The Phase 1 Blues

  • I have done s/b before, and found it successful. I'm back at it, and am halfway through the second week of phase 1.

    I am finding it so much tough this time around! Its not an issue of cravings, really, or the south beach flu, I'm just finding that I'm just oddly averse to some of the foods - eggs, meat, cheese, all leave a weird texture in my mouth. I'm also desperately missing convenience foods.

    I'm totally whining here, and will just power through, but I am so ready for phase 2!
  • I hear you sometimes!! Hopefully that aversion will be gone in a day or two, and you're almost to phase II! Do you think it's hormonal or something?

    There's some days I loathe the thought of eggs. (like today)
  • It could be. I'm hoping it passes quickly. But silver lining is that I don't crave sugar and bread anymore, and I'm finding my hunger is way down. I think I often ate because I wanted food rather than out of genuine hunger, and I don't feel the need/desire to do that now.

    Thanks for listening to me whine! Sometimes that's all it takes is someone who "gets it" listening