college and dorm life

  • living in the dorms can be a challenge with all the food in the dining halls and all the snacks in our rooms but I was thinking an awesome way to get past all this stress would be to start a little group? anyone wanna join in? I was thinking maybe we could post our food & excercise diaries? and any other suggestions?
  • whaaaaaaaaaaaaa===i wish i was young enough to be pigging out in the dorm again!!!===my kids are ============best of luck!!! i do remember keeping cheddar cheese in the window and a box of crackers by the bed {we didn't have fridges in the rooms back then}--i also remember the vending machines~~~BEST OF LUCK TO YOU!!!! {unb graduate 1980}
  • Hey icecreamjunkie, I lived in a dorm four years ago. I am a senior now, and I cannot imagine ever going back there again. Do you have your own fridge? I would recommend getting one, if you don't already have it, and put healthy food choices in it. The single item that saved me was my George Forman Grill. I would get one of those if I were you. They are very compact and you just plug it into the wall. It is about $25 and is great to make any kind of meat, and also those panini sandwiches...and anything else creative you can come up with. The good thing is that all of the fat drips off of the meat because it is on an incline.
    I would love to talk to you to help you get through that tough time ( the "freshmen 15"). I actually lost weight throughout freshmen year because I finally could buy the food I wanted (healthy food) and I had to walk all around campus. Boys were another motivation not to pig out so much too .
    The weight I have to lose now is the weight I gained from being pregnant with my daughter. She's 18 1/2 months old now, so I have no excuses anymore!!