Work food

  • Hey everybody! I've finally recharged my weight loss journey. Last week I was back to working out 4 x a week, and then I even did an extra day yesterday, and I'm looking forward it today (I've missed exercise so much!)…but one of my biggest obstacles is my job.

    I'm looking for another job, not only for this reason, but I work in food service. The place I work has a lot of food that's all too easy to snack on, and I find myself doing it a lot. Too much. I've already cut out the free shift meal I get here, it's always too much food, and that's a good step since I'm doing the same amount of snacking. I'm slowly bringing in my own snacks during work…I'm sure I'll get tired of it eventually, but I'm sabotaging myself! Do you guys have any advice?

    Aside from work, I've started keeping veggies cut up small enough to munch on when I'm watching a movie and want a snack, and that's been a great alternative to chips and stuff. That's been my biggest problem up until work! I hate having no self control. =\
  • When I have the munchies it almost always means I am not drinking enough water.
  • Quote:
    When I have the munchies it almost always means I am not drinking enough water.
    Does this help you?
  • Make sure to eat more than enough protein, it helps me reduce my snacks.

    Water is a great suggestion. And its a vicious cycle, but stress reduction will help too..though I can see you are working on switching jobs

    I find I am not as great at moderating my workplace snacking, so I tend to just say NO to all and then not have to battle out each event.
  • I'm glad to hear you're looking for ways to cut back on the food at work, because all of the exercise in the world can't make up for consuming too many calories.

    If it were me, I'd have to make it black and white. No gray.

    I would completely ban ALL foods from work. I wouldn't make it an option TO eat it. Ever. I'd make it a steadfast, unbreakable rule - no food from the work place.

    So therefore, I'd have to pack up and bring my own healthy foods. It's worth the extra effort. You'll be used to it lots faster than you think. Before you know it, workplace food will no longer call out to you, because you'll be trained that it's simply not for you.
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    I would completely ban ALL foods from work. I wouldn't make it an option TO eat it. Ever. I'd make it a steadfast, unbreakable rule - no food from the work place.
    I REALLY REALLY Like this! I am going to adopt this rule...this very unbreakable, steadfast rule!

  • I have a "no food at work" rule as well. I work at a school so other than lunch duty it's pretty easy. I do get a 30 minute lunch mid-way through my day but it's just enough time to run home (Literally, which is why I don't keep my lunch @ work ) and I'm careful to have my lunch ready for me in the fridge. Otherwise I keep my office fridge stocked with water. It's my rule at home to drink a bottle of water first when I have the munchies. It reduces the amount I munch by a LOT and sometimes eliminates the urge altogether. I used to hate drinking water but It's such a habit now that I actually like it .
  • Water seems to have been magic today -- I've had a lot more to drink than I usually do, and I started out with a lot when I first got to work. I also had a more substantial breakfast than I usually have.

    Thanks for the help! Banning work food will probably be easier when I find the perfect thing to bring…what do you guys take for work lunch?
  • Quote:
    Thanks for the help! Banning work food will probably be easier when I find the perfect thing to bring…what do you guys take for work lunch?
    Can I just say, that it would be easier to find the perfect lunch if you would first ban the work food!!! Think of it in reverse. Banning the work food will force you to find alternatives.

    Some ideas:

    huge salads - alone or with turkey breast, grilled chicken or tuna.
    wraps - using low carb, high fiber, high protein wraps and great fillers - any combo of - roasted veggies, grilled chicken, turkey breast, avocado, tomatoes, onions, lettuce.
    cottage cheese
    veggie burgers
    if you've got access to a microwave - home made soups, chilis and stews.

    The list is as long as your imagination! Don't be afraid of this major change. Look forward to it. Be excited about. Embrace it. This could be the beginning a whole new healthy, slim world for you.
  • I work at Starbucks and I'm sure that I don't have to tell most of you what a temptation it is on a normal day, but now that we have all the holiday drinks and pastries it has becomes a real landmine of temptations. I LOVE, LOVE eggnog but I can't have it. I can't have a tiny bit because it makes me want more and then a little bit more.

    Therefore, as Robin has so wisely advised, I'm also making my work food off limits for me to eat. I will allow myself my allotted coffee that goes into my calorie count and I'll bring snacks from home to eat on my breaks.

    If I don't this holiday season is going to be nothing but a huge set back on the progress I'm slowly seeing and I can't have that!!

    So, let us all just say no to bad food choices and be smarter and thinner for it!