Quoting Glory

  • The following is what Glory said in another thread:

    This might sound silly, but I had two "mantras" I use (and sometimes still use) to defuse binge scenarios.

    The first is "dripping water can eat through stone" - just to remind myself of the hundreds of little things I do every day to stay thin (stopping at the store to buy berries, even if I don't feel like it, taking the stairs at work, not the elevator etc). The second one is "my hand, my mouth" just to remind myself that eating/being overweight is not something that happens TO ME but it is something that I control. Even recently, it has stopped me from eating foods I didn't want to eat by just whispering "my hand, my mouth" a few times until I was able to throw it away (I'm sure anyone that heard me would have thought I was a kook!)
    This just blows me away. It is so simple, but so important! I have been trying to ask myself if I am really hungry before I eat something. The problem is that I really don't know if I am hungry or not. I sure as heck do know how dripping water works and whose hand is feeding me

    I can't imagine anyone can top these two mantras, but has anyone else got a good one?
  • I really love those!
  • Those are really good mantras.

    Another thing I do to try to keep myself on track is carry a picture around of me when I was skinnier. Everytime I think about going to the vending machine at school or having an extra serving when I know I'm not really hungry, I look at that and think about how much I want to lose weight so I can be happier and healthier.

    Thanks for the posting! I'm going to start saying those things to myself as well.
  • Wow, thanks for this post! I honestly thought most people would think I was nuts, muttering to myself and then throwing away cake. I have to confess, I actually got "dripping water can eat through stone" as a tattoo - my 1 year maintenance anniversary.

    It's a Chinese proverb that means "perseverance," 4 traditional Chinese characters, vertically on my back. It's about 3 inches long and starts about 1 inch below a normal shirt collar. When I got it, I had no idea that so many people thought Chinese tattoos were tacky! I loved the meaning and the way it looked then and I still love it every day.

    It's important to me - I have to make sure it's true everyday. If I gain all my weight back, I'll be wearing a lie. It definitely keeps me inspired and motivated!
  • I really like Glory's mantras.

    I'm not sure whether I'd call it a 'mantra' as such, but I have spent a LOT of time over the past 4 years (just over two years losing the weight and just on two years at maintenance) telling myself "It isn't an option".

    When I didn't feel like exercising - "It isn't an option".

    When I wanted to eat junk food when I already had healthier foods prepared - "It isn't an option".

    When I wanted to go back for seconds, but didn't REALLY need it - "It isn't an option".

    It is also great to fall back on that when I ever worry about putting the weight back on - "IT ISN'T AN OPTION!" I intend to keep up the healthy lifestyle, so gaining the weight back just isn't something I am willing to consider.

    It has worked for me. I am the same as Glory in that I sometimes said it outloud. When I was shopping, early in the journey and I wanted the bag of chocolates or candy, I would actually whisper to myself "It isn't an option Zelma". People may have thought I was slightly insane, but it worked to deter me.

  • Well, next time I see a woman muttering to herself as she walks by the candy store in the mall, I will know what it is all about!

    Glory and ZedAus, I have enjoyed reading your stories more than once in the goal section!

    Glory, I am 65 years old, so I am not into getting a tattoo myself, but I always liked the chinese characters on young women. They don't look tacky to me, but what do I know. Anyway, I can see why you don't want to "wear a lie". Besides, gaining the weight back would probably mess up the tatoo.

    I think both of you are stressing personal responsibility with your "self-talk". No one but me is making me fat (in my case, anyway, I know some folks have medical problems).
  • Quote:
    I'm not sure whether I'd call it a 'mantra' as such, but I have spent a LOT of time over the past 4 years (just over two years losing the weight and just on two years at maintenance) telling myself "It isn't an option".

    When I didn't feel like exercising - "It isn't an option".

    When I wanted to eat junk food when I already had healthier foods prepared - "It isn't an option".

    When I wanted to go back for seconds, but didn't REALLY need it - "It isn't an option".
    I took a long at your website, Zelma, & I must say, you are TRULY inspiring! You look like a completely different person, & I can only imagine how wonderful you must feel! Thank you for sharing "you"!
  • Those are great. My friend always says there is no try, just do it.
  • Ha Yoda quote

    Luke: All right, I'll give it a try.
    Yoda: No. Try not. Do... or do not. There is no try.
  • Wow, these are great, thanks for sharing them. I love the "my hand, my mouth" !!!
  • Glory-

    Great tattoo idea. I only find Chinese tattoos tacky, if they mean something tacky. (About a decade ago, I had a friend who had Chinese lettering that meant "loves women", which I think is a perfect example of this... )

    I think that if it is your mantra, and something that really helped you, then it is perfect.
  • These are really great mantras and Im definately going to be using them the next time I get a craving