Just say no to the scale.

  • It's addicting. So I've come up with a plan...I have a digital camera. I'm going to use it. I will weigh myself twice a month. That is it. But once a week, I will take a picture. I hope this will enable me to see the difference, differences others see but I don't when I look in the mirror (because that is what tends to happen when I lose anything, I see myself in the exact same way!) So I know what I weigh today, and when I stop phase 1 in two weeks, I'll weigh myself....

    Auughh, this will be hard!
  • I should mention...this is also because while I'm good at getting in my cardio, I haven't done strength training...so I'm adding in my mom's Firm tapes 3-4 times a week (I have done it before, just not as regularly as I should). So I don't want to be disappointed when I don't see the needle moving on the scale as quickly as I'd like, because I will hopefully be gaining muscle!
  • Good Plan CA85! You're right, the scale is so addicting and it can be very discouraging when you're exercising and eating right and it's not going down. This week I have been trying not to weigh but once on Sunday. I just started back exercising this week so I know I probably won't lose much this week. I also have the Firm tapes and will start them after I reach 199. I'm starting out with the Walk Away the Pounds and working up to the Firm. Keep up the good work and I look forward to hearing how Phase 1 goes.
  • Good Plan! I have to wait till monday to weigh in and daily I have been so tempted!!
    Hope your plan works!

  • testing my thing...
  • I did the firm tape tonight...or uh, a few minutes of it. My body feels like jello. But, I have tomorrow to rest, then I'll try to do a few minutes longer on Saturday.
  • Hey thats better than nothing! I am so lazy at night and never wanna work out!
  • Way to go CA85. Keep up the good work.
  • Check out the FAQ Thread Scales Lie!
  • I'm thinking of doing the same thing with my scales....I weigh every day, and some days it is torturous! I think I would do my psyche a lot more good to not weigh daily. I think I may limit my weigh-ins to every other day, or a couple of times a week.
  • I think the picture idea is great!!!
  • CA85~You are right about the scale not showing the complete "picture" of your progress. Taking pics can be wonderful way to actually see and compare your progress.
    On the other hand: I am a scale 'ho ( as many of us are) and I weigh myself everyday. I used to do an offical weigh-in day and chart that on record (and ticker). But we have to remember that our weight changes daily. It used to be so depressing to me to lose 4 pounds during a week but on my weigh-in day it happens to be up a few pounds. It's like "No, can I go back to what I weighed 3 days ago?"
    So, now I still weigh myself everyday and chart it on Fitday. Once a week I will take the average of my daily weights and that is what I go by.
    My lowest weight for the week goes on my ticker because I see it everyday and it motivates me to keep on going.
    I also have a chain of paperclips hanging on my computer, one clip for each pound that I want to lose. As I lose a pound, a clip comes off and goes in a small crystal bowl on my desk.
    Just some ideas FWIW.
  • Keep track of your measurements is also a good way to chart progress. Sometimes you won't be losing any weight, but you'll still drop inches.
    It's nice to be able to look back and say "Hey, I've lost 32 so far. That's so cool"
  • Hi CA85
    I weigh my everyday and does get my down also especially when I stall.Maybe I will limit the weighing in 2x's a week at the Beginning & the End of the week.I changing everything else(food & exercise) so why not the scale.:

    Hope the photo plan works..

    Hugs BB
  • I agree...I've often referred to the instrument as my "plastic piece of crap." It's so frustrating to have a number hanging over my head all day, and to have my mood based on what that plastic piece of crap displays between my feet every morning. I'm sick of it!
    My dad and I have just started back onto phase 1 after a few days of mindless bingeing, and we agreed not to weigh for a couple weeks. It's reassuring to know I can do what I need to do to feed my body and make decisions for my health without water weight fluctuations impairing my willpower!