I'm Ready

  • Hi everyone, this board looks like a great way to be honest with my self about my new and unhealthy eating habits.

    I gained this weight quite recently; in fact it’s been a whopping 10 pounds in the last month and a half. I felt confident that I could take it off quickly at any time, but after 9 days of failing to stick to my healthier eating plan, I think I need to try something else. Also this weekend was a big wake up call, when the button on my favorite pair of pants popped off while I was at dinner with friends. The real shock was looking through the photos from that night, and being in complete denial about the way my clothes fit.

    My life has been a little crazy lately. I ended a bad relationship a month and a half ago and jumped into another one shortly after, and now that this one has ended- I’m finally come to the conclusion that I need to step back because this is becoming an endless cycle. I’m a student, who’s stressed about her future and her major. Also like almost everyone out there, I have issues with my family and I’ve distanced myself from them in the past few months.

    I would say alcohol and food have been my refuge for the past couple of years, and until recently I couldn’t admit that to myself. I just want to feel better and look better, and be confident. I’ve been sick with a cold for the past week and a half, and I was sick for 3 weeks last month with bronchitis and it’s like my poor body has had enough.

    So, here's hoping that I get through this!