Spring is just around the corner, SBD March Exercise Challenge

  • It's still cold and snowy here but I know it won't be long before I'm pulling out tank tops and warm weather wear. That means hikes and kayaking and muscles that have been taking a long winter break. Time for me to get on the ball and work on fitness again. Whether you are a seasoned fitness buff or new to exercise this is a great place to stay accountable and track your progress. Come on in and join us!

  • Cyndi I am in too!!! I need to be more diligent about riding....not snow shoveling

    5 40 minutes cycling
    8 30 minutes cycling
    9 20 minutes brisk walking
    10 20 minutes brisk walking
    11 travel day
    12 1 hr 35 min cycling (wow I am lazy about documenting)
    13 stairs 10 flights (tomorrow will sneak in some miles at work)
    14 3 flights of stairs 1/2 mile brisk walking 45 minutes cycling
    15 5 flights of stairs
    16 45 minutes cycling 10 miles
    17 15 hours on my feet enough said lol
    18 rest
    20 work
    21 traveled but walked a descent amount
    22 work

    23 1 hr 35 min cycling free weights (arms)
    24 45 min cycling 10 miles plus free weights
    25 1 hr 5 min relaxed cycling
    26 50 min cycling 11.7 miles plus arms
  • Oh yeah, guess I should actually set a goal
    5/7 days, 1000 minutes

    27/21, 1510/1000


    2 - 60m Just Dance + 30 squats
    3 - 60m treadmill, 50 squats
    4 - 60m bike, 75 squats
    5 - 60 squats
    6 - weights and hula hoop
    7 - 70m walk + 60 squats
    8 - 70m snowshoeing + 90 squats

    9 - 45m Wii dance, 50 squats
    10- 35m Wii dance, 45 squats
    12 crazy long day
    13 - 50m bike, 120 squats
    14 - 50m bike, 40 squats
    15 - 130m brisk walk, 75 squats

    16 - 55m bike, 75 squats
    17 - 50m bike
    18 -60m bike, 80 squats
    19 - 50m bike, 50 squats
    20 - 125 squats
    21 - 50m bike, 50 squats
    22 - 50m treadmill

    23 - 35m treadmill, 145 squats!
    24 - 30m dancing, 80 squats
    25 - 30m walk
    26 - 100 squats
    27 - 150 m, 2 walks
    28 - 120m, 2 walks. 75 squats
    29 - 20m walk, 100 squats

    30 - cleaned all day, 75 squats
    31 - 50 squats
  • Can I join? I been exercising here and there and this month I plan to stick to it and hoping to go to the gym 5/6 times per week.

    3- walked 8.8miles + 1hr bike

    10- 30min Elliptical and 20min treadmill (walk/run)
    11- 30min Elliptical & 25min treadmill (walk/run)
    14- 30min Elliptical
    15- 3 miles walk



  • Welcome Muffin! I'll stick this thread soon and you can update your numbers there.
  • I am in, I am going to go for 1400 minutes this month hopefully will be able to add outdoor activities by the end of the month

    Goal: 1400 minutes
    Minutes so far: 1,420 minutes
    1- 60 minutes of Physical Therapy

    2- 15 minutes of PT
    3- 15 minutes of PT/ 30 minutes of Interval Cardio
    4- 30 minutes of Weights/Sculpting/ 60 minutes of PT
    5- 30 minutes of Interval Cardio/ 15 minutes of PT
    6- 15 minutes of PT/ 30 minutes of Weights/Sculpting
    7- 30 minutes of Interval Cardio/ 60 minutes of PT
    8- 60 minutes of PT

    9- 15 minutes of PT
    10- 30 minutes of Interval Cardio/ 10 minutes of PT/ 30 minutes of Walking m
    11- 30 minutes of Weights/Sculpting/ 60 minutes of PT
    12- 30 minutes of Interval Cardio/ 15 minutes of PT/ 30 minutes of Walkin m
    13- 45 minutes of Weights/Sculpting/PT
    14- 30 minutes of Interval Cardio/ 60 minutes of PT
    15- 15 minutes of PT/ 60 minutes of Walking

    16- 15 minutes of PT
    17- 30 minutes of Interval Cardio
    18- 15 minutes of PT/30 minutes of Weights/Sculpting
    19- 30 minutes of Interval Cardio/ 30 minutes of walking m
    20- 30 minutes of Weights/Sculpting/ 15 minutes of PT
    21- 30 minutes of Interval running
    22- 15 minutes of PT

    23- 20 minutes of PT
    24- 30 minutes of Interval Cardio/ 10 minutes of PT
    25- 45 minutes of Pt/Weights/Sculpting/ 30 minutes of walking m
    26- 30 minutes of Interval Cardio/ 30 minutes of walking m
    27- 45 minutes of PT/Weights/Sculpting
    28- 30 minutes of Interval Cardio