That time of year to update!!

  • Update what you ask? Why your bio's!

    For those of us who have been here awhile, we need to get in there and make sure we're up to date on everything. Unless of coarse you've stopped having a birthday and you're 25 forever.

    For all the newbies, if you haven't filled out a bio and are comfortable w/it, go ahead and fill one out. We'd love to get to know you more!!

    And remember, In the interest of space, the bio thread will be updated periodically to remove random comments after they are no longer fresh, and to remove the bios of those who no longer (or never did) post on the other threads with us.

    And if for some reason we accidently removed your bio and you are still posting, please accept our apologies.

    Now, after all that, I think I'll wait until January to update mine, after my birthday.
  • I updated mine yesterday :)
    Quote: ... I think I'll wait until January to update mine, after my birthday.
    YAY!! I won't be the only one getting older around here!
  • bump