HAWT Biker Chicks - (aka Chicks on Motorcycles)

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  • I think we do need to start one.... how about hawter or hawtter biker chicks.... we are all hawter than when we started!
  • good morning!! Today I did Day 5 of Level 3. Then....I did Level 1. It was 'easy' for the cardio and abs, but the strength moves are still hard. I sweated buckets for the whole 40 minutes and feel good

    Today was the day I had thought about participating in a Patriot Guard Mission, but backed out at the last minute because...I had to ride over 30 miles to somewhere I've never been, arriving there by 10:00 a.m. and it is still below 30 degrees...and I wouldn't have known anyone there. I think those are okay reasons but my bike is totally clean and shined; my leathers and boots are black and glistening due to a cleaning with Doc Bailey's conditioner; so I'm like all dressed up and no place to go

    I did very well I think with posting my good calorie choices yesterday, over at Mandy's Challenge thread, until evening when I was then thinking about calories too much, and feeling hungry, and had uneccessary pb & jelly toast. Not a disaster but still too many calories to lose on.

    Today i need to call the Employment and Training State office, to file for unemployment, I think I'm entitled to at least a week, because of boss making us take two weeks off without pay.

    I know I told of doing yard work yesterday, the parts I did look soooo much better, and in contrast the un-done areas look extra awful but I will get it all done eventually ( I always do ) DH will comment that it looks good but the raking/picking up is all me.

    today was the first morning I woke up totally not stuffed up, and the amound of junk from my head is lessening each day

    well have a great day and I'm sure to check back in frequently.
  • I hate it that it was too cold for you to go. I rode to work this AM and it was about 55. I froze my nose off b/c I did not want to wear my "mask"...... It is supposed to be very pretty today. My "boss" (the physicians wife) and I are working late to do some computer work. She brought wine--- I am eating a veggie pizza then...... so I won't be eating much supper. I am still trying to lose.

    It is amazing at 196 how people tell me I don't need to lose anymore---- but I am still overweight. I am still trodding along though. I want to hit a solid 70 (meaning not teetering back and forth) by the time I leave for Vegas.

    Have I ever told you all my office is right next to a diet center? And, my back must be close to their scale. The ironically funny part is--- when someone loses weight they ring a COW BELL. I am telling you, if I did their program I would be like..... with the COW bell! Who needs that when they are overweight? Ring any dang bell, but a COW bell.

    Holly, enjoy this time off....... de stress. You will be fine.
  • Hi Girls

    It has been a very busy week, summers around our house are always busy with hardly no downtime, between bikes, river cabin, racing and of course work doesn't leave much time for much of anything else, but hey we are enjoying life

    Well Monday we sold the 1992 Nighthawk motocycle, and today my Yamaha sold so they are gone - sad but good

    I haven't got much exercise in this last week besided my 3 miles a day of which sometimes outside and sometimes on treadmil inside......

    Well Races started last night and my son got 2nd in his heat and 3rd in the feature so he did really good posting a couple of pics- one is before the sponsors were put on and the other was on the track

  • CC: I am still new.... I did not know you raced...... I bet you are sooo proud of your son! That car is rockin'.

    Holly, how is the "no job-- less stress" life going?

    I did something "crazy" today. I had my belly button re pierced as an "I did it" reward for winning the bet. I did it as a reminder of how far I have come! I don't want to go back to "plus size" again. As a bonus to the day, I got a pair of jeans I ordered off Ebay in a size smaller than I thought I could get in.... which is my goal size, and THEY FREAKIN FIT! They are not public ready, I have quite a muffin top and they are 80s tight.... but they are on! I am excited! I know that my size 12 is not an accomplishment to some, but last year this time I was wearing a tight 20 that should have been a 22! Heck, in October of 08 I was wearing them---- barley able to buckle the seatbelt on the airplane to see my son graduate AIT in Virginia.......

    Okay, I am done bragging for now. I have to get busy and do some laundry.
  • Tammy that is so awesome you have come along way and giving yourself some rewards just helps keep you motivated as well. Oh ya I hear ya about the cow bell thing - but that reminds me of when as a kid we ate at Long John Silvers and when done you always rang the bell before leaving.... Not for weight loss Someday soon I hope to be back on the losing side of things but right now I just don't have the motivation or something....

    Holly now you are done with work for a few weeks, I am sure you will get tons done at home but hopefully weather will straighten up so that you can also get some riding in as well Glad to hear that you are feeling much better it will only get better hopefully- sending you good healthy vibes
    I have not done a Patriot Guard Mission ride yet either but there was one last summer about 60 miles away and we were planning on going but something came up that we ended up not making it- it was a bummer but hopefully if there is one this summer we will be able to make it.

