Meal times and sizes

  • Hello

    I was wondering is there any importance to how I divide my meal during the day. Does south beach refers to this issue?

    I feel that I eat a very big dinner, maybe even to big, because it's my only real meal during the day. During the day I snack small things here and there because I don't have the time to sit and eat properly.

    So if I Look at the day as a whole, I'm Ok. But after dinner I feel really fat, and I go to sleep with a full stomach.

    Thank you
  • Mari... have you had a chance to read the book? SBD advocates 3 meals and 2 snacks . One of the purposes is that combined with eating whole foods you keep your blood sugars on an even keel.

    Take a look at the Foods in Phase 1 and 2 in the sticky section. There are quick "mini meals" you can create rather than snacking here and there through the day.