Thursday Chat on The Beach

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  • Good morning. Somehow I think the whole Beach must be wet this morning. It poured all night here and is still at it. Can you smell wet dog? Can you see a brown and white kitchen floor? It's best not to complain as some Florida folks don't even have houses!

    Luckily my 8:30 meeting was cancelled last night because of the rain predicted for this morning so The Girls and I will just putter around the kitchen this morning. (It was cool inside this morning so I turned on the furnace. I think I snuck it on for fifteen minutes back in June too.) I am planning to make a beef stew in the crockpot.) I'll throw in some wine and mushrooms and call it beef burgundy. I think soup will be on the menu for lunch today - maybe black bean.

    I have a dental appointment for a cleaning this afternoon so will try to work in three month's worth of flossing this morning. My first official rehearsal is at 7 tonight so I need to have clean teeth!

    Confession time: we went to Swiss Chalet for chicken last night and I did NOT have salad. I had those funny long things they make out of that white high GI vegetable AND ENJOYED EVERY BITE! I just had ff yoghurt with Fiber One cereal as atonement! I need to eat more vegetables but F One may help.

    So grab a coffee and come and sit at my kitchen table to tell me about your day.

    Here's a special for Ellis and another for all other chickies going through trials and tribulations of real life.
  • Thursday Chit Chat
    I guess I am starting us off this morning.... and I have nothing exciting to report. We did get up on time, the girls got out the door with no agruements, and it is raining here like crazy. Maybe I am still asleep and dreaming. Well I don't have anything else to say.... I know you chicks are over that one. But my life is a bore for the moment.

    Ellis- sending you my love and my prayers for you and for your dad.

    Jodi- I was telling dh that I am going to have to go and find Jimmie and either kick him in the butt or throw him over the hood of his car he has to get his lead foot back.

    Well I must go I think I will drive the wee ones to the bus as they poor things will end up soaked. Be back soon.
  • Ruth great minds think alike. Can we make these into one??
  • But of course! Your weather sounds just like ours. Stay dry!

    In about an hour the school bus arrives at our Village pick-up place. Maybe I should drive down there with some coffee for the Mums who wait for it with the kidlets.
  • Good morning, Chickies~~

    Nothing exciting to report from the soggy south. Only saw the sun for a minute yesterday and I'm guessing it will be more of the same today.

    Ruth, nothing quite like the smell of a wet dog...unless it's the smell of TWO wet dogs, huh?

    Ellis, ((((hugs)))) and prayers for you and your family, sweetie.

    Little Chick and all you other chicks who still haven't made it in, Hello!!

    Need to finish getting ready for work, so will wander on out of here. You all have a great day on the Beach. Remember, wet sand makes the best sand castles!

  • Good morning, dear girls!

    Ruth, you had to turn on the furnace?! Wow!! Our main floor is cozy and warm, but the attic is a little chilly. We shut the windows and got out the blankets last night.
    As a friend of mine says, "I'd rather have an internal than go to the dentist." Those hygienists are so darned abusive. Good luck with the flossing. I hear ya.
    And good luck with the rehearsal tonight!!

    Little Chick, thanks for your continued prayers, sweetie.
    What's this Jimmie story... obviously I'm going to have to go back and read yesterday's thread.

    Mamacita, you're not your usual verbose self. Are you short on time this morning, hon? Thank you for the hugs and prayers. Have a great day at work!

    I'll be back in a minute... just getting the kids off to school...
  • Good morning everyone!

    Really Dragging this AM. I had my bunko last night and did not get home till 10:30 and not to bed till 11":30!! I am sooooooooooooo tired. I think me and DD2 will stay home today and rest. We both have alergies and it is at least kicking my but:: Well I did good yesterday. Lastnight I heard my friend was having pasta so I ate before I went and just had salad. Boy am I hungry this am. When I get back from school I think I will make us eggs and turkey bacon.

    Ruth- Good luck with rehersals. Try to stay dry nothing worse I think than wet dog smell.
    Little Chick- You keep those kiddos dry now! Have a good day in the rain.
    Mama- Hello to you to Have a good day at work.

    Will check back after school. Have to go make DD1 breakfast.
    Hugs to all
  • The power keeps going off and on so I will log off. Back later. I need to gather some pails of flushing water just in case.
  • Jodi, dear, get your butt in gear! It's autumn. Soup weather. Fresh start. Last ditch before Christmas. etc.

    LaurieX, I hope your kitty is feeling better.

    Jess, congratulations on getting the job! Take care of that cold, sweetie.

    RNMom, you ran two miles and then did the stadium stairs!?!? Holy, baby!! Good for you!!

    Lauren, your hairstylist didn't show to the wedding?!? That's TERRIBLE! Surely you could sue him for that. Congratulations on your one month anniversary.

    Peggy, I love your power story of yesterday.

    Emily, thanks for your prayers, sweetie. I hope all goes well with your ex. He sounds like a real jerk. And enjoy your DD's birthday! Five is a lovely age.

    Fuzzy, I'm itching to get down there and vote. The suspense is killing me.

