Eating Breakfast

  • I was just wondering how soon after waking do you eat breakfast. I wake up at 5am, (M-F) but don't eat breakfast until around 8 - 8:30 when I get to work, snack around 10:30, and then lunch at 12 Noon. Is there a guideline to how soon to eat breakfast after waking? I know that breakfast kick starts your metabolism, but I don't know if I'm waiting too long to start. Would it be best to eat as soon as I wake and have 2 snacks before lunch since I can't change my lunch hour?

    Your thoughts, please.

  • I usually have coffee when I get up at 5 and eat breakfast within the next hour most of the time. Blood sugar is lower in the morning and you need to fuel up. I really think you should eat it as soon as you can to get your body going.

    Is there a reason to wait until you get to work? Do you take breakfast from home or buy it there?
  • When I get up, usually at 5:20 after hitting the snooze, I have my coffee, feed the animals, clean up after the animals, and wake up the rest of the household (it gets really busy when school starts ). Then it's in the shower by 6, get dressed (make-up and hair) and go to work. I pack my breakfast the night before. I have a 15 minute commute. Once I get to work, then it's power on the computer, get my water, visit on the way back to my desk then eat. I guess I could eat while reading my email before my shower, but if I eat breakfast that early, it's another 6 hours till lunch . I don't think I can last that long on one snack. Maybe eat a snack when I wake up (glass of milk and string cheese?), eat breakfast and then another snack at 10:30? Or eat a partial breakfast in the 40 minute window before shower (hard boiled egg, milk) and the rest when I get to work?
  • I wouldn't be able to wait as long as you do. I get up at 6 and by 6:30 I am showered and dressed and have woken Brian. I pop my oatmeal in the microwave to cook for 5 minutes while I get Brian his breakfast and fix my snacks to go with my leftovers for lunch. Then I top my oatmeal with Splenda and cinnamon and fruit and fix my glass of Metamucil. I eat breakfast while reading the paper and Brian and I are out the door by 7:30 in the summer (7:15 during the school year). I'm at work by 8 after dropping him at day care. I eat a snack somewhere around 9:30 - 10:30 (usually yogurt or veggies) and then eat my lunch of leftovers around 11:30 if work cooperates and I'm not stuck on the phone.
  • On weekdays I get up around 5 AM, have coffee, and then take my breakfast to work and eat it at 7 AM.
  • My mornings are bit more laid back now that my DS is 19, when did that happen!!!

    Anyway, I'm up by 7:00-showered and dressed by 7:30 eat some breakfast (usually 2 eggs and a frappucino--have I mentioned these are wonderful?) and then to work by 9. I have my morning snack around 11-11:30 and lunch at 1:00 and then if needed another snack around 4:30? But most of the time I am not hungry when I get up, I usually have to force myself to eat, but I am definitely ready for that mid morning snack!