    I thought that Puffs must have changed what they were doing to the tissue to because it just didn't seem to be as comforting to the nose as it use to

    Weather was really nice here yesterday but had to work then got off and we were off to the track, didn't get home till about 2am this morning it was a long night but the track was running a special and we also had sprint cars racing last night of which we usually don't.

    Tammy-- Proud very much so my son does an awesome job at 19 years old, and he is racing alot of guys in their late 20's into their 30's that have been racing for sometime now it was funny so many of them were like wow where did he come from...... DH raced for many years back as our son was growing up then when he turned 10 we got him into racing go-karts then of course next step was race cars when he turned 15.

    Mandy, Jill, and Gina
  • good morning and happy Sunday! alot to comment on...

    Tammy - Congrats on the jeans!!! and on the belly button piercing!! I LOVE my bellybutton jewels, I think they are so sexy. And even if you don't show it, YOU know it's there. The cow bell - argh!! couldn't they come up with some other congratulatory sound?!

    - Congrats to your son! That car IS smokin. Good lord you have alot to do in your life!! Job with alot of resonsibilies and travel, the racing, trying to enjoy your bikes, your family, the house. And congrats on the bike selling, it's sad to see the old friends go but the $ is always helpful right.

    We were at a local swap meet all day yesterday, we had the United Motorcyclists of Vermont trailer and a table set up with membership info, bumperstickers (Save a Life, Look Twice for Motorcycles and Motorcycles Are Everywhere) buttons, patches. We sold $6 worth of UMV schwag but more important got the word out about our May 1st Storm the Statehouse gig.

    It was cloudy and barely 50 degrees, I was freezing! Untl husband brought out the tequila and that warmed us up a bit. My friend Pickles did ride about 20 some miles to come to the meet, I gave her much deserved kudos for saddling up on such a cold and cloudy day, and received my fair share of ridicule that I didn't ride, LOL!

    I bought a new pair of gauntlet gloves that will be perfect for me, even for summer, they're lightweight but have gel in the palms and a soft lining that feels great.

    Oh gosh, listen to this...last night DH and I were here at home, guess it was almost 8:00 pm, and we heard a motorcycle approaching on the road. We always pause and listen when a bike goes by, cause if it's someone we know, they will pause and rev or give a crack on the pipes, and a particular friend has pipes that really bark

    Well we heard the bike approach, .... but not continue on. then we heard it in the driveway. So we went out, and it was the friend with the loud pipes...asking for a flashlight to help him? BECAUSE HE WAS RIDING ALONG AT 70 MPH IN THE WOODS AND LOST HIS HEADLIGHT!!! Not that it fell off, that he lost power to the headlight, and the auxiliary lights also, so he was in total darkness. And this is a country road, NO street lights! and no other cars around to follow. And in 'moose infested' woods. So he had about 12 miles to our house, so he just sucked it up and rode those miles in darkness (sun had gone down maybe half hour earlier)

    He took off the seat to get to wiring and figured out what he could do, he needed a piece of wire that he then stripped and made a connection, and bingo light went on. He thanked us and left quickly, and about 7 minutes later called us from home (he lives 5 miles away) to let us know he was home safe. Can you imagine riding along at night and losing your lights???? Oh, and in that particular stretch of country, NO cell coverage from any provider.

    Oh I forgot to brag about something to you ladies - http://www.3fatchicks.com/forum/showthread.php?t=169444

    I skipped working out yesterday but this morning did Day ..5? I think of Level 3 of 30 day shred. I really should do something else to add because I've been eating like a heifer and I really do feel physically able to, my head and lungs are clearing out better and better.

    okay! I am LOVING LOVING LOVING time off And because the last two weeks of this month were mandatory time off, my wonderful boss made us all take 2 weeks vacay without pay, I qualify for at least one week's worth of unemployment ins. benefits, maybe 2 weeks. That sure helps.

    okay, I should rouse myself and do some outdoor work again, it's sunny and high 40's now, would be nice to get to the low 50's!
  • Holly, You should be proud that your recipie was published! I knew from the sound of you talking about your summer job you were an awesome cook. You should be soooo proud! And, please take this as a compliment--- for as good as you cook sweets, by all rights you should be a million pounds, but your drive for exercise keeps you in check.

