
  • I've been on South Beach since March. About this time last year my cholesterol was 315. Last week it was 222. Is it the fiber? Any way I'm very happy since I can't take the cholesterol medicine.
  • Mine is down too. I think it's the fiber plus eating good fats. My doc is pelased with mine.
  • Mine used to be 246 and now it is below 200 and the ratios of bad to good cholesterol are good. I think part of it is the healthy foods like oatmeal and part of it is staying away from the saturated and trans fats. The olive oil and canola oil boost the good cholesterol. I'm just glad that I don't have to take cholesterol medicine which is what my doctor was threatening when I started this over 2 years ago.
  • I get severe muscle pain with the cholesterol meds. But, I have Fibromyalgia
    so that may be a factor.