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MoonGirl 05-07-2009 03:16 PM

This Is Really Hard!!
Is anyone else finding dieting really, really hard??

I've been dieting since the 21st of February and have lost 33lbs, however, am properly bored of eating the same things, panicking about whether or not I'll lose weight this week or not and having my jeans sliding down my arse constantly because they're too big but the smaller size are too small.

Sometimes I could scream with fustration and other times I could cry with dissapointment.

I feel like my life is on hold until I lose the weight. I don't want to go out or see friends, I just want to chat about dieting or research it online.

Please reassure me that we all feel like this.


Razorcandy 05-07-2009 03:25 PM

I started at the end of March. Last week I got bored! I mean really bored. So I took a trip to the farmer's market. I bought a bunch of things to cook with. I also have re-introduced some foods into my diet. I think when we get bored we need to change things out. Thank about before we dieted, we ate a variety, well thats the key now too.

Yeah, I too have been isolating myself a little bit. My friends would pressure me into going for fast food but I think its something we need to deal with now because when we are thin, the same pressure will be there.

Maybe you could meet your friends for a movie (after you ate dinner at home so you wont be tempted to snack). I went to a movie lastweek and brought my own ricecakes in my purse. I snacked on 100 cals worth during the movie and didn't feel deprived.

Oh and yes, I too spend LOTS of time searching diet info and such online. You're not alone.

Shannon1983 05-07-2009 03:28 PM

I am totally there now.. and I totally feel for you. I just had to call my hubby at work to get him to give me a kick in my butt and do my exercise TV. Thank god he owns his business because if i didnt have him to kick start me one a week i would be 1000 pounds i know this...

I just had to put the scale in the basement because i am tired of getting on it each day worrying about what i weigh.. I have decided i will weigh in 2 times a week. Thursday and Monday ONLY!!!

I now if i dont stick to his then i will be glutten for major punishment because i will get depressed and then want to eat and eat and eat.. Then back to square one..

I totally feel with you for you and so on... I think we are all at that point once in a while we just have to give each other a boost to get through it and then we need to keep going..

Best of wishes to you!!!

kiramira 05-07-2009 03:39 PM

Ms MoonGirl! MAN can I feel for you. We ALL go through this.

So all I can say is RELAX. Buy a belt for your pants. Get out there and live a bit of a life. Get busy and get your mind off of thinking about "weight loss" 24/7 (still keep on track, though!). Find a new activity (belly dancing? rock climbing?)! Volunteer at the hospital. Just get busy and discover that life out there that is passing you by right now.

Since you can't control the speed of your weight loss, why worry about it? If you are on plan and exercising, it will happen in its own time. So don't waste the energy on obsessing about it!

Cut yourself some slack, live the new lifestyle, and just BREATHE. It WILL get better, promise...and right now, you need to live the best life that you can right now.


PinkyPie 05-07-2009 03:39 PM

While I'm not bored at the moment, I do know how you feel and have been there often.

The last 10 years of my life have been very actively losing, maintaining, gaining, getting bored, losing all control, losing again, etc. And not only do I get bored, but I then think about how boring it must be to the people in my life as well and then I feel bad and the cycle starts again.

So really, if we get bored then, yeah, we have to change things up a bit! We are the ones that control this! Relish in the fact that your jeans are sliding off your arse! You know how many people are jealous of that right now??

What's the alternative, at the end of the day, right?

Delphi 05-07-2009 04:08 PM

I've always been quite outgoing, but I can definitely relate to feeling "on hold" until I lose the weight. Even on those days where I get bored I just remember how miserable I feel in the summertime with all this weight; how my knees hurt when I run; how bad I felt when I look in the mirror and see this flabby shell looking back at me; how many times I cried myself to sleep because I was so embarrassed to leave my house....then I realize, for every bad moment I've had over-weight I can triple with good ones once the weight is off.

Hang in there dear! Shake things up a bit with diet and exercise so things don't seem so mundane.

Another suggestion, that I have recommended to friends was volunteer work at the children's hospital. I'm down there quite often due to my son's condition, but it's amazing at how strong these kids are...whenever I get down and start feeling sorry for myself, I remember my son and his daily struggle and all those kids that I spent so much time with...I remember their courage and it immediately brings a smile to my face. The point is...sometimes we just need to put our lives into perspective and find our "happy thoughts"....

beerab 05-07-2009 04:16 PM

I don't get bored simply because I always look for new recipes.

