Comfort Eating

  • This was posted in Weightloss Support but is quite a post.

    Just saying.
  • Wow.

    There's my cry for the day.
  • Oh, my goodness. How very sad.
  • Wow, that's so sad yet really makes you think about what's important. Do I really want the bag of chips now? Not so much. Thanks for putting the link to it.
  • Very touching and sad. It has renewed my feelings about why I am here.
  • Wow, so sad and powerful.
  • Wow very powerful and sad.
  • Hope she finds some peace. Very moving!
  • It's so sad.
  • Very sad that she couldn't mend the broken fence before she lost her sister. She must be heartbroken.

    I can surely relate after watching my Daddy die from diabetes, heart disease and eventually kidney cancer after an extraordinary life of "high living". Every time I thought about "cheating" I just remembered his gorgeous blue eyes and him begging me to lose weight before "this happens to you". That was all the motivation I needed. I did it, Daddy!
  • WOW!

    My heart breaks for this woman, but at the same time I am grateful she shared it. I think we can all take this and remember to mend any fences we need to mend. This also reminds us and encourages us to stay on track with our woe.