Chit Chat #77

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  • WELCOME to the Jaded Ladies!

    We are a friendly group of ladies that share the daily aspects of our lives with each other...not just weight loss.

    Won't you join us?
  • Hiya ladies,

    Cristi - thanks for starting the new thread. You say you are in a mood... anything going on that you want to share? Sometimes it helps to rant here with the other JLs! I know I've done my share of it, lol. Just know that I'm here for you, ok?

    Katiecat - thanks for the birthday and anniversary wishes!

    Angie - got your birthday card, and had a good laugh over it!!

    Shanna - thanks for your thoughts of me during my testing!

    Marti - glad all is going well at work. I would hate to pay to park at work, too. When you get moved to the Sony bldg will it be free?

    Katy - hope things settle down a little bit for you. What class/es will you be taking?

    Hello to all others.

    Well, the mammogram is over and it went fine. I had a very nice technician, although she seemed very young, and even had braces on her teeth, lol. But she was nice and capable. Then, I didn't get to do the cholesterol test since nobody told me I was supposed to fast for 8-10 hours beforehand. So I'll be going 1st thing in the morning, before breakfast. I will for sure be saving some points for a late snack tonight, or my sugar will dip in the AM.

    I'll see my doctor (a GP) Monday for the pap smear, and I know she will be very happy and surprised to see my weight loss. This will be the first time in years that I haven't dreaded the scales.

    Hope everyone is having a great day.
  • Angie just called me.... and said her computer is sick and at the 'puter doctor! Hopefully, she'll get it back this week. In the meantime, she says Hello to everyone, and she'll check in when she can.

    I have to tell you, it was just great talking with her! She has the nicest voice and such a good sense of humor.

    Anyway, hopefully she'll be back soon...
  • Evenin' gals! Finally made it home from work, figured I'd stop in here first before anything else took up my time.

    I had a talk with the "new boss" at the agency. She hadn't been given the whole story of my resignation/transfer of depts. I had talked to her about the positions in the past, so she knew I was interested at one point in time. She was very receptive, said we would have to have an "interview" and then go through HR for the official transfer over. It's been really hard to not say too much at the office. I figure vague and evasive is good for now. Once it's official though, I'm gonna tell everyone. Apparently my "old boss", also known at THE NUTBALL, has told the other lead that I'm just too immature and don't have any loyalty to the agency. Wait til she gets wind of this!!!

    But alas, ever since I resigned my appetite has returned. Darn it. Stress can be good for some things. Now I have to work on that again. My new neighbors moved in over the weekend. She is about as big as a toothpick. I swear, needs to be force fed a hamburger and milkshake! Anywho, maybe she'll inspire me to be a little more conscientious (sp?) about my food choices.

    Jana - I'm glad your mammogram went well. I can't imagine you'd have a cholesterol problem. Obviously you eat well, and exercise. Just as a side note, if your total cholesterol seems high, take a look at your HDL (the good cholesterol). If it's high too (and hopefully it is) it will raise your total along with it. My total went up 20 points and I freaked. But then realized that my HDL went up almost the exact same amount. I'm also lucky enough to get my pap smear soon, Thursday to be exact!

    Marti - What a wacky schedule. It will be nice to get settled into your regular hours. I have to say, we are pretty lucky around here, very few people in this area have to pay to park. That seems to defeat the whole purpose of working, like with child care. Pay someone most of your income to watch your kids while your at work. Silly.

    Well, I have to run. Thunderstorm is rolling in, and I want to go out on the porch and watch it!

  • Hello ladies--

    Just a quick pop in tonight...I will post more in the morning before work. Today was an easy day. Saw body parts that I found interesting....(not the body parts themselves....just the idea that we get them in our room) The job is definately something else. The atmosphere is very laid back...yet they get the job done. I think once I get used to it all and start getting to know the people.....I'll really like it. I've talked to so many people who are just really looking forward to moving to the Sony building.....only for the PARKING! It's free parking there....where as there are some people who hop parking spots on breaks! That's too much, and if traffic gets backed up....OMG....then what??

    Hope you all have a wonderful night and a great day tomorrow....

