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melekalikimaka 02-01-2007 03:13 PM

Weighty Issues #49: Let's Get Back To Sexy!
:welcome3: to the February 2007 Weighty Issues Thread. We've gotten through January, are your New Year resolutions still on the front burner? If not, let's turn up the heat and get down to business. I want to be happy, healthy and sexy for my man this Valentine's day, how about you?

Need some new inspiration? We're a group of wonderful women from different walks of life, spread out from the East Coast :coolsnow: to the West Coast :shocksn: and the sunny Pacific :sunny: :rain: .

We support :cheer2: :congrat: each other through the highs :high: and lows :( of every day life--it's not just about weight loss :goodscale , it's about LIFE :dunno: . If you have something to say :gossip: or need a shoulder to cry on :cry: , come on in, :comp:
grab a chair and stay awhile :cofdate: . You'll be glad you did.

melekalikimaka 02-01-2007 03:24 PM

For the month of January I had a total loss of 8.4 lbs. I am probably weighing in at WW tomorrow but I will count those as February lbs. How'd everyone else do?

Mmmmm, I just had my yummy coffee and a low-fat blueberry muffin (I'm counting it as 6 pts) from Starbucks. Not the greatest breakfast but tasty and the coffee sure gives me a kick. It's a cool 73 degrees and the sun is out this morning but it is quite a bit overcast w/thundershowers forecast for the afternoon. I hope to be home by the time they hit. Michael is out on a field trip today so I hope the sun holds out for them.

Karen, I didn't quite need the fireplace just yet :D, I'm sure you're firing up your heat though and snuggling up with your girls to keep you warm. A nice pot of stew sounds great for a cold day. It reminds me of times when my mom would have a pot simmering on the stove after a rainy day at school. You're shooting for 10 miles a day woman?!! You are amazing with your motivation, go for it! You may not need that walking group come spring, your pounds will melt away with the snow :lol:

So did you catch American Idol last night? It was pretty good I think. I did catch that older gentleman singing You Belong To Me (i think that's the name of the song) but I didn't get the back story on him, something about his wife passing away... he had a nice voice. So who were your favorites?

Kempyd 02-01-2007 07:04 PM

BRRRR Karen that does not sound like a place I would want to live. I am a true southern and it shows when I get cold at 50. At least you are going to be pushing your dogs, mine drag me so I guess we are getting 2 diffrent kinds of resistnace. :lol:

Noelle you are doing good on WW. I have not started it yet and I might not. I seem to be doing pretty good with all the intense workouts. I have dropped 5lbs over the past week though. I am pretty sure most of it was water. I will take it though.

I orderd that book by Dr. Oz, the new one. My sis has it and said she really likes it. I am wondering if there is anythign that I don't already know in there. I swear I read every health book I can get my hands on. Funny, I usually can't take everything from them that I need to make weight loss stick.

Kempyd 02-02-2007 10:26 AM

Good morning. I am cleaning today. Doesn't that sound like fun? The fun part is not I have a place to put all of the stuff that has been sitting on the floor in the office. I guess I never realized how much stuff I had stored in the wrong place at the other house. I guess you do what you have with what you have.

What is eveyone up to today? Karen are you able to get out of your house?

Karen31 02-02-2007 10:43 AM

Ok I'm not happy today!! I got on those "MEAN OLD SCALES" :mad: and I gained a pound this week. I've really been trying hard and doingthe WATP's videos everyday. At least 3 or 4 miles each day, 150 crunches on the ab lounge and then 30 minutes on the treadmill (another mile) I've been using the SlimFast shakes and meal bars for breakfast and lunch and then having a good dinner at night with my hubby. :) So I think I will try to do something different--- Anybody have any suggestions? This morning I decided to have a poached egg, and 1 piece of whole wheat toast ( I make my own bread) that way I don't get all the preservatives that they add in the bread at the stores. Of course at my age maybe I should want to get all the preservatives that I can!!! :rofl: I've thought about the weight watchers plan but this Winter I wouldn't have been able to go to most of the meetings which are about 25 miles away from home.

