Should I go back on phase 1?

  • This Wednesday I was supposed to complete 8 successsful weeks on SB, things were great until last week when my cravings got out of control. I was constantly thinking about food, especially chocolates and chips so I took Thursday "off" to get the cravings out of my system and that was the worst idea ever, I haven't stopped eating since!!!
    I don't know what to do now, should I go back to phase 1? So far in phase 2 I added apples, strawberries, grapefruit juice and bran flakes. I added the last 2 in the same week so I don't know which one triggered the cravings!
    Any ideas?
    I need intervention ASAP, I don't want to regain all the weight I lost (11 pounds in 7 weeks)!
  • My advice would be to go back on P1 for a week. Feeding your cravings with that stuff will just cause a vicious cycle of cravings and eating. Trust me, I just went through a week of that and will start P1 again myself today. Good luck!
  • You might have gotten the cravings from the grapefruit juice. We aren't supposed to be drinking fruit juices. Making it into a juice reduces the fiber and makes it higher glycemic. Better to eat the fruit.

    I suggest you go back to phase 1 until the cravings go away.
  • Yup! Ditch the juice. Just a half cup of grapefruit juice has more calories and carbs than a half grapefruit and who drinks just 4 ounces of juice? The half grapefruit gives you fiber and also takes longer to eat than it does to glug a wee glass of juice.
  • Yup, hit P1 again for as long as it takes to rid yourself of the cravings...maybe a day or two longer just in case, then ditch any and all fruit juices. They are big triggers.

    Good for you in figuring out what does and doesn't work for you.
  • Grapefruit juice huh? So ironic, I hate grapefruit juice, I was only drinking it because I read that research supports that it aids weight loss! Who knew it would trigger massive cravings!
    I'll restart phase 1 on the 1st of April, till them no more grapefruit juice for me!