    I will check back in then!

    Night ladies!
  • Hiya Ladies,

    Jen - yep, "vague and evasive" is sometimes very smart, lol. I bet you'll be glad when the transfer is a done deal. How long will it take? The only reason I am at all worried about my cholesterol is because it tends to run in the family, even with a healthy lifestyle. Two of my sisters have had to resort to meds for control. Here's hoping mine is in the acceptable range.

    Marti - body parts? Like livers and gizzards?? This job is going to give you a whole new catagory of JL topics, lol.

    Just got off the phone with an upset friend who is having a problem with a mutual friend of ours. Sheesh... why do people waste precious time holding grudges and pointing fingers? Life is too short for bitterness!

    On a happier note, another friend is taking me to lunch today, since my birthday was on the weekend, and we couldn't do it then. I chose Applebee's and am going to have the Baja Chicken Rollups. Never had this dish yet, but it looks good...

  • Good morning.....

    Jana--I saw an apendix, gall bladder, and a womans right breast. Very interesting!

    I will have to do individuals later since I need to go back to the other post....and I only have a few minutes. Tomorrow I don't go into work until 10:30.....or is it 11:00? I better check on that! I really need to get a routine going.....I've been eating on the go or not healthy at all! NOT GOOD. So I may see a couple of those pounds I lost coming back!

    ok...I will be back later on tonight to do my individuals.....sorry this was so short!

    Talk to you then.
  • Hey Girls
    Hope everyone is having a good week!!Mine is so so, same old garbage as usual!! Co- workers who dont want to do their work, people who talk about one another... Same old junk!!! Kind of down and out this week, guess I just have a lot on my mind!!! Jana, didnt catch how your doctors appt went? Hope it all turn out alright!!!

    Marti: I think I missed what exactly your new job entails?? I was interested when I started hearing all about body parts??? Maybe you could fill in the piece for me?? HAHA

    Katy: Thanks so much for the fertility advice, I will check that site out!! We had the count done and they came back and said it was very very low, so now he has to see an endocrinologist to make sure that hormone wise everything is alright, His primary care doctor thinks that it could be an issue of having a very low testosterone level!! But wont put him on medication for that until he sees the endocrinologist! I dont have any problems myself, so we're hoping it's just an issue of the testosterone because we both want children very bad, it's just very tough waiting on it all!

    Well I'll check back in later HELLO to all the other gals!!!

  • Good afternoon ladies~

    Jeez, it took me forever to get on-internet is so very slow for some reason. Of course now I only have a few minutes to post. It has been a crazy, busy morning and I will post more later. Just wanted to say Hi.


    Have a good day everyone!
  • Hi y'all
    I have time for a quick check in today

    Jana - that photo IS the cutest! ....and I know cute, 'cause my kids are cute, (my completely unbiased opinion, of course!)

    Julie - I hope the ivillage site is helpful - personally, we wanted to avoid drugs for either of us ( I'm really wary of anything that messes with my hormone levels), so all of our initial tests were about ruling out all the physical problems it could blocked tubes, low sperm count, etc. Then we found out about and took care of the endometriosis via a laparoscopy and that was what did the trick for us. Hope your doc can figure out what's going on and that it's easy to fix.....

    Marti - I just have this feeling that your new job is going to be VERY interesting! You could pretend you work on CSI or something

    Jen - sounds like your job situation is going to work out well for you - wish I could be a fly on the wall when your current boss finds out about your transfer.

    My DD is pestering me, so gotta go for now
  • Hello ladies… are you all doing?

    Nothing new here, same stuff different day.

    Brandon has been doing something else that is the cutest thing ever! My SIL Wendy asked him if he had any muscles like daddy yet and he put his arm up like men do when they have muscles. My hubby asked him on Sunday if he had big muscles like daddy and he did it again!

    Well, Brandon ran out of formula Monday afternoon. Thank goodness for my SIL Wendy giving us formula coupons! We used one of them and got two of the ready to use tall containers for $3! Well, they were $5.98 a piece and in order to use the coupon we had to purchase something over $10, so those would work for us. (Tommy had a craving for some brownies so we had to pick up a box so he could make some.) Thankfully my dad IMed me yesterday and asked when we would be coming up there next because they have about 50 cans of formula for us! Which couldn’t of come at a better time since it looks like after we give my sister the rent money, we will be pretty much flat broke.

