Got sick, got off plan, here's my confession and ready to start over

  • I was doing amazing. I was staying OP and feeling great. Then, life happened, I got sick, I got called into work on a Saturday, I got overwhelmed w/ homework, blah, blah, blah. I feel like I am the millionth person to confess falling off the wagon, but I feel the need to do so. I feel like acknowledging it publicly helps me move on because it finalizes that it is over. Does that make any sense?

    It wasn't the worst setback, but it also wasn't pretty. I felt a little out of control. I am sad and kind of embarrassed. But, it is done.

    I have the rest of the evening to relax so hopefully my flu will clear up. I have a healthy salad to eat for dinner. I am going to hop back on the wagon before I lose sight of it.

    Thank you for listening and help make myself accountable. This is the end of me feeling sorry for myself and me getting back OP.
  • I'm glad you are starting to feel better and are ready to hop back on the wagon with renewed determination and motivation.
    We're all in this together through thick and thin, and we're glad to have you back!
  • Thank you! I am feeling better already. Tomorrow WILL be better than today.
  • Quote: Tomorrow WILL be better than today.
    Tomorrow is here and we are all here for you to help you get through your restart.

    Believe in yourself and know that we believe in you.
  • It's all we can do to pick ourselves up off the floor and get back in the game! In fact, learning to bounce back after "falling off the wagon" is a more valuable skill I think than never making a mistake at all. Life happens.
  • The holiday pushed me off track. But those r over so time to get back on track! You sound like you r ready as well - remember: nothing tastes as good as being thin!
  • jms: I'm looking at your stats. You've lost a lot of weight becasue you can. Sure, we all have our momentary setbacks, but just push it behind and move on! You can do it!
  • You can do this dear.
  • Thank you. I am on track today, but the cravings are there so it is difficult. I think I will go back to P1 for a day or two.

    I just wanted to thank this board and the posters for support and a place to come where people "get it."
  • There is no such thing as failure as long as we don't ever give up. I give you alot of credit for taking responsibility for your slip (as we all do from time to time) and recommitting to a healthier plan of action.
  • Believe me, we "get it" and we have all "been there, done that" so the important thing now is to just get up, dust yourself off and put one foot in front of the other and get on with it. If you have the cravings, phase one may be just what you need, at least for a few days. We so understand!
  • P1 for a few days is the standard recommendation. Best wishes!