Struggling :(

  • I haven't posted here in a couple months. I've been struggling so much and I feel like I should just give up. I'm just so depressed lately because of money issues and I'm at a loss at what to do. I'm a stress eater, I eat when I'm upset, even if I'm not hungry.

    I can't find a way to commit myself to calorie counting a losing weight. I just need some inspiration from you lovelies on how you get passed being down in the dumps and having no self-control.

    I've lost 60 lbs. in the past so I know I can do it....I just can't seem to get a good start at it.

    A few days I'll do great and feel great and then bam I'm off the wagon and punishing myself by eating even more.

    Starting today I'm going to start hand writing everything I eat down...doing it via my phone or a website just doesn't seem as effective.
  • Honestly I always find the first few days easy...but then there's a few tough days, then it gets easy and "normal" again. If you can just push through those few rough days, counting calories and eating healthier will become habit! I count calories too, and I leave room for 1 treat each day, so I don't feel deprived. Some people can't do that, as it triggers binges, and it may be easier for you if you can figure out which type of person you are in that respect.

    Also, keep posting here, everyone's so helpful and positive! I find it makes a big difference. I have been struggling the last little bit with not seeing the scale go down (just for 10 days or so, but being fairly early in my weight loss journey, and with a lot of weight to lose, it's a struggling to have hit a snag already), but the lovelies here have kept me motivated, and offered some good advice. Keep coming back, it helps!
  • I wish I had an answer to this. I often have the same problem. Right now I'm in a mode where it's not too hard, but other times I just don't care.

    Here's my strategy this time. Just keep tracking. Instead of setting a weight goal, I've set a looonnnggggg time goal, where I just keep tracking no matter what. 6 weeks in, I'm going strong, but I still expect to hit some rough patches.

    Good Luck!
  • Just take it one day at a time. Make mini goals which make the ultimate goal more reachable in the end. Be aware of what triggers you to eat off plan. Pick up an apple or go for a walk.
  • I agree take it a day at a time, right now I've got so much stress in my life that I'm not even thinking about losing weight, just eating healthy and maintaining one day at a time, so far it's working and I'm not fluctuating more than a pound or 2 at the most.

    If you know you are stress eating remind yourself that eating won't make you feel better, in fact it'll make you feel worse after you are done. I agree to go for a walk or something instead of eat.
  • Mmmhmm, I completely understand. Money concerns were always my emotional eating issue, too. Ironically I used it as an excuse to buy 10 $1 cheeseburgers from McDonald’s. They were only a buck – but I needed 10 of them apparently. *sigh* I agree completely though about setting mini goals. That was the one of the new things I did for myself this time around and it really made the whole process less daunting. It is a day by day process and on some days you have to recommit a little harder than others. But it does get better. You slowly develop the coping skills you need to get through rough patches. And sometimes it’s just through trial and error.

    Please do not give up!! You have worked so hard to lose the weight you have already!! Think of it this way --- Do you really want to spend money on new clothes? Keep coming here, post about your struggles, offer encouragement to others, reenergize yourself by reading the goal and mini-goal sections. You can do this!! One pound at a time!
  • I know exactly what you mean, and how you feel because I am going through the same thing right now. Most days it feels to hard, or I eat things I know I shouldn't... But I keep telling myself that I can do this (even though I feel like I can't) I remind myself that I did it in the past (lost 50 pounds and kept it off for years) and so I can and will do it again. I am definitely an emotional eater as well, and that is making things very hard for me at the moment so I am trying to write down everything as well and being mindful of all that goes into my mouth. I will just keep going, knowthing that these hard/doubtful days will end... Hopefully soon. Good luck with it, don't quit!
  • That's a hard one to answer, I meen it is different for everyone. I'm mostly looking at accountability for motivation combined with visualization of what my new body will be like! I'm doing the 100 day challenge on this board and every time I stop and look at an emotional comfort food I tell myself is it worth going to that board and announcing publicly that I let everyone down? Of course they wouldn't judge or be disappointed but telling myself that seems to help haha. Then I drink a tall glass of water and think of something that can make me feel less stressed. Often I'll go watch a few funny videos on you tube and get a good belly laugh and then I don't feel quite so stressed.

    I look at every cheat food and ask myself will it even make you feel better or just make you more guilty once done. Do I really want to kill all the work I've done on the 100 challenge over that one silly food? If after water and a good laugh I'm still hungry it probably means I need to really eat and will eat something healthy. I also keep a pack of my protein bars that fit into my diet in my van so that if I am on the road when I hit my next meal I have something to eat. They are only for when I am out to long or had to get out without time to cook a meal first.

    You'll find your niche here, there is so much variety.