Beach Chat - Tuesday, July 3

  • Good morning! I'm all bright-eyed and bushy-tailed after a great four day break. I'm also delighted that I did not put on any weight after such a decadent weekend. I guess the laughter must have burned things off. It was soo great to see Cottage, her DD and Carley and some of the other MODs. I think I may turn into a Jersey Chick.

    First thing I did when I got home yesterday around 5 was water my poor parched garden. It was as hot here as it was in NJ and things were looking pretty sad. This morning I'll work out there for an hour or two continuing my War on Weeds and then will start driving the route to pick up more schoolwork for the Fair. It will need to be sorted before judging but I'm hoping for a break in the heat soon - the second floor in the exhibit hall is a real oven.

    Not sure what else is on my plate for today but do know I need to do a bank run for the Mill. The Canada Day weekend brings lots of visitors and donations plus gift shop sales. The staff knew I was away so did not send me emails but I'm sure the barrage will start when they get in this morning. Lots is happening this month.

    OK - more coffee and back to real life after a lazy and decadent weekend. Most refreshing!

    How are you keeping your cool these hot days?
  • Good morning Ruth and just waking up Beachers I've got two days off so just working on a 2 day chore list.

    It's been hot and dry here too. So far the little patches of rain have missed us. Hope we get some, just enough to wet the soil. I don't have much of a garden this year but I have 6 beautiful tomato plants that could use a drink.

    I had a lovely time with friends last night. It was a perfect night for sitting on a deck.

    Now to plan my days off, including meals. I'm still struggling with my eating. I've always been an emotional eater and this is the biggest challenge I've had keeping my food on track. I know I will feel better in the long run if I do, so every day I start out with a plan. Now I just need to follow it
  • I could happily have slept for at least another hour this morning.

    It was a super weekend and so good to spend it with good friends.

    Jake took care of the garden while I was away, but sadly "forgot" to water the flowers and they looked pretty wilted, but after a good watering they're looking much better this morning. I'm sure it will be a busy day at the farm after being away for the long weekend and having off again tomorrow. I'd better go chop up some veggies for a healthy and restoring Green Monster to start the day off right.
  • Goooooooooooooood Morning. It is a beautiful day here again today. Trying it get back in the swing of things after the long week end. Just enjoying a cup of Tim Hortons Tea and then I am going to get at my to do list. I need to take advantage of my dd home working with me for the next 6 weeks.

    Ruth- glad you had a great 4 day mini vacation. Love it when you laugh the whole time. Makes you know you had a great time.

    Cindy- Enjoy your days off and hopefully you tackle you list quick so you can enjoy your days off. I love sitting on my deck.

    Cottage- Have a great day

    Have a great OP day Chicks.
  • Good morning!

    Ruth - so glad to see you back. Did you manage to sneak a camera in? Amazing that the scale is even - you did better than I would have!

    Cyndi - I hear ya on the planning the meals, but I think your excuse is a pretty good've done amazing.

    I took my daughter to see the movie "Brave" last night. Maybe it was just my frame of mind, but I only thought it "okay". She loved it of course , which is the important thing.

    Today is a long day, but I need to get off early to take DD to tennis, since DH will be out at DS' camp to pick him up and watch a program. Darned, I would love to see the program! I thoroughly expect to see DS being exhausted, and therefore probably not behaving well. Sigh. Thank goodness for red wine, and that there's a holiday tomorrow to sleep in!

    I love (love, LOVE!) those overnight oats, but I keep forgetting to put them in the fridge!! Alas - I do have bran blueberry muffins (with only 1/3 c. agave) that might do instead. Hmmm...time to post another recipe?
  • Good Morning

    Stayed up late, woke up early, went back to bed now it's time to get to business. Thought I'd say hi before I wake DH up. Since his new life is between these 4 walls I try and be social in the morning. We leave for PT right after work then I'm sure I'll crash early.

    Have a great day everyone!
  • Good morning.

    Body sculpting class this morning then work this afternoon. I just found out that my trainer's gym opening will be delayed until at least August so I'll need to keep motivated to strength train without her and my mom until then.

    Aaack - Just saw a spider crawl under the credenza in my office! Now I know he is creeping around in here. He was fast!!

    Ruth and Linda - Sounds like such fun.

    Cyndi - I've been struggling lately too. And I can't quite figure out what emotion is driving it right now, but the crap my husband and teen have in the house isn't helping.

    Little Chick - Enjoy that beautiful day.

    Twynn - I'm not sure I miss watching kids movies or not. There sure are some that have as much adult humor as kiddie chuckles.

    Debbie - Hope you get some time for yourself today.

    Off for some tea, but not after a quick looksey for that darn spider!
  • Good morning chicks! I think it's going to be another scorcher today, but right now, the sky is blue and the birds are singing! This morning is my monthly stint at the nursing home - I love my little ladies, and it is such a positive way to start the day. Then off to see some customers, then another play practice tonight. Trying to get a casting to production in 5 weeks is kind of insane!

    Debbie - Sending prayers for grace your way. Caregiving can be so taxing, regardless (or maybe because of) of the love you have for the recipient. :hugs:
    Twynn - Nooooo - I wanted Brave to be amazing! With our love of all things Celtic combined with our love of swords, I had high hopes.
    Cottage&Ruth - sounds like you had a terrific weekend. I'm glad it went well.
    Cyndi - I hear you on the emotional eating. My problem comes more in the form of ingesting fermented grape juice when I'm stressed - which then triggers the "I don't care what I eat" session. I've done much better, but man it is a struggle. Hang in there!
    Little - I'm looking wistfully at your post on having your daughter home for 6 weeks. I'm just past that stage with my older one. We only get to see each other once, maybe twice a year. Treasure those days. (On the other hand, I'm almost ready to kick my younger one out of the nest )

    Have a great day, ladies!
  • Good morning. Glad to hear the chicks enjoyed their time together. Tired today, the heat took a lot out of me working on the garden. With the heat I seem to be retaining water and a little off. I know my hormones are crazy these days too. My eating and exercise are good so I really think it's me lol

    Oh well. An uneventful day of errands, cleaning and a bike ride. Tomorrow it's back to work
  • LOL Cat- My youngest is leaving for college and will be leaving the nest before my older dd...... I am kind of waiting for both of them to be gone. I feel guilty when I say it but I am ready for our next chapter.
  • Good morning,

    I started my public commute this morning, take a bus and then the train to work. Not bad at all, the bus has wireless so I can work on my way. It seemed like the ride was quicker

    Cottage and Ruth- Glad you enjoyed your time together.

    Tywnn- We went and watched "Brave" and I have to agree with you. I do have to share it was very funny when one of the scenes startled DD2 and she jumped almost 2 feet into the air. It didn't frighten her just startled.

    Debbie- You are amazing

    to everyone else, I gotta run to start my 8 a.m. call

    Have a great day everyone!!!
  • Hey friends,
    Just checking in after being AWOL once again. I miss you all and am hoping to come back more often. Lots of changes, nothing radical, but means I am preoccupied. Glad to see everyone is doing well here!