    CC, do you mind me asking what you do for a living? Dang girl you make me tired you are on the go so much. I am sorry and happy you sold your bikes.... But, at least the bank account will make up for it. I think the same of you that I do Holly, you are soooo busy and if you were not, you would not be able to maintain through the depo like you have..... you are doing awesome!

    Mandy, how are you doing with the boxing?

    I binged pretty much all weekend. I have got to stop that! I am still teetering in the pounds department. I am still going to try to make my July Fourth goal....... I am studying on the idea of doing a "boot camp" when we get back from Vegas (I don't have enough time to do it before) I only have 2 weeks and 5 days until we leave for the big "V". Anyway, the bootcamp is 6 weeks and I want to give it my best shot...... and hopefully that will keep me on track to getting to goal.

    Okay...... I thought last week was the last week for brain rot, but the reunion show is coming on..... I have to watch the cat fights.

    Ttyl--- Tammy
  • OMG Holly that is so awesome, I don't do much cooking but have been to a "Taste of Home Cooking" show and it was awesome, I did buy a couple of their books and there are some awesome receipes none of them to heathly but very good

    Oh wow that would be way to scary for me driving in the dark with absolutely no lights I would have probably pulled over and started walking but not sure that would have been any better though...... Local Swap Meet that probably took up a day but it is always nice seeing people and socializing- I love to socialize Nice to hear Pickles was able to show and also rode in what 50 degrees- go girl

    Tammy I am a district supervisor for 10 convience stores. So really that keeps me busy as I am on call 24-7 but I honestly have a super great area, all my managers are very reliable and have been around for awhile some even longer than I have been - I just started with the company exactly 5 years ago as a manager and just after a year got offered this job - A few of the managers wanted this job so I thought there would be a little trouble but now they all say they wouldn't change it for the world, we all really get along great, I do love my job most days but of course it as with any job it has its days.......

    Vegas in 2 weeks and 5 days oh I am so ready for vacation, but it is all brought on myself, like I said we are busy but most of it recreational. It is one of those live life things because it can be shortened at any time..... DH father passed about 8 years ago at the age of 50 just went to bed and didn't wake up??? MIL decided not to have autopsy done so we don't know the cause, also DH grandfather and greatgrandfather both passed away in their late 40's early 50's so with that we just decided that we need to enjoy and be involved. Sorry got way off track there alittle

    Ok well I am not still on track--- Saturday was fine, but today well we had Taco Johns for lunch and for supper HuHot- we weren't home went to pickup a new motorcycle for our friends and bring it home then of course we had to go for a ride it was 48 degrees today but hey I put the stocking cap and gloves and leathers on and away we went YAY

    Ok better getting a few more things done before going to bed, talk to you tomorrow
  • Good morning! another sunny day before we get two days of rain. We have been lucky with the sun, so I won't complain about the rain too much. I did more yard work yesterday, it is an instant gratification thing at least, when the yard looks so much better with a little effort. Also dug up four young pine trees I found in the woods (our property, so I wasn't stealing them ) and planted them between our house and the road. More yard work to do today.

    Reda, I absolutely agree with your LIVE LIFE NOW! That is an awesome motto and you are doing it

    Tammy, I am sure you will grab hold of your dedication and keep going down As I need to do about food. We will do this!

    Hi Mandy, Gina and Jill!

    I will check back in after I exercise...and then...maybe I'll get up my courage and start a new thread for us, which I think I've done maybe once in my 6 years here
  • CC: My sister used to do the same thing you do, but she is in NM. She loved it too, but her husband had a brain aneurysm and then she broke her ankle and wrist. I hope she gets back to it one day. I agree with the live life now..... you never know. My ex husband (the boys dad) died of a massive heart attack at the age of 39. I am forcing our whole family to eat healthier partly b/c of this. His death made 4 generations that I know of that had a heart attack--- which by itself is not good for my boys, but my dad also died the same way..... those boys have a target on their heart and they know it.

    Holly, I would soooo hate to have to do with your friend had to do--- that would be scary! I don't ride much after dark but if I do I am not alone..... yet anyway. Thanks for starting the new thread, I have not done one yet....

    I binged all weekend, so in these last 19 days before I leave for Vegas (we are going!) I am going to try to eat better....... I got some books at the library yesterday and now I am "re thinking" my stay at the Stratosphere b/c it is so far away from the strip (which could be a good or bad thing). I am not sure yet. But, I do know I am soooo ready for a vacation and ready to get married!
  • New thread here! http://www.3fatchicks.com/forum/show...63#post2705763

    (and I'm pasting our last few posts to begin with)