Having a Bad day.. Help please :(

  • I dunno i woke up this morning and was in such a downer, i went on the scales i had a fantastic 6 days of exercise and felt alot more toned (muffin Top is decreasing and not sticking out half as much) but i hopped on the scales and i was the same

    So now i have zero motivation to do anything today...

    I also have lost weight and inches since i started in January, here is the problem, has anyone else felt this??
    i knew when i weighed 226lb that i had put weight on and that i was big, but it wasn't untl i seen a picture at christmas that i was disgusted it was like i hadn't noticed just HOW HUge i had got...

    now that i am losing i am afraid to or i can't get my mind set right that i am looking better, but i can't see myself as thin as people are telling me i look...

    and if i do start to see it i'm afraid i might slip back into old ways and start gaining...

    so if i couldn't see just how enoromous i was before i seen the x.mas photos how can i see that i am smaller now...

    sorry for the ramblings as i said having a tough day also due my TOM so i recon that might be the reason i'm so hormonal lol

    ok rant over ..feel a bit better now..
  • You say you've been working out and your muffin top has gone down - seems likely you've put on some muscle that's balanced out the fat you've lost? Which really, if you're smaller, but you weigh the same, that's good! More muscle means you're stronger and will burn calories faster.
  • I'm right there with ya,CurlySue! I weighed 169.8 yesterday morning and 170.6 this morning. I'm 5'8" and my high end Weight Watchers goal is 164. I totally get how frustrating this can be. Let's make a deal to not let the scale number ruin our weekend. Let's concentrate on how far we have come so far, and just keep fighting the good fight!
  • Awwww Cheers folks,

    I actually came on to edit here that i am just a hormonal wreck this morning.. haha joys of being Female... no more lettin the scales rule, TOM and i'm not up just the same so all good... excuse earlier feel sorry for myself venting..

    Veal2Steel here's to next weeks number on the scale

    Ms Marvil- i hope your right... i figures itsnot up and if its muscle hurray
  • Well - we say losing weight, but I think what most of us are here for is to be smaller, not lighter, right? The weight is just an easier way of keeping track. If your muffin top has gone down, that's really great - focus on that.
  • i think it'll pass. i've had those days too. especially lately. i watch what i eat, go to the gym 5 days a week and i'm stuck on on around 211-212!! ticks me off when i'm really trying but i'm gonna push thru it. as long as you feel good and the muffin top is shrinking, your all good! Good luck and hope you feel better.
  • It's okay... I kicked booty at the gym for 5 days, and gained almost 2 pounds,
    it sucks sometimes. and really does kill your motivation.... I'm almost to the point of throwing my scale away lol
  • Glad to hear you're feeling better.

    Have you considered taking progress photos? Same outfit, same mirror, etc. That way, you can have an objective image that shows the changes over time? I've only just started doing this, but I think it'll really help as my eyes on their own don't see the changes. Just a thought.
  • I know how you feel! i get depressed when the scales dont move, i even had a bit of a cry this week and felt very fed up. But i havent given up and neither should you

    Like someone else said you might have gained some muscle and also the progress pics sound like a fantastic idea!

    Im moaning now about my weight but my boyfriend tells me to look at my pics from last year and see the difference and there is a big difference i cant believe
  • Hard exercise and the scale doesn't move? This is called water retention.

    I don't use the scale as anything other than a data point. Granted - I feel the same way but then I remind myself why I'm doing this and it isn't because I want to see a lower number on the scale.

    I suggest pictures and measurements become your true barometer for success. You can use a tape measure but that can also be heavily affected by water. I use an inexpensive pair of fat calipers and measure once a month.

    I also have a couple sites that I can easily measure myself that I will spot check if I jump on the scale in the morning and it is 5lbs heavier than the day before. I know intellectually that I could not have gained five lbs of fat but double checking in 10 seconds with my calipers still is emotionally reassuring.
  • You also have to realize that your gaining muscle so the scale will sometimes say that you gained. Too bad the scale does not distinguish fat from muscle. ^^ You're doing great hon, keep up the great work!
  • Thanks a million everyone , your suggestions are great, i took a good few photos last night when i was done up and ready for the town, i couldn't see in the mirror but when i looked at some of the pics i couldn't believe it was me haha

    Thanks again Hugs