sugar peas question

  • hey everyone i have a question... is sugar snap peas different than snow peas?? i bought a bag look like beans and sooo sweet used a little dip help with the munchies and crunchies but dont see gi for sugar snap peas just snow peas.. they are <20

    help!!! yummyy
  • Sugar snap peas are not the same as snow peas. I can't find the GI for sugar snap peas, either. I would GUESS they are higher than snow peas only because of the higher sugar content.

    Anyone else have any ideas?
  • This is what I found....
    The Glycemic Index
    The glycemic index compares the blood sugar response after eating a food in comparison to white bread or pure sugar (glucose in this case, the sugar most commonly used in your body for energy). Thus, a food that leads to a rapid blood sugar rise (white bread or glucose) is arbitrarily assigned a value of 100 (100 grams of the test food is studied so that quantities remain consistent). Foods which have glycemic indices less than 100 are less likely to cause a sharp sugar increase, while those greater than 100 actually make your blood sugar rise more rapidly than pure sugar itself.

    Starches and Your Blood Sugar
    Starches are the foods having the greatest range of glycemic indices. This is due to their high carbohydrate content. Carbohydrates which are rapidly digested, can lead to a sharp increase in blood sugar, when they release their sugar building blocks.

    All simple sugars (e.g. glucose, fructose, galactose, etc) are found in carbohydrates. Since carbohydrates are chains of these sugars, carbohydrates can have sugar like effects. For example, the starch in potatoes is easily broken down by an enzyme in your saliva (salivary amylase). Thus, by the time the potatoes have reached your stomach, they are mostly simple sugars (i.e. glucose) or very small chains of simple sugars (i.e. 2-3 sugars linked together

    Factors in Food Affecting Glycemic Index
    The types of connections (chemical bonds) between the simple sugars in the carbohydrate chains. We are only beginning to understand how these connections influence the absorption of sugar from the intestine into the blood.
    Fat content: Fat slows the absorption of sugar, and thus, lowers the glycemic index.
    Fructose: This simple sugar is the major sweetener in fruits and vegetables. The increase in blood sugar is lower with fructose than with other sugars (fructose has a glycemic index of 35)

    Glycemic Indices
    Food Glycemic Index
    Breads 50-100
    Pumpernickel (Rye Kernel Based) 50-60
    Rye Flour Bread (American Pumpernickel) 60-80
    Pita (Pocket) Bread 50-80
    Whole Wheat Bread 90-95
    White Bread 100
    Bagel (Lender's) 100
    Breakfast Cereals 40-125
    All Bran (Kellog) 40-60
    Museli 60-80
    Oat Bran 60-70
    Special K 60-70
    Grapenuts 95
    Puffed Wheat 100
    Golden Grahams 100
    Total 110
    Cheerios 110
    Corn Chex 120
    Rice Crispies 120
    Rice Chex 125
    Corn Flakes 125
    Grains 30-120
    Barley 30-40
    Bulgar (found in Tabouli) 50-60
    Couscous (Near East) 60-80
    Corn, Sweet 60-80
    Cornmeal 70-90
    Taco Shells (Old El Paso) 70-95
    Rice, white, long grain 60-80
    Rice, brown 50-80
    Rice, instant 90-120
    Legumes 35-70
    Chickpeas 45
    Red Beans 35
    Kidney Beans 40
    Lima Beans 45
    Navy Beans 55
    Black Eyed Peas 60
    Pinto Beans 65
    Green Peas 50-70
    Pasta 60-70
    Capellini 65
    Linguine 65
    Macaroni 65
    Spaghetti 60
    Tortellini 70
    Root Vegetables 80-120
    Sweet Potatoes 80
    Carrots 90 (OK)
    Potatoes, White (Boiled) 90
    Rutabaga/td> 100
    Potatoes, Russet, baked 120
    Potatoes, Instant 120
    Baked Goods 50-100
    Oatmeal Cookies 55-75
    Banana Bread 55-75
    Pound Cake 55-75
    Fruit Muffins 50-80
    Shortbread 90
    Cheese Pizza 90
    Graham Crackers 100
    Croissant 100
    Doughnut 100
    Crackers 90-115
    Rye Crisp Bread 90
    Wheat Thins 100
    Saltines 105
    Rice Cakes 115
    Snack Foods 70-105
    Chocolate 70
    Popcorn 80
    Potato Chips 80
    Mars Bar 100
    LifeSavers 100
    Corn Chips 105
    Tortilla Chips (Nachos) 105

    All fruits have a low glycemic index, 40-70.
    Bananas are on the high end. Fruit juices are ok but should be limited. If you'd like to drink fruit juice regularly, diluting it with an equal volume of water (or sparkling water) helps to limit the calories and sugar load. Fruit Drinks are not acceptable as they have added sugar or corn syrup (which is nutritionally equivalent to sugar)..