    Brandon, we are hoping, will be into his big boy room by the end of this week. We have to find our three hole outlet so we can plug in the phone, my alarm clock and then the monitor. Because he is getting wayyyyyyyyyyy to big for the bassinet!

    And…..I guess you can say that we will be trying again for #2 soon. Saturday night at Tommy’s cousin’s reception he was telling everyone that we talked to that he has been bitten by the baby bug and he is ready for number 2! I asked him last night “so are we officially starting for number two now since you went and told pretty much everybody?” and he goes “no….not yet. But I am bitten and I can’t wait for another one since he has been such a good baby.” So I will let you know when we officially start!!

    Jana~ We had a good time at my parents house. The Schwann’s truck was due to make a delivery while we were up there, so my mom gave us a catalog and told us to go shopping while he was there. We got some stuff that will last us a couple weeks, I hope. I have the papers to fill out for WIC, but I have heard so many ill words said about people on it, that I don’t want them directed at us. (And the main person to think about is my MIL.)

    Marti~ I love my FIL to death. It is just my MIL, BIL Tim and SIL (if you can call her that) Kim that I have to watch out for.

    Cristi~ My MIL is very old fashioned in all her ways! She has tried telling me on numerous occasions that I am not doing things right. She, I am sure, thinks bad of me because I don’t cook. I have been helping out, but Tommy prefers to do the cooking so I let him. She will tell me “a women’s job is to cook, not the mans.” When she told me that, I stopped dead in my tracks of what I was doing and I looked at her and said “well, your son is the one that loves to cook and I am not going to push him out of something he loves doing. Thank you very much.” She called here yesterday while we were gone and left this on our voicemail, “hi, it’s mom” and then hung up. I was thisclose to having Tommy call her back, but it was after 11pm.

    Katy~ Things haven’t improved yet, and I am sure that they won’t. I hate to do it, but if they can’t grow up then Brandon will be better off without them.
  • Good Morning-

    Ya, I missed the job you are doing now also Marti......what ARE you doing???? lol

    Just wanting to say hello.

    Basically the other job would be ok $$$$wise. ( I would save on babysitting- really just breaking even now .......but I am LEARNING on the job!!! lol) but I am thinking I wouldn't be happy. It seems like a step back - with an ex that is 70 I think I should be working towards being able to support these girls on my own.

    Also- do I really want to be a mile away from him?? He is in my life enough- I think I would feel trapped...........

    I better go-

    Hi to everyone!!!
  • Well, not too much going on here again today. At least things were less chaotic at the office today. I'm only going in for 1-2 hrs tomorrow afternoon, not at all on Friday. I have to work as "staff" in patients homes Friday and Saturday 3-11pm, plus 2 days next week, and 3 days my last week in this job. It's nice though, 4 weeks notice, but I'm only there part time! Ha ha on you NUTBALL! (I'm so bad!)

    Today was "soup day" at work. I stayed away from the creamy soups (potato soup, cream of broccoli, cheese) and went for the bean soup that was in a clear broth. It was pretty good, burnt my mouth though. Makes me want a nice cool day, leaves crunching when you walk, and a crock pot full of hot soup. Soon....

    Jana - Yeah, those darn genetics will get you everytime. I will be very glad when the transfer is a done deal. Tomorrow afternoon I'll talk again with the new boss. She's very nice and laid back. Not like the NUTBALL at all! It all depends on how fast human resources moves as to how long it will take. Maybe another week or 2. It's why the prez said my resignation notice would have to go for 4 weeks, so that we give HR plenty of time before I'm gone. October 1 is my last day.

    Marti - Ahhh, body parts. I see you've peaked everyone's curiosity now! I have seen pictures of my gallbladder, but didn't actually see it. I had it removed in 2001. You are part of the CSI team now! They just announced on the news that a local university is offering a "CSI" degree, criminalistics. Sounds like fun!