Try sparkpeople.com, tons of great recipes, everything from low cal to low carb :) I have found so much there!

shrinkingviolet 05-07-2009 04:20 PM

MoonGirl, 33 lbs. since February is awesome. You are only 20 lbs. from your goal, so hang in there. Think Summer. Think of all the clothes you will get later. Let your pants slip a little a little while longer. I have been stalled at 166 lbs. for months now. While I'm happy to be holding steady instead of gaining, I was hoping to be at 130 lbs. by June. That is clearly not going to happen at this point. I am kind of where you are at. It is hard. If it were easy everyone would be doing it : ) I'm eating very healthy, but I need to eat less and that is where I'm going wrong. I keep starting anew every few days. I understand. But you are so close to your goal. I understand about putting your life on hold, also. But don't. Carpe diem no matter what your weight. Good luck, MoonGirl, I'm cheering you on.

Phyxius79 05-07-2009 04:37 PM

The pants thing is driving me insane too. Man I can't wait to get to the size I want to get to and stay there. I have a belt and it helps but only so much.

The food thing needs a little something something. Same old is just old.

I actually gave my mom a little pep talk - or a yelling at - yesterday. She is trying to lose weight too but is not on as intense of a plan as I am. I count calories and exercise at least 45 minutes a day. She eats a healthier and is trying to exercise. She said she rolled (lawn roller) a path thru her lawn (they have 3 acres) so she can walk on it and it will be smoother. I asked 'why roll it - it is exercise - it is not suppose to be easy' plus dad rolls it every spring and fall - their lawn is already smooth. She took some offense to it. I told her 'she was mad because she knows I am right'. We of course are very open and can say things like that to each other and not dwell on it. No hard feelings. But by saying that to her last night opened my eyes a little more. I have been slacking because 'This is Really Hard' and I need to tuffen up because it is not suppose to be easy!

The things in life worth having don't come easy.

Lachelle 05-07-2009 06:07 PM

OMG the pants thing drives me INSANE!

JulieJ08 05-07-2009 06:17 PM

I hated the baggy pants too. Belting them may have kept them up, but looked terrible on me. I found that even getting just one pair of pants that fit great and showed my weight loss did wonders for my mood and motivation.

bobblefrog 05-07-2009 06:53 PM

I like doing thrift stores - a cheap way to get clothes you don't mind giving back after a few months? And the smaller you get the more cool clothes you find....

mizmizzy 05-07-2009 07:49 PM

In the past after I lost weight I started to feel like that and I gave up and I gained back all the weight over time. I wish I could go back and not have given up on myself! Please encourage yourself to stick to your goals this time and not to give up. You are doing incredibly well and it would be a shame to stop now! You've believed in yourself this far along, dont stop now =)

tarryn 05-07-2009 07:58 PM

Im also there right now!!

Ive been especially on plan for about 2 whole weeks, not treats or anything..and i think it was a bad idea! i went all out with the exercise and now i hate healthy food and i hate exercise cos i over did it!

But ive now realised this, and just have to keep telling myself that if i wanna be healthy..you just have to PUSH through!!arr!

teawithsunshine 05-07-2009 11:24 PM

OH YEAH, I'M SO totally am with ya girl!

I lately I've been feeling so discouraged sometimes... I've only lost 1.8 lbs in the last 4 weeks and yet, I'm trying really, really, really hard in calorie counting and in exercising!

I sweat my behind off 6 days a week with three days of weight lifting... I feel soreness from time to time in my muscles as I keep trying to improve my cardio/weight lifting routines by upping the incline/resistance on the elliptical (for example) or graduating from 10 lbs dumbbells to 12.5 lbs! (*Okay, that was cool in itself! :cool:)

Sometimes, I feel I'm not doing my best - even when I'm in the middle of my cardio session or pumping iron - and I feel let down :( It's a constant struggle to keep going at times!!

I also get that "worry" about a day or 2 before I'm set to go weigh myself as I do on a weekly basis. It's hard!!

You can do it!! :)

~ tea

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