
  • I am 35 and a mother of 2 boys. I used to be very active but in the last year have become a couch lover. I weigh 190, but a bigger problem than the weight is I have no energy.
    I found this site by accident and I am hoping for support and ecouragement.
    I want to be healthy and sexy!!
    Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
  • Congratulations on getting started and finding this site. I found it quite by accident too while browsing for diet support. Good luck on your weight loss journey.
  • Hi luwa!

    I'm new here, too! I also am the mother of two sons and was pretty inactive for most of my adult life. Last year when our oldest became engaged I decided that it was time to GET MOVING so that I would look better for the wedding next year.

    I started walking first and also limiting fats in my diet. I then increased whole grains and fruits and veggies. I began having more energy and walking every day. After I had lost about 15 pounds I really began to feel a lot lighter and noticed much more energy. I went to the library and loaded up with various exercise DVDs. Some were NOT for me, but others were FANTASTIC. Now I had NO EXCUSE if it was raining or snowing and could evercise in my livingroom whenever I wanted. I began reading as much as I could find about what REALLY works to help a person lose weight. I discovered that it really was pretty simple: eat sensible portions of nutritious foods, and do daily exercise that you enjoy.

    My pitfalls before were: 1) Eating portions that were too large, 2) Not exercising, 3) Eating too many fats and carbs, and 4) Not believing enough in myself.

    Start slowly. Reward yourself with a pair of jeans in a smaller size that fit great or with a new CD or some other "prize" instead of food. As you lose some weight and add some muscle/get fit, you will gain energy. You really will!

    Good luck on your weight loss journey!

  • Hello luwa,

    Welcome to this wonderful place!!! I love it here and I'm sure you will too!
    I hated to move at first too so I started off slowly. Do something with low impact, perhaps stretching and walking and then increase your time. The more you exercise, the more energy you will have. Exercise won't be as stressing or as hard over time and you will enjoy it when you start to see results.