Ok -- on to better thoughts--- We have blue skies and sunshine this morning.. BUT it was still minus 20 when we got up. We are supposed to get up to 6 degrees today!! :woohoo: But the weatherman keeps promising that we have 40 and 50 degrees coming next week. :cheer: I sure hope so.

Well, I'm going to go and start my WATP's video and get that done. Hope everyone has a good day and I'll check back later.

Kempyd 02-02-2007 10:51 AM

Karen have you not been working out very much over the past 6 month? I am betting that you are starting to build some muscle. It is always darkest before the dawn. Sorry, I hate saying that but it is true. That was once of the biggest complaint from women when i worked at the gym. You just have to keep pushing through it. Do you chart your losses and gains? If you did you would see the downward slope. Have you tried fitday to recor dwhat you are eating? You might not be eating enough and your body is trying to hold on to everything. Aren't our bodies mean sometimes?

melekalikimaka 02-02-2007 11:02 AM

Good morning ladies, I am up bright and early. We had some high winds forecast last night (which I didn't even notice!) and the power company was going to do some rolling blackouts to mitigate any possible damage. I had to set my cell phone to wake me up in case the power didn't go on.

I have a bunch of appointments today, WI, pre-op tests and my nail/pedi appt. I actually had to call the doctor earlier this week to ask about nail polish etc. during the surgery. He said it was ok for me to have the acrylics on, but no polish until after the procedure--how ugly will that be? :lol: Sounds like a stupid question but I just had to know. The surgery's on Monday morning and why pay to get my nails done if I'll just have to take them off? :rolleyes:

Karen, I've heard that your muscles will retain water initially when you start working out, due to the natural repair process. Just keep doing what you're doing and you will most likely see a drop on the scale next week. Eating whole foods will probably give you more nutrition with the same amount of calories as that SF shake and you will feel fuller longer with more fiber. Just a suggestion. Of course, it's just a pound--I had a gain as well last week, but I'm looking to drop that right off this morning at WW :lol:

Kempy, great job on the 5 lbs lost!!! :cp: Don't downplay it, celebrate it! You would just die if you saw all the cr@p I had in my house. Talk about clutter! I WISH that I could have those people from the Clean House TV show come over and organize and renovate my house. Too bad they only do homes in the Los Angeles area. :(

Well, I better get moving today. There's no school today and my parents are taking Michael out for the day. I'll be back later w/my WI results. Wish me luck! :crossed:

Karen31 02-02-2007 11:15 AM

Hi Kempyd, No I really haven't been working out at all until the first of the year. I have been using the slim fast site to record the foods that I have eaten and also the gains and losses. But I did set up the fitday and I have put in my breakfast there this morning. Maybe I will track it there and see what I can find out.

Noelle, You are probably right about the whole foods deal. I'm going to really try to track exactly what I'm eating and see just what the records show. I know these mornings when it has been so cold I would have rather had a nice warm bowl of oatmeal than a cold shake!!

And I am just going to keep working out like I have been and I'm still determined to get to the 10 miles a day. I refuse to let this beat me!

Kempyd 02-02-2007 12:09 PM


I swear I am sweating like I do at the gym. I sure do hop no one can see me. I am sure I look silly danceing and mopping. Hey, at least I am not sitting on the sofa.

Karen I would start to add some flax seed to what you eat. I put some on my salad. It is fiber and helps you fill up. You can even mix it with a shake.

melekalikimaka 02-02-2007 03:34 PM

"Her name is Rio and she dances on the sand..." :jig:
Kempy, you are burning up those calories that's for sure.

I am back from my WI and am down 3 lbs this week! :carrot: That's a relief because I was UP last week. So I am doing the happy dance :dance: Can't wait til I'm back in one-derland again.

Karen, oatmeal's a great choice for breakfast. Lots of fiber to keep you satisfied until lunch time. Have you ever tried steel cut oats or Irish Oatmeal? They are different than the Quaker type, I like them.

