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a broad abroad 11-22-2004 03:21 AM

Monday Beach chat 11-22
morinin' chickadees,

I can't believe this is the last full week of November, wow.

yanks - how are the Thanksgiving plans going?

canucks - is it snowing where you are?

others - how's the water on South Beach today?

back in a bit.....

Mamacita 11-22-2004 05:59 AM

Good morning, Chickies~~:coffee:

It's a gray, rainy morning here. I'm eating my oatmeal as I type. Gotta warm up the innards before heading out to the gym. :strong:

Had a great day at the handspinners guild meeting. Made enough money on selling my unwanted stuff to buy my T shirt for next year! :) Actually came home having sold every single thing. Even that nasty Ecospun stuff. (Recycled soda bottles YUCK!)Caved on the Krispy Kremes though. Their siren song was just too much temptation and I succumbed. :( :o

Will do much better today, I promise. Not sure yet exactly what lunch will be... I got so caught up in shopping for Thanksgiving, I forgot that I still have to work for 4 days this week! :doh:

Ok, time to hit the shower before dd wakes up....

Hope you all have a great day on the Beach! :wave:


ellis 11-22-2004 07:56 AM

Darling, it's no where NEAR snowing here! It's ummm... oh, crap. I just checked the weather. Showers or flurries. :mad: It's so warm in here, I figured it was warm outside. :lol3:
How's YOUR weather?

Mamacita, stay away from those donuts, girl!! :lol:

We've got the lights hooked up in the kitchen!! They're lovely. Now for the plumbing...

Just heading off to see my shrink... hope everyone has a wonderful day... hugs for all... :grouphug:

Ruthxxx 11-22-2004 08:00 AM

Hug your shrink for me, Ellis. I'll hug Gail who is due to arrive shortly. I loafed around too much yesterday and did not get my tidying done. I got caught up on bills and emails and had a lovely nap.

I'm snapping into Fly-Lady mode for a bit and will be back later.

Bamiegurl 11-22-2004 08:58 AM

Morning all just a quick post. My knee is screamin with pain today. I guess all that shoppin. Just wanted to say hello and have a good day all! Try to check in later!

anchor weight 11-22-2004 09:23 AM

Morning Chickies

This is how I feel today :bomb: I haven't lost a stinkin' pound. I've been OP and I even exercised 3x last week for over an hour each. I'm not doing strength building I'm doing cardio. I'm not sure what is going on - but at this point I've only lost 2 pounds this month. :mad:

There are two possibilities that may be screwing me up. I started taking an herb called Ashawanda to help boost my thyroid and metabolism. Also - I may be dangerously close to TOM, but since I didn't circle the calendar last time I don't know when it is coming. :?: I can't remember what I was doing last time so I can't pin point it either. I don't know what to do. :cry: I've been so OP it's scary. I went yesterday and got all kinds of OP stuff for Thanksgiving etc.

This is the kind of crap that can make me very frustrated. This is why I don't weigh myself everyday. Help! :(

jenne1017 11-22-2004 10:07 AM

Morning all-

Amy---I stopped weighing myself but for once a week. Sure, because I gained it's easier to do but so what ;) I've gotten off my constant weighing kick!

Went to the gym Saturday for the first time in 2 months. MY GOD! The muscles under my fat UNDER my fat hurts. Didn't go yesterday as I couldn't really move but did do laundry and climbed up and down the stairs a million times! Going tonight though.

I was going to quit the gym as I don't have the $67 a month to pay for it. But I have to make it work, you know? I feel too good after a work-out to give this up!

Hope this rainy Monday doesn't keep everyone's spirits down! I head out tomorrow morning for NY. Talk soon!

2BFIT1 11-22-2004 10:10 AM

Broad~~Thanks for starting our day :D

Mamacita~Drizzely outside, isn't it! Krispy Creams~~Oh,no!!

Bamie~Shopping IS hard work ya know ;)

Ruth~Can you Fly-Lady on over here??

Ellis~Thanks for the pics. I'll email you this afternoon, OK?

Anchor~Hang in there, girl. Watch your sodium intake and don't forget to drink loys of water. The water can really make a difference.

LC~I'm glad that your dad is with you now. Prayers are still going out to you and your family.

Me~Worked last weekend (so what else is new, right?). Lost 1 more pound even though TOM is here, so that's OK. Today will be more work on the plumbing for the kitchen.

Everybody yet to come~have a great day.

Bups 11-22-2004 10:54 AM


I'm sick today :( Stayed home - it's nice and quiet :)

I had my 1st pc of toast this morning in 3 weeks - I bought high fibre bread yesterday - well it wasn't what I was looking forward to - it had too much of a sweet taste - no it didn't have any added sugar (I spent 1/2 hour in the bread section yesterday checkin!) but I guess all the wheat bran or whatever gives it a kind of sweet cake like taste - but boy oh boy was it dense! Oh well - I will have to think about what I will add back on Wed since the toast didn't quite do it for me.

I'm gonna drink my water and eat properly today even if I'm sick - I have my yearly tomorrow and I am currently down 11 lbs from last year - maybe I can squeeze one more pound out today ;)

And if you need a good laugh go read about my Tofu-sagna adventure!

