new to the site

  • hi, I am new to this site, I have been reading it for a while, I love the south beach section.
    I lost 38pounds on south beach, it took about 6 months to drop the weight, but I have maintined this new weight for almost 1 year, it is the easiest "diet" ever, I
    could never go back to my old eating habits, on the rare ocassion when I ate off plan, I was physically sick.
    So I will not ever go back to that way off eating.
  • just wanted to claify my weight status, my goal weight was 120 lbs, however, this summer I was ill for a weeks, and lost 3 pounds, I still can not gian back the 3 pounds when i was ill, I eat so well, and I never feel hungry.
    Just proves how well this plan works! I will take the lower weight, but if I DO
    gain a few pounds its ok, since I am still at my goal,
  • Welcome to the forum june65! Congratulations on your success with SB!
  • Hi June and

    Congrats on reaching your goal. I hope to join you maintainers one of these days. I am really happy following SB principles and really enjoy the daily contact with others following this WOL.

    Jump in and introduce yourself on the daily thread.
  • , June! And congratulations on your successful weight loss!
  • thank you for your kinds words.
    I wish I would have joined earlier, but I AM HERE now.
    I love this site, and have told some of my friends about the site, 3 of my friends are on the beach, one has lost almost 30 pounds, she looks great, but more important she feels great, we look over the recipe section during our breaks at work.