Time For Serious Fun #120

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    We are a thread dedicated to making losing weight a pleasant experience. We laugh, cry and talk together. We have challenges, points for staying on program, drinking our water, and exercising. We have a daily topic to join in. Our only focus is to help us realize that dieting and all that goes with it need not be unpleasant, but can be fun. Come join the fun here at Time for Serious Fun! Everyone is Welcome!


    Monday: Mission Monday New mission each week
    Tuesday: Target Tuesday We target something to work on
    Wednesday: Wednesday's Woes Our day to complain about anything and everything
    Thursday: Time for Us Thursday The day set aside to pamper us!
    Friday: Fabulous Lbs Down Friday. Report our losses!



  • TUESDAY: Today is Target Tuesday and our target this week is sweets! You know you are gonna have 'em so try and limit them to just a taste of your favs instead of a whole piece. Try drinking water inbetween parties etc to keep you filled up too!

    Morning gals! Well, after getting a call to come into the dr asap (they had a cancellation) we rushed over then sat for 3.5 hours! We were the last patient in the whole practice and it is a big one! Jack was beyond pissed off. We sat in the waiting room for a hour and a half (it was FULL of mostly babies and prego women which in my mind was a BAD sign) then they took us back and took his vitals, said there wasn't an open room and stuck us outside the lab to sit and wait for another hour and a half. Jack finally threw a mini fit and they went and did his xray or the tech would have been gone and it would have all been for nothing. It was anyway as the doctor told him to get a cup for his heel in his shoe and if it doesn't improve in 2 weeks come back! We paid to hear something we already knew! Total waste of time. We went to Walgreens and replaced the thingy we had in his shoe with something else to see if it will help and bought an extra to put in his work shoe so we shall see. I am going to start him on some physical therapy with a ball this afternoon when he gets home as I am told that will relieve the inflammation of the heel spur. I hate the practice we are attached to anyway because they take a lot of Medicaid and Medicare patients and so the practice if full up all the time and you can't get in. My poor husband had to wait a week and a half to get in and do what we did! One of the things I hate most about sitting there is seeing all the teenage girls pregnant or with babies. There were a pair of them, not over 15 with a new baby and one about 5 months old and they sat there and let them cry while they talked on the damn phone (which you aren't supposed to have on in the dr office anyway but no one will enforce it!) I was getting ready to blow my top about the babies (Jack kept telling me to calm down and ignore it) The one baby was big enough to crawl and had crawled out of the waiting room into the entrance where the outside door was!!!!! I told Jack I was giving her ONE minute then I was going to blow! About that time, they called him back. It was sickening you guys to see all those children having children. The problem with changing is with Jack. He would have to go through another complete physical somewhere else all the blood tests and everything to start his referrals to his cardiologist. They called yesterday and are putting him on another drug because his HDL is like 29 and his LDL is 79 or something like that. They are worried about the HDL and are going to try this drug on him for 90 days I guess! {{{{{SIGH}}}}}

    Everyone sounds like they are succumbing to the holiday treats so be prepared to start working hard on Jan 2. I am giving you until then in case any of you plan of New Year's Eve partying then we are going to kick butt. I want everyone except me to be at goal by Christmas of next year. As for me, I want to be a shadow of my current self!

    Have a great day gals. I have bathrooms to clean!

  • WEDNESDAY: Today is Wednesday's woes. A day we can gripe about whatever we want!

    I only have a minute girls as I am making fudge this morning and need to get to it and get it done. I have cleaning to do also and I want to get it done first thing this morning also. Tomorrow is Christmas cookie day, though I only make a small batch for grandson and family, but it still takes time to cut them out and bake and decorate.

    Everyone have a great day and I will talk to you later

  • Hello, everyone...Faye, you are right. January 1 I'm hitting the weight loss trail hard. Had an appointment for my asthma yesterday and darned if she didn't insist on weighing me. I've gained 8 pounds since I was there last (a few could be because it was late in the day as opposed to first thing in the morning and I had on heavy winter clothes and shoes), but not good. So now she says I need to lose 15-20 pounds (which would put me at 140-145) to improve my asthma. So I came into work this morning to find a huge tray of muffins, candy, cookies, fruit cake and fudge on my desk from the cleaning people so I put that in the kitchen for all to share. Can't have that sugar or that will be up, I was really on the border line last time it was checked since the acceptable numbers have been lowered.

    My husband continues to have good and bad days, but as long as I have him I don't care what I have to do to keep him going. He's actually able to get around the house with his cane again so that is definitely an improvement. He's been eating a little more but still has days he can't eat at all so we aren't making much progress there.

