15 lbs in 2 months - realistic??

  • Hi! Brand new to this forum, but wondering if anyone has any insight...I have been struggling to lose the same 6-7 lbs since January. I have been working out, doing WW....it's FINALLY starting to come off and I am trimming down, but i am a ways from my goal. Do you think it's realistic to lose 15 more lbs in exactly 2 months? Getting married in 61 days from today! Is this a realistic goal?
  • If you lose 2 lbs a week consistently, you would be able to lose 16 lbs in 2 months so 15 lbs is realistic. Just keep doing WW and working out. Good luck!!
  • oh yes 15 lbs in 2 months is very realistic.... good luck!
  • you can why dont you just mix it up maybe do some weight tranning for those 2 months 3 times per week .............i worked for me
  • I am around your size and its doable, you just need a lot of dedication! Track everything you eat & the amount of exercise.