    Julie - good luck with the doctor appt. I hope that it's an easy fix for you guys.

    Katy - I know, I would love to see the NUTBALL's real reaction. She's so phony though. I don't know if anyone really knows who or what she is. She's also just like the "Stepford Wives". Almost eery.

    Well, gotta go, should call dbf and do something around this place!

  • Hi ladies!

    Wow....who knew I would strike interest in what I do? My title is Specimen Processor. I take all samples (blood, urine, paps, stool {yep..icky huh?} and so on) and input them into the computer. They are already in the tubes and stuff...I just scan them in so the info is in the computer system. There is more that I will eventually do, but that is all that they have me doing right now. As for the body parts.....we are the center of the company, meaning we are right smack in the middle of all departments....there is a chute that comes from the surgery room and some other room, that we pick up and deliver to another area...usually toxicology (I belive that's the room) and most of the time it's just blood samples that need to be taken to the blood room area ( I don't know the actual name) but every now and then a body part comes along. Today it was a small intestine. Very interesting. And that is what I do. Not hard....but not quite easy....more overwhelming. But I will eventually get a hang of it all.

    Jana--Let us know how your lunch went. Chicken Baja Rollups sounds really good. Never had them!

    Julie--Hope all turns out for you and BF so you can have children. You two will be in my thoughts!!

    Cristi--I'm hoping that your computer starts working better for you soon! Computers issues are the pits!

    Katy--I have never watch CSI so I have no idea what it's about. Clue me in.

    Mindee--Schwans!! Our driver stopped coming by back in May! Can you believe that? I should have called, but I decided that I would save some money by not ordering anything every month.

    Susan--I can understand you wanting to save money. And the feeling of taking a step back. And as long as your learning new things...who may get the perfect job soon!

    Jen--Soup! That has been on my mind all day today....not sure why. Probably because it's getting cooler out and I just love a bowl of soup! Bean soup sounds good. May have to take a trip to the store.....

    Hello to everyone else!!

    Ok..I got to find some kind of dinner!

    So I will check in tomorrow
  • Hiya ladies~

    It definitely has been a crazy day. DS#1 had car problems and it was fun and crazy trying to get things taken care of, running here and there. Glad it was just the battery and nothing serious. We are playing musical cars as it is and no way can 4 people try to use two cars, especially with that kids schedule and all the running around he does. Been staying home a lot because I really don't feel up to getting up at 4 to take V to work. So it's been fun-NOT! We haven't had the chance to go looking for a car for DS#2 who is using V's truck so it has been interesting. Then had to take the truck to V's work and leave it and take DS#2 to the doc about his finger. I swear they scheduled 10 people for 1:30 and they weren't taking it to well. We were there 1 1/2 hours so the doc could take five minutes to wiggle his finger and say I want to check you in three weeks but it looks fine-umm, duh!

    Jana~my mood I think is just from being bored with life in general. That and I have felt so drained the last few days. The allergies have really taken a toll on me. Anyway, being fat, being at home, not working, etc. I get in these moods once in a while because I have often thought there is a purpose for me in life but I don't know what it is or if this is it, being a mom, wife, etc. blah, blah, blah.

    Marti~computer is fine it was the internet. Not sure if it was the time of day or what. I signed on fine but it was taking forever for anything to come up. Your job sounds interesting. Makes me think of when I worked at the hospital and I had to take things to the lab-let me tell ya, some of that stuff was nasty!

    Susan~I can understand not wanting to be close to your ex, he probably has good intentions though, or I am hoping. It's good that you are learning all kinds of things on the job.

    Mindee~your MIL sounds like my mother! I had to tell my mother when I had my first born that I wanted to learn things on my own and do it my way but if I had a question I would ask her. She was staying in our house at the time and was always telling me how to do things, or how I should do them. I am glad that she respected me enough to let it go after we talked. Of course we are not close like I would like to be. And I really wouldn't worry about what others thought about WIC. Why not get the help if you can and it is available? My SIL did as did a couple of friends and if anyone thinks less of you for that then that is their problem.

    Hi to everyone else!

    Not much else to say. Maybe I will be more talkative tomorrow.