how not to be tired?

  • Anyone got any fixes for this? I sleep 8 to 9 hours a night, my usual is, I drink 1 cup of coffee in the morning, an occasional diet coke, I cut out almost all processed foods and upped my whole grains and veggies, been on this way of eating since December. I was feeling pretty good but not anymore. I can't seem to make myself exercise, I feel sleepy all day, one day of activity wipes me out for days. I hate feeling like this and I don't want to rely on extra coffee or diet cokes or 5 hour energy(even though I love how those make me feel). Anyone got any good supplement recommendations?
  • Have you had a checkup lately? It could be something like anemia or a hormonal or thyroid issue. You might consider getting a physical if you haven't had one recently.
  • What is your quality of sleep like lately? Are you dead to the world all night, or do you wake up and stew for an hour or two?

    Are you stressed or depressed? This can really take it out of you and leave you feeling exhausted.

    What is your workout like...are you doing too much? Are you giving yourself a day or two off each week? I find that I cannot do 6-7 days of exercise a week anymore at age 47...just can't. So I concentrate on 5 good quality days and give myself and my body a break.
  • I was told that eating an apple in the morning gives you the same amount of energy as a cup of coffee. I find that when people cut out coffee, they go through an initial withdrawl phase (lasting 1-3 weeks), but then they feel more alert and have more energy. This especially works if you up your water intake, I try to get in at least 2 litres a day.
  • I agree to possibly see a doctor to rule out anything else. I was tired all the time, sleeping 9+ hours a day, come to find I had sleep apnea.
  • I have acute anemia and if I don't stick to my iron supplements and iron filled food I'm dragging everyday. maybe you should have a blood test done to see if that is the problem. I also heard that if you don't drink enough water you feel tired...just my two cents
  • I agree.just have a doctor rule out any medical cause.Fatigue is such a general symptom and unfortunately a symptom of most medical problems.I would guess you are fine medically.But a general blood workup can rule out many things.Sounds like you need a CBC and metabolic panel just to be sure.Sleep apnea(as mentioned above) is another concern.You can usually have that done at home by wearing a oxygen saturation monitor at night.Although if you have kids, a job, a husband.....doctors will usually say its expected because us women are caregivers and we should be tired considering all we know your body better than anyone.If you really think there is something wrong, insist on the medical tests to rule all those things out.Good luck.I totally understand what you are feeling.
  • How much (real) sugar have you been eating lately? I remember a while back you said you were having a hard time staying on plan, have you totally got back on the wagon? I know that lately I've been adding a few treats here and there into my plan, (mostly sugar related) and I have been so tired I can't stand it. I'm trying to go a week without ANY sugar to see if I get my old energy back. It seems to really play games with my head. I just can't do sugar in moderation.
  • Quote: What is your quality of like lately? Are you dead to the world all night, or do you wake up and stew for an hour or two?

    Are you stressed or depressed? This can really take it out of you and leave you feeling exhausted.

    What is your like...are you doing too much? Are you giving yourself a day or two off each week? I find that I cannot do 6-7 days of exercise a week anymore at age 47...just can't. So I concentrate on 5 good quality days and give myself and my body a break.
    Nope, no stress or depression, Im really haven't been exercising that much because I feel so sleepy. Its like if I spend a day doing stuff it takes me days to get over it. I understand maybe needing a day but 2 or 3? I really think its nutritional. while I have upped the veggies, I don't eat a wide varity of them and not everyday, I am not a very big fan of veggies but I eat way more now than I use to. I think I am going to try a whole food supplement like from Nature's way or Garden of Life. The nature's way has an Iron and No Iron version, not sure if I should try iron or not.
  • Iron supplementation can be kind of tricky, so like other posters, I would really recommend that you go see your doctor and have some blood work done. Tell him that you're on a weight loss program and that you feel tired all the time.

    I began feeling tired all the time after a few months when I was first losing--increasing the amount of protein I ate helped. I also took a once-daily multivitamin.

  • Quote: I find that when people cut out coffee, they go through an initial withdrawl phase (lasting 1-3 weeks), but then they feel more alert and have more energy. This especially works if you up your water intake, I try to get in at least 2 litres a day.
    This is *EXACTLY* what happened to me. I cut out all forms of caffeine. I was practically living on diet pepsi at the time and let me tell you giving it up was tough but once I got past that I found that without the caffeine and more water I had tons more energy...all day and every day.

    Now when I exercise I feel totally wiped out immediately afterwards but once I have had a nights sleep I wake up feeling refreshed and energized.