Have a good one all.


rebelridergirl 11-22-2004 10:57 AM

Just thought I'd wish everyone a good morning! I think I am getting a touch of stomach flu. I feel pretty icky. I did go to work today and I hope that I can make it through the whole day, but we'll see. This is not the week to be sick! Oh well, can't do anything about it now. Well, I hope you all are doing well and are having a good day so far!

anchor weight 11-22-2004 12:34 PM

Hi guys - it's the whiner again, :lol:

I think it must be the herb Ashawanda that is screwing me up. DM and I figured out that I'm not due for TOM until December 4 (of course when I'll be in Chicago) so it must be the herb. I'm going to stop taking it and see if that puts me back on track - otherwise I may have to do phase I again. :p I've stayed OP to try to avoid Phase I again but if I must - I must.

DS got a great report card. This is the first one since the divorce and I was worried about it. I have to see his teacher tonight for conferences.

Take care!

sweet tooth 11-22-2004 03:47 PM

Hi everyone,

Just a quick check-in today for me. This past weekend was really busy...I spent all day Sat. still cleaning up from when DS and his girlfriend moved out. They still have tons of stuff stored at our house and don't seem in a very big hurry to get it moved out. I am gathering it in one place and one of these days, I will load it up in the truck and dump it at their house. :D Then maybe I will be able to park another car in the garage. :lol:

We had the hardwood flooring for our house delivered on Saturday. Still have some ceilings to stipple, so the flooring will be waiting for a couple of weeks, but that is OK. We are still planning to have the flooring laid in the master bedroom by Christmas and that is still do-able. By whom, we are not sure :) yet, but it will probably be DH and me.

We had DM out yesterday afternoon to have a funeral for her cat. She lost her cat this week after 19 years so we buried it by the bird bath on the acreage. DM is 84 now and is already talking of getting another cat. OMG. I am subtley trying to talk her out of it because I know who would get to keep the cat when DM is gone...and it won't be my brother, either.

Then sat down for a while to watch the Grey Cup...slept through that one until it was time to get ready to go to the theatre. It was a rather late night last night, so I am dragging this morning.

I went to the track for my cardio workout and discovered that the battery was dead on my workout tape. :rolleyes: Sooooo, instead of running back to my office, I hoofed it around the track - promised to do 2 miles in 30 minutes - and cut the workout short. But, I did take extra time to get the stretches in.

I have one more session (I think) with my trainer. It will probably be a post assessment to see how far I have come during the training time. She has been telling my that I have great arms, but I have always avoided wearing anything sleeveless because they are so flabby. But, I think she may be right. I was looking at them in the mirror this weekend and they are getting quite toned now. I can even see some muscle definition in them. WOOHOO! By summer, I should be able to go sleeveless most of the time.

DH got a call on Friday about taking on some contracts in Third World countries. Some people that he worked with a few years ago are retiring soon and are bidding on some international training work. DH was concerned that it would be in competition with the organization that they are leaving, but they are planning to pick up the work that the organization doesn't want anymore.

They are wanting DH to align with them because he has the expertise and experience in these countries, so when his name goes on the proposals, the foreigners generally give them the contracts. Kind of a compliment that he is wanted, but he wasn't sure that he wanted to do that kind of travelling anymore. It has been a bit stressful in the past, especially when we were caught in the Middle East during the 9-11 events.

At his present job, he has arranged to have consulting days (so he doesn't even have to take vacation to do them - kinda like double dipping on the salary) so he can take the time to do them. Soooo, if he decides to align with these people, we may be finding ourselves in some very unique countries again. I can hardly wait to go to Chad. :lol:

Well, I guess I should stop this rambling stuff... hope everyone is getting ready for Thanksgiving and that you all have a wonderful time with food, friends and family. Notice that sugar, carbs, off program, starch does not begin with f, so it is out, out, out. Take care.

Barb0522 11-22-2004 04:16 PM

Hi, gals! I'm off work this week. It's been raining and dreary but it was great to get to Target when they weren't busy. I got two of the things my son wants for Christmas as well as a musicbox that plays Oh, Christmas Tree while figures rotate (this will be a stocking stuff - it's his favorite Christmas song). I even got the new tree skirt which is why I went there to begin with. Brian helped me put up the tree yesterday. We normally decorate after Thanksgiving but since I have vacation before, this makes more sense.

I did make it to the gym for a couple of hours today. It felt good. I just didn't manage to find the time this weekend. Tonight is grilled tilapia, rice, and zucchini, mushrooms, and onions with ginger and Italian seasoning sauted in a little olive oil. Yum!

little chick 11-22-2004 11:20 PM

hi chicks just a quick check in before I head to bed. It is 12:15 here and I should be tired but I am not. The store was steady tonight but not real busy. My Aunt actually seems to be doing a bit better if you can believe that. Friday night I did not think that she would make it through the night. But she is still hanging in. My dad has been staying at the hospital at night with her so she won't have to be alone and giving her children a break. So we have not seen a great deal of my dad but he did take the girls out to supper and he is going to again tomorrow night so atleast they are getting a little grampie time. I am still not OP but I did get grocries today so I am going to make a huge effort to get on the wagon tommorow. I am feeling fat and have been avoiding the scales....maybe I should get on them it might make me smarten up. HMMMM wonder if that will work. Well I should get some sleep 6:30 comes early. Night chicks.

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