Please read! We're a chatty bunch!

  • Our Daily Chat thread is getting too long and taking a while to load for folks who are on dial-up.

    Please use the edit feature rather than do multiple posts one after another. This will help the MODs who may have to combine adjacent posts. Believe me, we don't need more work!

    See this sticky regarding your profile settings. You should see 40 posts per page, rather than only 20 which is the system default. (Holler if you need help.)

    Thanks, Beachies.
  • Thanks, Ruth.
  • wow, what a difference in reading the thread! Monday's chat went from 5 pages down to 2 !!

    THANKS RUTH!!!!!!!!
  • And if I get around to combining sequential posts, it'll be even smaller.
  • Thanks!

    Just double checked my settings. I'm good to go.
  • ^^^^^
  • yeah but it has me afraid to post now....