    All non-root vegetables have a low glycemic index, 35-55. You can't eat too many vegetables.
    This refers to all vegetables that are not listed above under "Roots" or "Legumes".

    All Fish, Poultry, Meats, Dairy, Eggs and Nuts have low glycemic indices
    These foods have glycemic indices less than 60.
    This is due to their higher protein and fat content. However, caution may still be necessary with high fat varieties of this food group (e.g. steaks, bacon, whole milk and large quantities of nuts).

    Flour Containing Products

    French baguette....................... 95
    Wheat bread, gluten free.......... 90
    White bread............................ 78
    Waffles.................................... 76
    Donuts, plain............................ 76
    Bread stuffing........................... 74
    Kaiser rolls.............................. 73
    Bagel, white............................. 72
    Melba toast.............................. 70
    Tortilla, corn............................. 70
    Whole-wheat bread.................. 69
    Most cakes & pastries............. 65
    Rye flour bread........................ 64
    Hamburger bun........................ 61
    Cheese pizza............................ 60
    Pita bread................................ 57
    Pumpernickel bread................. 50
    Oat bran bread........................ 48
    Mixed grain bread.................... 48
    Cake, banana, w/ sugar............ 47
    Sponge cake............................ 46
    Breakfast Cereals

    Puffed Rice.............................. 90
    Rice Chex................................ 89
    Corn flakes............................... 83
    Corn Chex............................... 83
    Rice Krispies........................... 82
    Post Flakes.............................. 80
    Coco Pops.............................. 77
    Total........................................ 76
    Cheerios.................................. 74
    Puffed Wheat........................... 74
    Golden Grahams..................... 71
    Cream of Wheat...................... 70
    Shredded Wheat...................... 69
    Sustain..................................... 68
    Grape Nuts.............................. 67
    Nutri-Grain.............................. 66
    Life.......................................... 66
    Oatmeal, quick......................... 61
    Kellogg's Just Right....................59
    Bran Chex............................... 58
    Kellogg's Mini-Wheats............. 57
    Muesli..................................... 56
    Kellogg's Honey Smacks.......... 55
    Oat Bran................................. 55
    Special K................................ 54
    Bran Buds............................... 53
    Red River Cereal..................... 49
    Oatmeal, regular....................... 49
    All-Bran................................... 42
    Kellogg's Guardian.................... 41
    All Bran Fruit & Oats............... 39
    Cereal Grains

    Rice, white, instant - 6 min....... 90
    Tapioca, boiled w/milk............. 81
    Millet....................................... 71
    Corn meal................................ 69
    Taco shells............................... 68
    Barley, rolled............................ 66
    Couscous................................. 65
    Rice, white.............................. 58
    Rice, brown............................. 55
    Sweet corn.............................. 55
    Buckwheat.............................. 55
    Wheat, quick cooking.............. 54
    Barley, cracked........................ 50
    Rice, parboiled......................... 48
    Rice, instant - 1 min.................. 46
    Wheat kernels.......................... 41
    Rye.......................................... 34
    Barley, pearled......................... 25
    Rice Bran................................. 19
    Please note the differences in cereal
    grains in the way they are presented,
    such as in rice and barley.

    The more some of them are cooked,
    the more they affect blood sugar.

    Rice pasta, brown.................... 92
    Gnocchi................................... 67
    Macaroni & Cheese................. 64
    Spaghetti, durum...................... 55
    Instant noodles......................... 47
    Linguini.................................... 46
    Macaroni................................. 45
    Spaghetti, white........................ 41
    Ravioli, durum, meat filled......... 39
    Spaghetti, whole meal................ 37
    Vermicelli................................. 35
    Fettuccini................................. 32
    Spaghetti, protein enriched....... 27
    These findings have been verified, but
    they can seem confusing. As an
    example - why should macaroni alone
    have a reading of 45, while macaroni
    with cheese (cheese has a rating of
    less than 10) result in a reading of 64?

