50 Lbs Down

  • I haven't weighed this little since my daughter was about 1 year - and she's a freshman in college.
    I feel kind of weird about this - I promised myself that when I got down to 225, I would have knee replacement surgery.
    Well, if I want to do that, I need to start talking to people about getting the surgery. I need to do it - exercising with a knee this bad is starting to cause problems in my hip.

    It did take me about a year - but I also was in treatment for breast cancer, so I have decided that
  • That's amazing I'm proud of you
  • You should be proud, that's great!
  • Kudos to you! I know how difficult it is, but you persevered.
  • WTG!
  • BRAVO!!!!!

  • You should be proud!! Congrats!!
  • It doesn't matter how long it took to get there, and it looks like you had some major stuff going on anyhow. What matters is you did it! Congrats! I hope you can get the surgery soon so you can feel better.
  • Good job!