...this isn't good...I'm hungry...

  • I'm going out for preplanned drinks after work and I completely planned to have one drink and go home for an on plan dinner. Problem, we're not going for another hour and I'm already hungry. They'll likely order apps and chips (we're going to a mexican restaurant) and I was completely prepared to just have my drink and just socialize with no food. I've done this before on occassion and it's worked well. Unfortunatly, today for whatever reason I'm hungry a little early and they pushed the time back a little. I don't have any snacks on hand so I'm at a bit of a loss on what to do. Obviously, the best decision is to stick with the original plan and the worst would be to just eat what everyone else is eating and the ok plan would be to order the best on plan app on the menu and have that be my dinner. Anyway, I'm not really looking for any advice, just sharing that this journey is never ending, wish me luck!
  • If you are still at work do you have a store or place where you could buy a pack of almonds or a string cheese before you head out?
  • Order the tortilla soup, no guac, cheese or tortillas. That's 350-400 calories max.
  • I like to bring pretzel chips for salsa so I can munch a little, but be portioned controlled
  • Good luck .. I know you will make it just fine!
  • How did your night go?
  • Not perfect...I had one margarita and I munched on some nachos, but that was my dinner. I did my best to keep my portions in check. I rarely go out socially so I figured a small splurge would be ok. Back to my real life today Before an early week splurge would have ruined the entire week, but my breakfast and lunch are in the fridge and I jogged this morning so this really is my real life
  • Things happen, but try not to let it get you down. I binged on doritos and KFC last week and somehow lost 13lb. You'd be surprised what happens sometimes lol. But anyway, it sounds like you didn't do too badly at all! Good luck
  • Recently, I had nachos (and hummus) as my dinner out with friends. It's not the healthiest thing in the world, but it has some nutrition.

    It sounded like you did well at your party.
  • Sounds like you did ok!

    I took my girls to the movies last night and couldn't resist the popcorn. I was happy when the scale didn't budge this morning!