beet.

    Jo: MMMMMMMMMMMMMMM Costa Rica! We ALL seem to have trouble with PIZZA. We need an anti-pizza campaign.

    Berry: Holding Steady id a good thing!!

    K9: All this time I thought you were single and all of a sudden you have a husband! Congrats on you new status! LOL!

    Can’t finish personals. Gotta get the girls up and to their activities…. And me dressed. Weighed in the same this morning!
  • stacey DH travels a lot but not all the time. He is one of 3 partners and the only one licensed as an engineer so most of his clients want him "on site" a lot. Funny thing is we moved from AZ for a job here then DH and pals started their own company and now he has tons of work in AZ (that's where he is now). His dad's place is an unofficial/official hub. It's just a house but he gets a tax break because DH and partners stay there a lot and plans and things get sent there. Now DH wants to move back and open an official hub.

    I wanted to let you guys know the insult wasn't what bothered me, I've heard all that before. What bothers me is that they are only brave when they are with friends. If they were alone they would never have the guts to say it. Had my children not been there those boys would have been covered with food or drink so that they would learn their lesson as far as manners. Also I believe every woman in that restaurant had big butts. It was Popeye's afterall, so no one was caring about what they ate...but me! As I said I did not eat the food! I do my best not to embarrass my kids in public or put them in danger otherwise I might have been more aggressive.

    Diana I have Celiac's and let me just say when go out or eat something I have to look it up on my phone to make sure it's safe and even then if it's prepared for us it's hard to say. I've asked at several restaurants and the waitresses will look at me as though they've never heard the word gluten in their lives. Allergies can kill a person and I think people in food industries should take it more serious, but until they do we have to ask A LOT of questions. I tried looking stuff up for Popeye's, they have a "naked" chicken, but their website doesn't say whats in it. I found a forum written in 2005 talking about that very thing and one person said don't call the information because they're no help. That's 2005, by now that info should be made public. Lots and lots of hidden stuff. And manufacturers have lots of cross contamination. I hope you find out soon.
  • Quote: Can you exclude peanut oil? Maybe something was cooked in it?
    Berry Hmm, nope! That very well could be. I had 1 coconut shrimp on Sunday. It could have been fried in peanut oil.
  • Stacey: My bio is the first entry on my blog.
  • mamakat Thank you for the support. I hope I can figure it out or at least the Dr. can. I was secretly thinking, if it's peanut butter, it will make it easier for me to try to avoid it. I know if I find out that I am allergic to something I will try to avoid it. I will make a mental note that it's toxic to my health. Hopefully that will take care of those cravings. Unless, it ends up making me want it even more.
  • Down a pound to 187.0. I'll take it. I feel sore from yesterday's exercise. Healthy Pizza Night with my friends tonight! I am bringing the pizza this time!!!! Yummy!

    Going to try for 30 minutes of Yoga with Bob tonight. I could really use the stretching.

    I've got a lot to do here at work. I'll be back at lunch time for personals!!

    have a great morning!!!!!