Kudos for South Beach.....

  • Just an interesting side note.

    At the hospital I work in, the cardiac rehab director gave me a call and wanted to chat with me. He says he heard I'd lost some weight and seen some great improvements in my lab values. The local paper is doing a "speal" on the cardiac rehab department and he wants to use me as one of his "success stories". Whatever. He certainly didn't have anything to do with it but OK. Anyway, come to find out, he's encouraging people that are post open heart surgery to check out the SBD. Not only that, the cardiologists that we send our heart attacks to are putting people on the SBD. The American Heart Association diet is so restrictive and hard to follow that there is very little compliance and this is a great alternative.

    Just thought I'd share that bit of info. There's more to this way of eating than flab. There's vessel health!
  • This is good news! It makes sense because the SB Diet promotes good eating habits and encourages slow and maintainable weight loss. By memory the diets developer was disillusioned with Dr Atkins and the American Heart Foundation Diet and developed SBD out of merging both of them.
  • Very interesting and great news! For me, I noticed a decline in my bp since being on this for a month.
  • Wow, that's great news! Thanks for sharing that with us!