Someone Kick my Butt in Gear!

  • The past few weeks have not gone too well for me, and I'm starting to tell. I've fallen off the wagon of good eating and exercise, and into the "bump on a log" stage, which isn't pleasent! I haven't tracked my food, I haven't done anything!

    The past few weeks have been really stressful ones, and I know that when I'm stressed things fall apart. I'm having a really hard time getting back on track! Also before all this I was at a platue (sp?) for over 2 months, and I couldn't break that at all to save my life! No matter what I did, or how hard I worked, what I ate, how many calories I cut, hot much exercise I did, nothing broke it, and that was really frustrating me! I know I need to get back to it, but my motivation is seriously lacking...

    any advice?? How can I overcome this platue (sp?) that I've been on for so long?
  • I completley know what you mean.. For the whole month of may I stopped keeping track of my food, stopped exercising, i dont know WHAT happened. You just gotta get up and DO it. If its not working for you, try something else. Just get back into it hun, thats the only way to loose the weight.. Were here for you!!

  • I think we've all been there. I find that it's easier to get back on track with teeny tiny steps. If I can't bother to motivate myself to commit to my usual full-length workout, maybe I can do at least one sit up. At this point, it's not necessarily about burning calories, but reestablishing your routine.

    I have a workout dvd that's segmented into 3 ten minute workouts. If I don't have time to do the whole video (or I just don't feel like it), I can usually get myself to do one of the 10 minute sessions. It's a great compromise; I keep with my routine and I can still take it easy on myself a bit.

    Just start out small, and eventually, you'll pop out of this funk and be right back into your regimen full time. I wish you luck!
  • Just get back to it!

    I have been really slackin lately, yea, I've been working out, but my food has been waaay off.

    I weighed myself yesterday...and I'm back at the 180s! CRAP-that got me back on track, I refuse to gain back all this weight, and be unhappy & miserable because I let myself go.

    JUST RE COMMIT to yourself that you are starting over...Don't give up!

    I'm right there with you!