Diet Betting article in the NYT

  • Hi--

    Saw something in the NYT the other day that caught my interest and thought chickies on this forum would be interested in. It's about the new "craze" about diet betting over the internet.

    Title of article: "Dieting? Put Your Money Where Your Fat Is"
    Author of article: PAMELA WEILER GRAYSON


    ~ tea
  • I couldn't get that link to work for me, but I found another article about it. Very interesting! I knew people had little bets for dieting but I didn't know there was a site that facilitated such a thing. They talk a lot about the money but I think it's also the incentive of competition and the glory of winning. Whatever works
  • Eh, wouldn't work for me. I'd be resentful over "losing" when I was in fact meeting all my goals (goals based on actions and choices) and therefore "winning" in what matters to me. It would be supportive of my priorities. But one thing I've learned is that everyone is different.