    Plan to stay home and have a quiet Christmas. He'll probably sleep the afternoon away and I'll quilt, which is fine with me.

    HOpe you all have everything you want for Christmas and a new year blessed with weight loss and good health!
  • Hi guys,

    I am with you Faye - January 2nd is D Day for me (the gym is closed on Jan 1st!). I did my big Christmas shop today and whilst I got a few treats (and my friend gave me a box of chocs), I didn't go overboard. I've been overeating for about a week now and I feel like I've put on a tonne of weight - but that is probably TOM more than anything. I've been going to the gym so things can't be that bad - well whatever the damage, I'll sort it out with gusto in the New Year - and I MEAN THAT 100%!!!

    FAYE - Sorry you were kept waiting so long at the doctors - the longest I have waited is an hour and that was bad enough! We have loads of teenage mums here too - South Yorkshire has the hightest teen pregnancy rate in the whole of Europe!

    SUSAN - I am really happy that you can cherish this Christmas with your husband - just being able to have him with you is more important than anything. I hope you have a lovely time.

    Hi to Carri, Julie and Lee Ann

    Love Amanda x
  • THURSDAY: Today is Time for us Thursday so take some time just doing what you want to do to be good to yourself!

    Susan: I'm with you. We can deal with anything as long as we have them, right? I hope he will continue to improve or at the very least stabilize and be able to eat on a regular basis. Jack's heart attack was 3 years ago now, but I still lay and listen to make sure I hear him breathing and if it is quiet, I touch him to make sure he is warm. He is doing fine other than we put on a bunch of lbs together, but I never slack when it comes to checking him all the time. He has learned to live with it and doesn't get irritated at all. He accepts my angst and understands as he would be the same in reverse.

    Amanda: Glad you got the shopping done. Buy anything fun for anyone? Do you get to see your family during the holidays, or do they live too far away?

    I made the Christmas cut out cookies yesterday so I have to frost and decorate those this afternoon. We have a lot of crap to drag downstairs to take, so I imagine we will do that tonight too. My husband's office closet is FULL of presents and {{{SIGH}}} most of them are for you know who! I just have such a good time getting things for him. I can't wait for him to see his Harry Potter stuff. I sure hope he likes it.

    My sister's oldest dd's baby is due Jan 16, but she is fully effaced and the babie's head is 1+. Those of you younger mom's will know what the heck that all is, but I am pretty clueless as they didn't tell us all that when I had kids. I told her mom yesterday I thought she would have her baby on her dad's birthday, which is Saturday. She has not been feeling well the last couple days and my dsis says she has been having diahrrea, which my sister said she had at the end so I figure it won't be long. (for a big laugh, this is the honest truth, the day before MY SON was born, I felt like cleaning and cleaned like a madman! ) This is their first baby so I know they are excited. My niece, from my other sister was out there (they live in CA) in Sept and says the babie's room is adorable. It is all done surfer and even has a surfer mural on the wall. They are having a little boy they are naming Luke.

    Well gals, I hope you all have a stupendous Christmas and I will be back in here on Tuesday. May Santa be real good to you! BIG HUGS!!!!!

  • hey all,

    Well I weighed myself today and was pleasantly suprised - I've still got TOM, but am only showing a 3lb gain. Believe me I am really pleased about that as I imagined that I had gained about 10!! I'll probably gain a few more over Christmas, but at least I know where I am and can get rid of them pretty quickly in the New Year!

    FAYE - Luke is one of my fave boy's names - good choice! Hope all goes well with the delivery. have a great Christmas break and enjoy all your pressies!

  • I am overeating this holiday, but not on holiday food. I'm so completely stress eating! You know how hard the holidays can be with Certain Families. Well, I'm going to my in-laws for Christmas and my own family is ... being difficult.

    And.. the kids aren't sleeping because we are at Julie's house right now and they just want to play play play (at 2 am, 3 am, 4am..) so I haven't slept in a few nights trying to get them to go back to sleep.

    Julie says "Stop worrying!" and for some reason that makes it worse. sigh. I should just skip Christmas every year. I always dread it coming and am glad to see it go. Ha ha!

    -Lee Ann
  • Hi everyone!

    TOM for me and stress eating all around! Last night Lee and her family left for Canada, so we decided to try out a little "real" Italian restaurant near us. It was soooo good, but sooo rich in wine and butter and cream, etc. Two of the kids just couldn't handle that kind of food--they ended up getting sick rather than digesting it. Ben lost it on the way home, and Sarah got up around midnight unable to stand it anymore. Just goes to show you, if you're used to eating healthy, it's not a good idea to shock your system like that! Holidays or not!

