Mixed feelings on noticable? weight loss.

  • First off... I haven't even noticed any weight loss. I'm only down like 9 lbs.

    I took my daughter to dance class tonight and one of the other mom's whom I haven't seen in a few weeks says... "OMG You've lost a TON of weight!"

    Uhhh, ok. Thanks.

    I haven't even mentioned to anyone that I've embarked on this journey. So it's not like I had been talking about eating better and working out.

    I was polite of course, and honest. It wasn't THAT much weight loss. Maybe I've lost some more weight in my face? I don't know.

    On one hand, I'm like...nice. My efforts are getting noticed. And on the other hand, I'm thinking... Wow, I'm so fat, that this relative aquaintance has noticed a minor change.
  • I get what you're saying, but keep a few things in mind..

    One, a lot of people (myself included) lose weight quickly in their faces, which really stands out to people

    Two, 9lbs is a LOT! The general idea is 10lbs is a dress size

    I can see where you're coming from, but enjoy that people are noticing and commenting! That's the best feeling It's not all that minor. 10lbs won't be as noticable on someone who's much larger.. so keep that in mind
  • I know what you mean. It's hard to enjoy the compliment because your head keeps coming up with doubtful selftalk. I was thinking that maybe you're standing a little taller as well as sporting thinner cheeks. I know that when I work out regularly I tighten up my posture. You are doing so great with your nine pounds! I hope that I can reach that soon. :-)
  • Congrats on those 9lbs...it's a fantastic start. I had mixed feelings (and sometimes I still do) when people compliment me. It is nice that someone notices, especially when you don't as much since you see yourself all the time. On the other hand, I have gotten, "Oh, I'm so glad you lost so much weight, bc you looked horrible before." That from my own mother. Let it boost your confidence.
  • Yes, I'd go with it. Generally, people mean to be supportive and encouraging. I'm sure she admires your efforts and wanted to give you a boost! That would motivate me.