Got dumped... very worried about diet

  • My boyfriend of a year and a half dumped me last week. There were a lot of problems in our relationship, and I'm starting to see that I'm going to be happier without him. Here's my problem, though. Even though I'm not horrified by the breakup anymore, my physical self still is. I feel kind of sick, am having trouble eating (like yesterday, i had about 600 calories total). I have dropped a few pounds and thats fine- I know that these things happen during breakups. I'm scared that I won't be able to get back to normal. A huge change is the lack of routine. Now, no one is depending on me to be anywhere, no one is holding me accountable for going to the gym, cleaning, eating right, etc. Has anyone gone through something similar? How did you work through it and get yourself back on a healthy track?
  • Sorry, kiddo. A broken heart really hurts. Weight loss is common during that time but I'm not sure if most people are even aware of that.

    But you are. I think that's a good thing.

    One thing I learned from a broken heart was to love myself, do the things that I want to and very much get to know myself.

    If your health and fitness journey is truly your own - for you - you won't have any problems when your heart mends.

    If you do have problems, clearly, you're not in it for you, and you would not have had success anyways.

    Keep your head up. I'm glad you can see that the relationship wasn't perfect and that you can move on.

  • I'm sorry. Break ups can be rough

    -YOU- are depending on you to be places. If you don't think you can be held accountable for doing healthy things, then pick a place and start posting about it. Get involved in a short challenge on the forums. Call a friend or a relative and tell them about how you plan to go to the gym or to make a certain healthy dinner.

    It might take a few to get back to normal, but you can absolutely reach out a little and get some support during this time. With a little time, you'll be very satisfied knowing that you made it through this rough patch. You can do it!
  • Thank you ladies! It is SO important to remember that I'm doing this for myself.
  • I know how you feel. I'm an emotional eater myself. I try to tell myself that the solution to my problems doesn't lay at the bottom of a box of pingles red pepper taste.
  • I'm sorry break up suck. I went through a break up a few months ago and lost my appetite for a month . It was difficult at first to go back to eating well and exercising once my appetite returned. I had to remind myself of the progress I had made and had push myself to do it even though it really sucks. It got easier Just remind yourself of why you are doing it and that you are in control. Once again I am sorry HUG!
  • One thing I forgot about is if you're having huge calorie deficits now, your body will react with a savage appetite in a week or so.

    Get ready for an overwhelming desire for food in the weeks to come. But give in to it, too. No reason to be miserable, just eat healthy portions, trying to keep an eye on healthy quality, but heck, have a hot fudge sundae! You can plan to work it off, or plan to adjust your calorie intake in another way.
  • Relationship problems suck, breaking up sucks. But, now you have time to focus on yourself.

    You mention routine and accountability. How about making your own routine that you like and being accountable to yourself.