Problem with ankle weights

  • I'm having a heck of a time getting my ankle weights (All-Pro 20#) to fit properly now that I'm up to 12# per side. It's hard to fasten them tight enough. I'll think they're okay and start a set, only to find at least one of them slipping down uncomfortably. I'm wasting too much time adjusting them, and I find myself tempted to blow off the workout.

    Any suggestions?
  • I have never used ankle weights. Could you give us examples of what kinds of exercises are you doing with them on? And we could give you some suggestions of different exercises to do.
  • Yes, how much is related to the weights, and how much to you moving around. I have some that go up to 10# and I agree they are hard to get snug enough, but once they are they tend to stay, but all I'm doing is exercises where I don't move around a lot, the leg ones from "Strong Women Stay Slim."
  • Well, after all my whining the other day, and avoiding the ankle weights for several weeks, I put on a pair of thicker socks, gave the straps a mighty yank, and, voila! They fit just fine. I suspect that, since I lost 12 pounds over the past few weeks, I'm able to bend over easier and stay bent over long enough to do the job right!

    My exercise program is from "Strong Women Stay Young", from the same author as "Strong Women Stay Thin." You can get either book at the library to see if the free weight exercise program is for you. I finally bought my own copy because I got tired of trekking back and forth to the library every two weeks! This author is terrific. I know the word "empowering" has been overused to a fare-the-well, but that's exactly what it's been for me.
  • $1
    Bought me a pair for $1 today at Target! Okay they aren't 12lbers but they were fun to go shopping in. Plus do some donkey crunches, etc.
  • Cynny -- Congrats on the weight loss .... and figuring out what the problem was, don't you wish all problems where so easy to solve *sigh* ...