Dealing with temptation...

  • How do you deal with temptation? How do you handle situations where people seem to want you to cheat? Do you have any tips for others about what to do when your friends, coworkers and family offer you something you can't eat then make you feel guilty about declining? You know the type I'm talking about, that lady at work who brings in cookies and then gives you stress when you tell her you can't eat them because you're on a diet, thanks anyway. Then she procedes to tempt you "Oh, Just one cookie won't hurt!" and then if you continue to refuse puts on a show of being hurt.

    I thought it'd be nice to share tips with people like me who are new to SBD.

  • My excuse is "Thanks but I'm diabetic!" Even if you aren't, you can tell a white lie to avoid hurting people's feelings. My Mother said that was OK!
  • A polite no. Followed by a firm no. Followed by something about dietary restrictions that my Dr. has suggested to help with my thyroid condition. That usually works for most people.

    My dd kept trying to get me to share chex mix with her this weekend, and I explained that mommy was trying to get healthier, which led to an explanation of healthy weight (so as not to give her a complex about weight and eating). Today I was buying whole wheat rye crisps and she said "mommy? Are you skinny again? You can eat crackers?" *sigh* She gets about as much as she can get at 5.
  • Depends on how much you care about the relationship with the person. If she's a co-worker that's important to what you do then try something like "Thank you, I'm not hungry." or take it and place it in a napkin and throw it away when you go the bathroom next.

    If the person tempting isn't important in your little circle I tend to get a little ruder after a polite "no, thank you" "I don't want cookies, why do you keep pushing them on me?" or "What part of 'no, I don't want any' did you not understand?"

    I don't say "I'm on a diet" or "I need to watch my weight." That seems to open up the "oh, just one won't hurt" mentallity. I have said I have a glucose problem and need to keep an eye on what I eat.

    Good luck,
  • I may not be the best authority on this because all during phase 1 I hid from my friends because I knew they would pressure me into stuff like this. After I had built up some habits and they now see I'm serious about losing weight, they don't offer me that stuff anymore. I just know that personally "just one" always ends up being a feast. So I just politely say no. There's nothing wrong with a little white lie. I don't know how many times I told people at work or friends that I couldn't have that cookie because I just had a big meal and couldn't eat one more bite. The more you say no the easier it gets. Hang in there.
  • Most of my friends have either been around long enough to have been through the allergy diet with me (the most restrictive eating plan I've ever heard of! In the end I only made it 6 months but got rid of several sensitivities) or they are raw foodies, vegetarians, or organic food eaters only...I have several varying diets in my network of friends. We're all good about respecting each others needs. My family on the other hand is HORRIBLE. They all express love with sugary, fat filled food. "Here honey - have more cake, I never get to see you anymore." "I made this pie just for - you because I know it's your favorite and you never come to visit me." ug the guilt of it. The blood sugar thing doesn't even work on them because they ALL have it and none of them take care of their's. Last year my mother gave me a waffle iron. I haven't eaten foods like that in over 3 years (except when I'm way WAY off plan - and she doesn't hear about those would just complicate things). Still she gave me a WAFFLE IRON. She keeps asking me if I'm getting lots of use out of it......