I dragged my big 'ole butt to the treadmill!

  • welllllllllllll, I thought about using the weather as an excuse not to work out today (I've been walking several miles after work for several months and have been losing weight that way).

    Then I thought to myself, I still wanna see myself try to get to 199 lbs by New Year's, and that's not gonna happen AT ALL if I buy into the excuse of doing nothing due to the snow/ice that's currently blanketed my city and NOT work out. (I'm currently at 203 lbs).

    So I got on my treadmill arriving home for the first time in months this past evening, and did something new: I upped the incline to level 5 since I was used to walking in a hilly environment after work and did a challenging, steady 30 minute walk at 3.6 mph (not counting warming up/cooling down) without dropping off!

    So, of course after the workout & dinner, I just went into a LOOOOONG nap! LOL!

    I'll up the minutes as I go on. Tonight I'm just getting accustomed to the treadmill since it's a new transition for me from walking several miles outside each evening! And I gotta tell ya chickies (I'll regret saying this tmr! lol), but it felt GREAT to just be able to achieve that level of fitness for that evening!
  • Fantastic

    Just think, this time of year most people are using theirs as a clothes rack or dust collector. You are one step ahead of the game, and working out when all you want to do is curl up and stay warm is worth double points!
  • Good for you! That's great!