help me find a home

  • I have tried a couple of different forums to hang out in but have not been able to stick to one yet. I guess I am still looking for just the right one. There are so many yet none seem quite right. I thought if i post about myself someone might say "wow, you sound just like us, come over here"
    so here goes:
    i have close to 100 pounds to lose. i am just eating healthy, well balanced meals, no specific plan. I am 34, married with 2 kids. i exercise some but not as much as i need to (working on that one). i work a full time job at a medical facility sitting at a computer all day then go home and do the full time mom and wife thing. My hobbies include baking and candy making (that is so dangerous, i have not done either in a VERY long time, looking to fill the void) and i also do arts and crafts stuff (crochet, cross stitch, card making, etc...). one day i would like to say that rock climbing is my hobby but right now i barely have the energy to get on the treadmill much less a hiking trail. hopefully that will change soon. I also have a couple of medical issues so meds are probably slowing down my progress some, but i need them so i am just dealing with it. we all have to deal with something, right?
    If anybody knows of a good home for me, i will be glad to come visit and see if i like it...amy