Everyone Weigh in 10/23/09

  • It's time for the 3FC general weigh in thread. Everyone is welcome to join, just jump in whenever your official weigh in day rolls around. Good luck, everyone!

    Me: 192.5, down 1 pound from last week. Might not have had the loss had I not been so sick this week. My husband and I both have nasty colds (no fever, so not the flu, thank God) and missed work. I pretty much go into hibernation mode when I am sick, and managed an impressive 17 hour stint in bed yesterday, most of it asleep (some of it being "entertained" by an energetic kitten). I wonder how many calories are in Theraflu and Nyquil.
  • I weighed 222 today, so no loss this past week. I looked over my food journals and I see that I have not been eating breakfast, I need to drink more water and exercise more. I did meet my Halloween goal early and I hope to drop a pound of two before next weekend.
  • I lost a pound this week. I increased my exercise, although it was not everyday, I did do a couple long cardio sessions, an hour walk, plus a couple toning exercise videos ( those exercise videos left me sore). I did a poor job at tracking, need to work on that, but I did try to stay away from white four and sugar.
  • 209.8

    My weight loss really slowed. I'm not sure what happened, whether I'm normalizing, or not eating enough, or eating too much...
  • Down .6 for a total weight loss of 20.8. A disappointing loss, but I had a crazy week, so at least I lost!
  • Down 2.5 this week to 162.5 after a few weeks in a holding pattern due to some vacation travel so I'm completely psyched to be back on a losing streak!