My confidence

  • Since I have started eating better and exercising my confidence level has soared. I have not had a man look at me or flirt with me in about a year and half. I haven't lost much weight but obviously I carry myself differently since I feel so much better about myself. This week I have had quite a few men looking at me, good looking men at that. When it first happened I thought that maybe I had something on me or something. I couldn't understand why this man was looking at me like that. But then it kept happening and on different days and that's when I was realized....they were actually checking me out. Whodda thunk?!? So even overweight that shows that men can find you attractive, but if you walk around like you don't think much of yourself, they won't think much of you either. You walk tall, they notice. So needless to say, I'm feeling pretty good with myself.
  • Aweee! That is so great! I'm so happy for you.
    A confident girl always gets the man.
  • Teahoney-- You obviously DO walk around like you think much of yourself (and that is a good thing ). Just goes to show, when you think highly of yourself and feel good, other people will notice it!!