It is a little nippy here, still hasn't reached 70 degrees yet. My feet are freezing on the bare floor. I know, I'm not complaining :D

Karen31 02-02-2007 04:46 PM

Hi There, It's funny that you mentioned flax seed--- my hubby doesn't like any fish (except tuna on a sandwich) and we just bought Fish oil and Flaxseed Oil. So I know we don't get near as much as the Omega 3 that we should. Can you buy just the regular flaxseed at a grocery store or do yu need to go to a health store?

Noelle, I've never heard of the steel cut oats or Irish Oatmeal. Where do you get them? I was checking and I have some Cream of Wheat too. At least that would be a good start I think. I was thinking back and it seems like for the last "SEVERAL" years that I have been trying to lose weight and bought SLimfast or other diet foods that I will lose 3 or 4 and then gain. So maybe I will just try to count calories and heat more healthy now and see if that works better.
I had to Laugh when you said it was a little "nippy" there. We have a high temperature today of 4 with winds blowing between 40 and 60 mph!! So snow is blowing everywhere!! You can look up and see blue sky and sunshine but you can't see your hand in front of your face!! I thought I was going to have to weight the dogs down to let them outside!! And they sure don't stay out any longer than they need to!
Take care and stay warm------- Karen

Kempyd 02-02-2007 08:16 PM

Good job Noelle. You will be there before you know it. I was really boogieing when Girls on film was on. LOVE THAT BAND!!

Karen we have a great store her that has a huge healthy living section. I think you should be able to buy it in a bag at a regular store. I know that you will be able to find them in a health food place. You can always call first to see of they carry it.

I never had any luck with Slim Fast either. When I counted cals b4 WW I did great.

calnative 02-02-2007 11:39 PM

Karen: I use the Slim Fast for breakfast because I'm not a breakfast person. I figure it gives me most of what I need and I usually last until lunch. Sometimes, during my break time I'll eat a couple of peanut butter crackers. Don't know if they're really good for me, but they keep me having a growling stomach (which of course is never loud unless the room is dead quiet :dizzy: )

Noelle: It's a little nippy here as well. Our high was somewhere around 60 today. It's been quite a cold winter so far, but I'm definitely not complaining; the heat will be here before we know it.

Kempy: I like that band also. It's my sister's favorite band. It seems strange to hear their songs on the oldies stations. :o


melekalikimaka 02-03-2007 12:11 AM

Hey ladies, Rick is taking me out tonight (WOW!) we are going to a comedy club for some laughs. He has to work all day tomorrow, then I am having dinner with my girlfriends. Sunday is the Super Bowl so I will probably either go shopping or catch a movie w/my sisters. My surgery is on Monday and i have to report at 5:30 a.m. so I will be laid up for a few days at least, I may not be able to get downstairs to where my computer is at. I should ask one of my nephews if I can borrow their laptop for just a few days...

Hey Cal, I think our high was in the mid 70's but the wind is blowing so it is still nippy :lol:

Karen, I wanted to mention that I've had success w/the SF plan which I used to do in the late 90's and maybe even in 02 when I started posting here w/these guys. Both times I've used the soy protein formula so I could mix it with water instead of milk because I can't tolerate too much milk. I lost 20 lbs then promptly got pregnant :lol: I was 26 then, so the weight loss probably helped me in that respect. I did lose 20+ lbs in 02 doing SF again, but I was getting too hungry and needed to eat food. My husband loves SF and can drop weight with it really quickly....men! :mad:

Kempy/Cal...I've got (and have always had) dibs on John Taylor :love: :p

Kempyd 02-05-2007 10:11 AM

Noelle I hope your surgury goes well today. I am going to ahve to keep on top of this thread to keep it on the 1st page. You can have John as long as I get Simon!!!!

We stayed home yesterday and watched the game. I didn't ahve much chouce though. I was sick and being far from home was not an option. I persoanly thought the commercial and the half tim show sucked. That is really why I watch it. Unless the Saints are in it I am just there to be entertained.

I have my evaluation at the gym in the morning. I am sure the weight is the same as last time but I am keeping my fingers crossed for some drop in body fat. God know I have been working hard.

Cal it has been pretty chilly here too but I am not complaining either. Before too long I will be sweating.

Karen I meant to ask, what do you do? If you havn't figured out I am a stay at home wife. (no kids) I love it!!

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