    The rain is really coming down!
    I have the evening shift at the hospital today, so I have the entire day at home! Unfortunately, DH informed me last night that he's working the evening shift, so he'll be at home with me all day. Damn. I just want a day at home ALONE!
    I wonder if I dare to go out and work in the garden in this downpour. I think it might "cleanse my soul". Or something.
  • Mornin' everyone
    It's dark outside. I hate the end of summer. Winter hangs on around here forever. Oh, well. ER is quiet this morning (I can't believe I said the "Q" word)

    The smell of wet dog.............hmmmm, I'm not sure I want breakfast now. There are some smells that get to me, dirty wet human hair (from my days of being a hairdresser) and doggy hair.

    For those of you getting wet and rained on, hope it doesn't last too long for you.

    Ellis, I loved your little sargeant avatar. Cute! I can see you yelling to tell us to get our butt in gear. My heart is with your family right now. Prayers your way.

    Lauren, no'll laugh 10 years from now.

    Ruth, hope you have enough water to flush with. Good luck at the dentist and having your gums dug at..........wwwwaaaaaahhhhh.

    Well, girls, I need to act busy. Love to you all.
  • It is nasty, nasty, nasty here today. Humid and sticky and I walked into work drenched with sweat after only walking .74 miles!


    Hey Fuzzy? The Presidential motorcase is a mess. 10 cars at the least. Then, 5 cars in front every 2 blocks and 5 cars behind. A serious mess. That's why I now take the metro!

    I came into work this morning feeling all good about my job Thanks all.

    I was OP for day 2 btw. Gym for the next 4 days though. Ugh!
  • Morning, gals! It's bright and sunny here this morning but cool. Okay, don't laugh so hard. 60's is cool to us Texans! Brian wants to start wearing pants already instead of shorts because his legs are cold.

    Nothing much going on today. I have a cub scout roundtable meeting tonight so no time to exercise but I did get to the gym last night at least.
  • Morning, everyone!! I am draaaaging this morning. When DH got up at 4:30 a.m. (he's sports editor for the newspaper, so he will often get up extra early to finish a story for deadline) I was wide awake! But, then once I got back to sleep I couldn't get up again -- overslept until 7:45! Didn't have time to make eggs so I have a cheesestick and nuts sitting on my desk and NO appetite.

    Good news: We made the taco bake last night and we loved it! We even made the brownies and they were pretty good. And then we even went for a walk -- yay!

    Ellis -- My dad went in and had a word or two with him while we were away on our honeymoon -- that was as good as suing him!

    Barb -- It was in the 50s in Kansas this morning and I almost wore a turtleneck! Even tho I'm sure it'll be almost 80 today!

    RNMOM -- I know you're right about the laughing. It also rained that day and our outdoor wedding had to be moved inside. Now, that I was laughing about, but the hair was a different matter! Ha!

    Hope eveyone has a great day -- I better go get some coffee and wake up!

  • Morning all.

    Today is Molly's birthday! Yay! I'm going to be good all day so I can be bad all night.

    Only problem is my period's due any time now and is taking its sweet time arriving. Being on the pill makes me all goofy. BEFORE, when my period would be late, it was just "It'll be here sometime" because my body's so screwy. Once I'm on the pill, I expect it to be here at Noon on Wednesday. EPT says once you're a day late it'll tell you if you're expecting or not, and it says not, so I just wonder if my period got lost on the way out? The packet in my pills says that you can just skip a period from taking the pill and not to worry until you miss two periods. I've NEVER missed a period. Argh.

    Volleyball was....okay last night. We won all three games, but we didn't have to work at ALL. The other team was HORRIBLE. They were afraid of our under-handed server's serves (in fact, she served 15 straight the first game!) It was rather sad. The game was over in 20 minutes, instead of taking the usual hour. So, we all just played around for awhile after the game, since we didn't get the chance to get sweaty. I DID take out both my knees again, though. They're a little floorburnt and bruised today.

    Well that's all I know. I have a feeling my boss will be at my store today (ugh) so I'd better get going to make sure I'm on time. Have a good day!
  • Good morning Ladies.

    Ruth- I know what you mean, I have 3 wet dogs sitting at home right now. The smallest, Zoe, refuses to go outside in the rain. She's so low to the ground her whole underside gets soaked!

    skherb- Have fun sleeping in and snuggling, I know that's what DF wanted to do today!

    weezle - depending on the pill you take, it's probably totally normal. Breathe deep girl and don't eat too much cake!

    Goldiefun - Congrats on your OP and exercise filled evening!

    Woke to the sound of Bryon's watch alarm to find we have no power at home! So much for my treadmill run this morning, I'll have to get in some yoga tonight. Looks like I'm going to have to go back to the gym soon as summer really is fleeting......

    School for the kiddos was cancelled due to flooding. (The road we live on is the local "river road") So we climbed in the car early and brought Rachel, 15 yr old sister to work with us. She's going to be our photographer for the day.

    We've been so backed up here it's crazy. One of my consignors dropped off 9 garbage bags full of brand new in the box Barbie dolls. We've been selling her collection for a while, but this is the last 9 bags of it. Fun fun. Not to mention my antique Nutcracker lady dropped off a vanload and my toy collector is cleaning house and getting ready to move. There is so much packing material in our bathroom here that you can lean forward on the toilet and rest your head on 1/2" bubble wrap bails!

    So it's a good thing Rachie could come in and help me from under the mountain of bright pink boxes. She got breakfast out of the deal, and lunch at Applebee's and she has a computer here with electricity so she can talk to her friends. Not bad for a day off from school.