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  • I have been on SBD 3 wks now -- well today I caved and ate bread - I just love it so much and I miss it (that's just looks bad as I type it) - I am not beating myself up about it -- but this is one craving I can't seem to kick.. Do any of you have any suggestions.
  • What kind of bread are you "craving?" You are allowed sourdough and whole wheat breads on Phase 2. Is it a matter of portion control for you or does it trigger you?
  • it just triggers it - i have a portion - but I just want more - I'm thinking of going back into P1 until it can be under control.
  • I have trigger issues with wheat, too. That's the great thing about this way of eating - you know what your triggers are and can address them.

    I find that if I have a significant amount of protein with some wheat, I can get away with it without too much trouble. So if you want some bread, have some cottage cheese with it. Take out one slice and put the rest of the loaf away. WAY away, in the back of the fridge. Really eat it slowly and enjoy it.
  • Maybe try other sources of bread that aren't mostly wheat- maybe brown rice? or sprouted grains have a lower glycemic index....
  • Quote: Maybe try other sources of bread that aren't mostly wheat- maybe brown rice? or sprouted grains have a lower glycemic index....
    I stick with the sprouted grain products almost all the time. Ezekial makes breads, english muffins, hamburger/hot dog buns , tortillas and ?maybe even pitas.

    They have a slightly different texture, which I have grown to really like and because they are a little bit heavier and chewier I tend not to overeat.
  • The sprouted grain breads are a good idea for helping control the cravings that eating wheat will sometimes trigger. I always use the Ezekiel products, too, and I keep them in the freezer. It's easy to grab just one piece of bread and it thaws quickly.
  • Quote: I always use the Ezekiel products, too, and I keep them in the freezer. It's easy to grab just one piece of bread and it thaws quickly.
    I have never thought about putting the bread in the freezer - that's a really good idea.

    Thank you ladies - I am going to try the Ezekiel bread.
  • Having just reread the book I would agree with everyone, but especially want to remind us all that Dr. A always suggests we eat bread (grains, crackers, etc.) with protein and or healthy fat. He explains the science behind this.

    I find that I crave bread so I just don't eat it. When I do, I want more. For me it is easier right now to go with out. At some point when I feel well under control on the WOE I will try the breads suggested, if I miss them. Or not. I think I could happily live thin and breadless

    P.S. I know I have a different approach than many. If I really love or want something, I tend to avoid it for a while rather than add it in. I don't know if this is the best approach or not but it is working for me. 7+ weeks now and no cheats. And I feel a sense of control that I didn't feel dieting many times in the past.
  • I keep my bread in the freezer and only take out 1 slice at a time so I can't overeat it. It's not a trigger for me though...I might look for another grain like oatmeal, brown rice if it was.
  • I love BREADS and PASTAS!!! I only allow myself 2 slices a day. I've been eating Orowheat's 100% whole wheat Light bread. The Serving size is 2 slices and only 80 calories. The Slices are small and just enough to feel satisfied.
  • Sar...I eat that bread sometimes too. I like the small slices. I really enjoy the sandwich thins....I love how THIN they are..they're perfect!

    Waist...I'm the same as you. I know what I like, I know if I have it I will go overboard with I just don't have it! lol I figure once I get to goal weight, those will be the things I allow myself to have. Especially since by then, if I gain a little back...I'll know how to get it off!
  • Here's something weird I have discovered...bread triggers me (even OP bread and the sandwich thins), but for some reason whole wheat tortillas do not. Makes me think that most of my cravings are mental, not physiological. I am still being very careful with the processed grain products. I think I am better off getting my carbs from veggies, fruits, sweet potatoes, etc.
  • Can't wait until I am on Phase II of SBD. I am going to try a multigrain slice of bread with olive oil. I think multigrains are more satisfying and stay in the stomach longer.

  • Quote: Can't wait until I am on Phase II of SBD. I am going to try a multigrain slice of bread with olive oil. I think multigrains are more satisfying and stay in the stomach longer.

    Welcome Sharon! It's a good time to start label reading if you don't already. So far most of the so called whole grain breads I've seen are mostly wheat flour. That's label speak for white, processed flour and not SBD friendly. It annoys me no end that the USDA (or is it the FDA?) allows companies to use the label whole grain for such a small percentage of actual whole grain. Many also contain multiple sugars including HFCS. Companies often use many sweeteners to avoid listing sugar as a primary ingredient. I've been on a kick about this for awhile. I make all our bread but my Mom tries to buy healthier foods for them and doesn't get to the ingredients often enough. I'm sure she loves me visiting and reading through all the breads pointing out problems with them