how long have you been on NS (or plan to stay?)

  • I'm planning to do 2 months. April (well starting now) and May. Its perfect timing for me- im super busy because of finals. I dont have time to think about food and its before summer!

    How long have you been on?

    How long do you plan to stay?
  • Good morning Freddy!!

    I started on 1/28/06 and plan on staying on the plan until I lose at least 50 lbs. Just got my third shipment and I'm still enjoying the food and the convenience.

  • I also plan on staying on the plan until I lose 6lbs. And then I've been reading about maintance. I think for me I will continue on NS even after I lose the weight. Maybe staying on the plan thru the week days, and going off on the weekends. But it is easy for me as I am single and don't have to cook for anyone else. The convenience is great for me, and there are very few foods that I don't like so far.
  • I plan on staying on until I reach my goal. Last night I fell off the wagon and had a cheeseburger. (I just had to! ) first time I cheated in 3 weeks. I still lost 1/2 lb. this week, as Friday is my w/i day.

    I love the food & the convenience. I mentioned on another post that I'm having a hard time getting my veggies in. Other than that, I can't complain!
  • The above was 60 lbs. Not 6. LOL Boy I wish that's all I had to lose!!!!