    Because the processed cheese used
    in the macaroni and cheese had
    sugar added to it.
    Cookies & Crackers

    Puffed crisp bread..................... 81
    Morning coffee cookies............ 79
    Rice cakes............................... 77
    Vanilla wafers........................... 77
    Graham crackers...................... 74
    Wheat Thins............................. 67
    Rye crisp bread......................... 65
    Chocolate chip cookies............ 64
    Oatmeal cookies w/o raisins......55

    Maltose................................ 105
    Maltodextrin......................... 105
    Glucose................................ 100
    Sucrose.................................. 64
    High fructose corn syrup......... 62
    Honey.................................... 58
    Lactose.................................. 46
    Fructose................................ 21*
    Agave nectar.......................... 10
    Artificial sweeteners............... >5
    Stevia Liquid Extract............... 0

    Kurt W. Donsbach, DC, ND, Ph.D.
    Root Vegetables

    Parsnips................................... 97
    Potato, baked.......................... 85
    Potato, instant.......................... 83
    Potato, french fries................... 75
    Potato, boiled.......................... 73
    Potato mashed......................... 70
    Rutabaga................................. 72
    Beets....................................... 64
    Sweet potato........................... 54
    Yam......................................... 51
    Carrots.................................... 49
    Carrot juice.............................. 45
    Carrots, cooked....................... 39
    Fresh Vegetables

    Pumpkin.................................. 75
    Sweet corn.............................. 55
    Peas, green.............................. 48
    Peas, dried............................... 22
    Green vegetables, all.............. >30

    Broad beans............................ 79
    Butter beans, +15 g. sucrose.... 54
    Lentils, canned........................ 52
    Kidney beans, canned............. 52
    Baked beans, canned.............. 48
    Romano beans......................... 46
    Pinto beans, canned................. 45
    Garbanzo beans, canned.......... 42
    Black-eyed peas...................... 41
    Pinto beans.............................. 39
    Navy beans.............................. 38
    Garbanzo beans....................... 33
    Split peas................................. 32
    Lima beans.............................. 32
    Butter beans............................. 31
    Kidney beans........................... 29
    Lentils...................................... 29
    Soybeans................................. 18
    Note the big difference between
    canned and home prepared!

    Watermelon............................. 72
    Pineapple................................. 66
    Cantaloupe.............................. 65
    Raisins..................................... 64
    Apricots, canned..................... 64
    Apricots.................................. 57
    Mangos................................... 56
    Fruit cocktail, canned.............. 55
    Bananas.................................. 54
    Kiwifruit.................................. 53
    Orange juice............................ 52
    Grapefruit juice........................ 48
    Peaches, canned...................... 47
    Pineapple juice......................... 46
    Grapes..................................... 46
    Oranges................................... 44
    Pears, canned.......................... 44
    Peaches................................... 42
    Apple juice.............................. 41
    Plums...................................... 39
    Apples.................................... 38
    Pears....................................... 37
    Strawberries............................ 32
    Apricots, dried......................... 31
    Grapefruit................................ 25
    Cherries................................... 22

    Black bean soup...................... 64
    Split pea soup.......................... 60
    Lentil soup, canned.................. 44
    Tomato soup............................ 38
    Lima beans broth...................... 36
    I know there are many more soups,
    but these are all that have been tested.

    Any soup with potato in it would most
    likely have a high to very high rating.

    Yogurt, sweetened.................... 63
    Ice Cream................................ 61
    Ice Cream, low fat.................... 50
    Chocolate milk w/sugar............. 34
    Skim milk................................. 32
    Whole milk............................... 27
    Chocolate milk, artif. sweet....... 24
    Yogurt, artif. sweetened............ 14

    Gatorade................................. 95
    Soft drinks............................... 68
    Diet soda, with caffeine............ 30
    Soy milk................................. 30
    Diet soda, without caffeine........ 0
    Snack Foods

    Dates..................................... 103
    Pretzels.................................... 81
    Jelly beans................................ 80
    Corn chips................................ 74
    Life Savers............................... 70
    Skittles..................................... 69
    Mars bar.................................. 64
    Muesli bars............................... 61
    Kudos, whole grain bars........... 61
    Popcorn................................... 55
    Potato chips............................. 55
    Most jams & jellies................... 50
    Chocolate bars......................... 49
    Twix cookie bars...................... 43
    Snickers bar............................. 40
    Peanut M&M’s........................ 32
    Peanuts.................................... 15
    Specialty Foods

    Tofu frozen dessert..................105
    Cactus jam............................... 91
    Breadfruit................................. 68
    Taro......................................... 54
    Sustagen Hospital Formula....... 43
    Fish fingers............................... 38
    Sausages.................................. 28
    Nopales, prickly pear cactus....... 7