    We did get a nice 3" blanket of fresh snow, so it's all Christmassy outside. If the kids' tummies are feeling better, I might make cookies today...or I might just nap all day! Everything's pretty much done. I went skating yesterday on new skates, what a weird difference! These are designed for the kind of skating I'm doing, but I'm not used to all the support. My ankles are happy, but I feel really clumsy on them right now cuz I can't bend my ankles forward or back (which is how I balanced on my old skates). I'll get used to them, but it's pretty funny right now. I don't know if I'll ever see the custom ones I ordered before Thanksgiving...at least I didn't put any money down yet.

    Everyone have a nice peaceful holiday! I'm ready to just stop eating already...my tummy is just bleh.


    I've been to the gym this afternoon to do a kick *** cycle class - I figure that it will raise my metabolism and will help me to burn off some of that extra food I plan on scoffing!

    Have a peaceful and happy Christmas everyone - make the most of it, for in the New Year we diet!!!

    Lots of Love

    Amanda x
  • Just a quick peek in as I am bushed. We got home this morning, but since Jack and I together won $2300 at the casino over the weekend, we went on a spending spree today getting stuff we desperately needed for the condo like a new garbage disposal, new electric blanket, new printer that konked out on us, a jazzy new iron and I even got a pretty computer desk that goes wonderfully in my kitchen.

    Hope everyone had a super holiday. My grandson was such a hoot. They came down on Sat afternoon to have Christmas with us and I asked him what he had been doing all day before they left to come down. He said, {{{SIGH}}} "Well, I have been cleaning house all day so that tonight Santa doesn't trip in our house!" My dd told me that in his class they had a discussion about Christmas traditions and when he was ask what his family traditions were he told his class "We go to the casinos."

    I need to go and get some laundry folded. Talk to you all in the morning!

  • TUESDAY: Today is target Tuesday and our target this week is meal planning. It is never a good thing to fly by the seat of your pants with dieting. Take time to make meal plans and you can better stay within your program.

    Hope you all are having a great day. I will try and check in a little later.

  • Hi Faye,

    Glad you had a good Christmas - wow, that was a big win, good for you! I had a very nice time - lots of yummy food, rubbish TV and pleasant company.

    We've got snow here now - 2 days too late for a white Christmas! At the moment it's quite a light covering and I'm hoping it stays that way, but other parts of the country have had several inches. I'm hoping that now I am lighter, I won't fall over so much - although that could just as much depend on good footwear, which I haven't really got! I am hoping to get to the gym tomorrow and work off some of that food!

    I am gearing myself up to my new diet effort in the New Year - I feel really good about it as it is not overwhelming like it was last year when I was at my highest weight and lowest fitness. Things are completely different now as I have made such progress over the last year and I am ready to tackle the rest of my weight!

    Love Amanda x
  • WEDNESDAY: Today is Wednesday's woes so if you have a gripe, now is the time to vent!

    Amanda: I would imagine it will be easier walking for you this season. I know I have a lot of problems because of weight and my darn knee. Glad you had a great Christmas!

    I have to go grocery shopping today to try and beat the rush out there for New Year's eve party stuff. As I am sure they have leftover Christmas food on sale, it will probably be a zoo, but I need to get it done today.

    I am getting the house back to normal except my computer desk is laying against the living room wall in parts! Jack can't get to it until the weekend. My linoleum floors are a mess though, but they are going to have to wait until Jack can pull out the dishwasher and check the hose. It is not draining out and we think maybe the hose is clogged. It is always something, isn't it?

    Hope everyone had a nice Christmas celebration.

    Have a good day y'all!

  • Good Morning everyone!

    We had a great Christmas, pretty quiet overall. Lee is here with her family for the next several days...it's always nice to have company!

    I've been afraid to weigh myself for the past few weeks cuz I've been soooo very bad with my eating! But this morning I figured I'd better find out the damage so I can just start getting myself back to normal. I only gained like 2 pounds!!!! And TOM isn't quite over yet...so, I guess keeping up the skating really did help I'm so happy, and READY to get the rest of this weight off!!! I'm not skating today because I've got 2 huge blisters on my heels and my butt hurts from falling a couple of times over the past few days...but I'm back to the rink tomorrow. Maybe I"ll take a nice snowy walk today.

    Faye, sounds like you're having fun spending all that loot! Congrats!!!!

    Amanda--I just want you to be amazingly proud of yourself for all you accomplished last year......I know you can do just as well this year and finally be at the weight you want.

    Everyone else--hope you're enjoying the down time!
