Just want to say hey out there!

  • I'm a newbie here, and wanted to shout out to you all! I've been on the "Beach" for 2 days now and need some support and encouragement.

    Welcome- I am new too!
  • Thanks! I am willing to try and try again! I am going on a trip to see some old Chicago friends a month from now, so I am really motivated! Not that anyone really cares, except me, of course!

    Best of Luck to you to!
  • Hey there!
    I am finishing up day 3 here!

  • Thanks! Best of luck to you! I like being on the beach again, and really want to work through the difficulties of dieting. I've been up and down 10 pounds since January. I just want to get to 10 pounds and move down from there til I reach "Onederland". I'm really striving for losing at least 15 pounds this month!
  • Gals!!!!! We're here to help and support you!
  • Ditto Scully! Best of luck to you....Sue
  • Hey right back! You'll find lots of support and encouragement here.
  • WELCOME!! I'm just finishing my first week and all I can say is: IT WORKS! Good luck and keep your eyes on your goal (and off the fridge )

  • Thanks for all the cheerleading, chicks! I am having a tough couple of days -- yesterday, I went to pick my son & some other scouts up from Boy Scout camp. It was a 4.5 hour drive. I ate a decent breakfast, and then stopped at KFC for lunch. Hmmm. There was an interesting challenge. So, I opted for a chicken sandwich, minus the bread, it was probably lower fat than anything else. I should have just gotten a nice big chicken breast and taken off the skin. There was nothing else I COULD eat. Then at the camp, they had nothing there either -- and I ate 1 burnt burger, no bread. That was it. Needless to say, I was starving. Then we drove back today. Stopped at Mc Donalds -- I ate a breakfast burrito (no tortillas) and had a coffee. By the time I got home, I really didn't feel like stopping at the store - and of course DH is supportive (but clueless) to what I need to have at home to get me through these 1st 2 weeks. So, I found what I could and I took a nap (since I didn't sleep last night) LOL I took my 4 year old with me to a rugged camping spot, and I had to agree with him that the amount of spiders that were sharing our tent were sort of a deterrant for wanting to sleep in there, so we went to the van for the night.
    At this point, I AM ranting. I need to go to the store for some sustainance, and it's almost 7 pm.

    So, considering my obstacles, I am doing well. I didn't give into the bad carbs even though it would have just been easier to find. It's a good thing that I can live off of my fat for a while, huh? LOL

    I am so glad to be here, cause I am gonna need some insight into good recipes.

    Hope everyone is having a great Saturday!
  • sounds like you've had a rough time of it but been VERY STRONG. Congratulations!! I hope you get into a better groove with foods this week. It is a different meal process. Some days I work away from home for breakfast lunch and dinner. If I don't plan the day before I find myself scrambling early the morning of and it's just more stress than I want associated with food! So I try to have lots of snacks planned ahead of time. I'm sure you've got all that figured out by now - just rambling becuse I'm sleepy! sorry!!

    You're doing great - and if the pounds aren't falling off yet, just you wait! You're going to be thrilled!