Brown bag lunches!

  • It seems that we are always looking for lunches to take to work or eat on the road so I've started this thread so that we can share our ideas for quick and easy portable lunches.
  • My favorite brown bag lunch items

    low fat jello pudding cups
    Baby carrots with hummous dip or ranch dressing
    cucumber slices marinated in balsamic vinegar
    low fat granola bars
    Laughing cow cheese with wheat crackers
    Laughing cow cheese with celery
    green grapes
    lean turkey slices and red pepper strips rolled up in lettuce leaves
    kalamata olives
    cherry or grape tomatoes
    pear or apple with cheese
    unsalted almonds
    unsalted cashews
  • Tuna Pasta Salad
    1 and 1/2 cups tiny pasta shells
    13 ounces water-packed tuna, drained and flaked
    1/2 cup diced sweet red peppers
    2 scallions, minced
    2 tablespoons minced fresh parsley
    1/2 teaspoon dried oregano
    1/2 cup nonfat mayonnaise
    1 tablespoon white wine vinegar
    2 teaspoons Dijon mustard

    Cook the pasta in a large pot of boiling water according to package directions (for 10 minutes), until
    just tender. Pour into a colander, rinse with cold water and transfer to a large bowl.

    Add the tuna, peppers, scallions, parsley and oregano. Toss to combine.

    In a small bowl, mix the mayonnaise, vinegar and mustard then pour into the pasta tossing well to coatthe pasta.

    Store in tupperware containers in the fridge for a quick grab and go lunch.

    Makes 4 servings.

    Per serving: 319 calories, 3.2 g. fat, 1.5 g. dietary fiber
  • Turkey and cucumber sandwiches
    (makes 4 sandwiches)


    1/2 cup nonfat mayonnaise
    1 tablespoon prepared horseradish
    1/2 teaspoon garlic powder
    1/2 teaspoon ground black pepper
    2 cups finely chopped cooked turkey breast
    1/4 cup finely chopped scallions
    8 slices rye bread
    1 seedless cucumber, very thinly sliced

    In a medium bowl, toss together the mayonnaise, horseradish, garlic powder and pepper. Mix in the
    turkey and scallions. Divide the mixture among 4 slices of the bread, spreading it to the edges. Overlap
    the cucumber slices in an even layer over the turkey. Top with the remaining 4 slices of bread.

    Per serving: 279 calories, 4.2 g. fat (14% of calories), 4 g. dietary fiber, 49 mg. cholesterol, 816 mg.

    Note: If you don’t like soggy bread then take the filling to work in a tupperware container and the bread in a sandwich baggy and assemble just before you go to eat your sandwich.
  • California Chicken Salad Sandwiches
    Makes 4 servings

    2 cups shredded cooked chicken breast
    1 cup halved seedless grapes
    1/2 cup finely chopped celery
    1/4 teaspoon ground coriander
    1/4 teaspoon powdered ginger
    1/4 teaspoon dried basil
    1/4 cup nonfat mayonnaise
    1/4 cup nonfat yogurt
    4 large pita breads
    16 large spinach leaves

    In a medium bowl, toss together the chicken, grapes, celery, coriander, ginger and basil. Mix in the mayonnaise and yogurt. Cut each pita in half and open the pockets. Line each half with 2 spinach leaves. Fill with the chicken mixture.

    Per serving: 296 calories, 6.2 g. fat, 1.9 g. dietary fiber,
  • Catalina Shrimp Pockets
    Makes 4 servings


    12 ounces small ready-cooked and peeled shrimp
    2 cups pre-shredded coleslaw mixture (available in most grocery stores)
    1/2 cup reduced-calorie Catalina dressing
    4 large whole-wheat pita breads

    In a medium bowl, combine the shrimp, coleslaw mixture and dressing. Cut each pita in half and openthe pockets. Fill with the shrimp mixture.

    Per serving: 217 calories, 3.4 g. fat, 1.7 g. dietary fiber
  • Sandwiches
    Italian ham
    Whole wheat panini bun (or other Italian bun)
    2 oz slices of proscuitto ham (Italian ham- it's a bit salty but yummy)
    1 slice lower fat provolone cheese
    1 slice of roasted red pepper (packed in water, not oil)
    (* estimated at 7pts)

    slices pupernickel bread
    2 oz low fat turkey
    lettuce or alphalfa sprouts
    (*estimated at 6pts)

    Tuna my way
    2 slices wholewheat bread
    1/4 cup tuna mixed with 1 tsp low fat mayo and garlic salt (to taste)
    ( * estimated at 6 pts)

    Veggie pita
    1 small wholewheat pita
    hummous spread
    low fat cheese (thinly sliced)
    alphalfa sprouts
    sliced avocado
    (*estimated at 7pts)

    * depends on what brands you buy - read your labels for proper info
  • Salads ideas
    Romane lettuce
    Tomato (sliced)
    2 oz low fat hamm, chopped or shredded
    2 oz low fat cheese, grated
    Dressing of choice
    Soft boiled egg optional
    (*estimated at 5-8 pts depending on the dressing and egg)

    Tuna salad:
    Romaine lettuce
    Srping mix greens
    Tomato (sliced)
    4 oz tuna (packed in water)
    Dressing of choice
    (*estimated at 2-5 pts depending on dressing)

    Mauv's favorite:
    Romaine lettuce
    Red leaf lettuce
    1 cup chopped broccoli (raw)
    1 oz low fat cheese (cut into small cubes)
    2 of low fat ham (chopped)
    Dressing of choice
    (*estimated at 6-8pts depending on dressing)

    Chicken Ceasar:
    Romaine or other lettuce
    3 oz cooked chicken
    1/4 cup baked croutons
    low fat Ceasar dressing (storebought)
    (*estimated at 6-7 pts depending on dressing brand and croutons)

    **points vary depending on what brands you buy -check the labels for nutritional info to calculate points