Question about Walking

  • I would like your advice.

    I am unable to exercise vigourously because I do not wash my hair everyday. For exercise, I have decided to engage in walking.

    My goal is to walk 4-5 days per week, and I have been able to do so. I walk at least 3 miles, on some days I walk 4 miles. I can walk 3 miles in less than 45 minutes. Do you think that this is adequate exercise for overall health? (I also do crunches, lunges, squats, and arm exercises three times per week.)

    I decided to choose a plan that I could stick to long term. When I graduate and move I plan to buy a treadmill and keep this up.

    Your thoughts will be appreciated.
  • Walking (152lbs)
    259 calories in 45 min (3 miles at 4 mph)

    I got that from
    I would say 3 miles in 45 minutes is really good, and 259 calories isn't bad either! keep it up!
  • Quote: Walking (152lbs)
    259 calories in 45 min (3 miles at 4 mph)

    I got that from
    I would say 3 miles in 45 minutes is really good, and 259 calories isn't bad either! keep it up!
    Cool! Thanks!
  • i understand on the hair!!!!!

    i do pilates. it can be cardio and great toning for the body.congrats on the weightloss 9 lbs in one month
  • The main goal with effective cardio is to get your heart rate up - does walking do this? I think the best test for this, without a heart-rate moniter, is the perceived exertion test:

    Level 1: I'm watching TV and eating bon bons
    Level 2: I'm comfortable and could maintain this pace all day long
    Level 3: I'm still comfortable, but am breathing a bit harder
    Level 4: I'm sweating a little, but feel good and can carry on a conversation effortlessly
    Level 5: I'm just above comfortable, am sweating more and can still talk easily
    Level 6: I can still talk, but am slightly breathless
    Level 7: I can still talk, but I don't really want to. I'm sweating like a pig
    Level 8: I can grunt in response to your questions and can only keep this pace for a short time period
    Level 9: I am probably going to die
    Level 10: I am dead

    Apparantly you're supposed to be around level 5/6 for effective cardio workouts. As long as you can stick around this I don't see why walking wouldn't work for you. On the other hand, couldn't you just work out harder and wear a shower cap, or am I missing the point?
  • I don't wash my hair every day and I still do hard sweat-induced cardio (aka my spin class today was Sweattting.

    I wear a sweatband around my head.

    But I usually wash my hair every other day, unless I get really lazy....

    or what if you did hard excersize on the day that you knew u were going to wash your hair?? Sweating is good for you - it actually means that you are fit and your body is good at controlling your core temp.
  • Thanks all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!