Old Hens - 40+ And Ready To Lose - Vol. 11

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  • This thread is a sub-set of the 300+ thread.

    This group is for those dealing with the challenges of having a significant amount of weight to lose and being fit which becomes harder after 40. If you're an old or new friend and not over 40 and feel this is the place to post, jump right in.
  • Good morning ladies,

    I thought I'd go ahead and start a new thread. That thread took us a week to fill up. What's happened to everyone that had come back? Come out, come out where ever you are! Remember its hard to be supportive to others if you're just lurking around and we all need support and motivation.

    Food has been good for two whole days. I am feeling less less bloated and yucky as I'm getting off the starchy carbs. I was so tired yesterday that I didn't even walk the dog last night. I'm blaming it on late summer allergies since my nose is all stuffed up and all I want to do is sleep. Yippee. I need to dig out the claritin today and see if that helps.

    Ruth - Put the food down and slap yourself upside the head. Is that what you really want? To sabotage your good efforts? What excuse is good enough to justify it? Come on, you can get back on track today! Paint more, eat less!

    Kim - When you press the wrong key, do you end up backing up a page and then it looks like you've lost your post? Sometimes, on my laptop, I hit some combo with the backspace key and it throws me back a page. I finally figured out that if I went up to the toolbar and hit the forward key, my partial post was still there. Othertimes, its because of my mousepad that causes the whole thing to highlight as I'm typing and wipe evertyhing out. Makes me want to stomp the laptop sometimes! Oh yeah, there is a smilie for when that happens. The baby gate is working well. As big as he is, he won't push through. I could put anything there that seems to block his way and he won't try to go through. Especially if its the vacuum. When we had the bulldog, she would plow through everything. She made her own dog door through the screen door by busting right through the screen. When it cools off some, DH and he will have to take rides to the park during the day and both need to sleep less while I'm at work!

    Okay, ladies, I best get up and get to moving. Its only Thursday and I guess I do have to go to work. We can feel impending joy and frivolity because the mean of a boss is off a half-day tomorrow and all next week.

    Have a good OP day! And quit lurking!
  • Good Morning Ladies!

    And and great good morning it is!

    Shockingly, I seem to be getting used to being an early bird. I've NEVER been a morning person...but having the puppies is causing me to get up at 5:30 a.m. with DH and it's working out well. I get up, let the puppies out, give them breakfast, then take them out again. DH comes in to eat breakfast about then, having finished his shower and I take mine while he eats...and takes the puppies out again. Then I take over and have breakfast while he gets dressed and goes to work...and I take the puppies out again. Finally, they go back in the crate at about 7:15...after going out again ...and I get dressed and DS and I are out the door by about 7:30. One thing is sure...the neighbors get a lot of chances to catch me in my ratty blue bathrobe!

    On the up side, I'm actually on time for work, eat breakfast at home, and am more awake by the time I get here than usual. I used to get up as late as 7:15 and make it to work by 8 - AFTER showering, dressing and taking DS to school!

    Downside to puppies, we don't seem to have time to go anywhere - including the Y. Told DH today, it's like having twins, only we lock them in a crate instead of taking them to daycare! I think we're going to start taking turns at the Y. I can go on Tues. and Thurs. before he goes to school and he can go Mon. and Wed. while I stay home. They can be crated on the weekends. DS isn't much help just now. He isn't any good at watching for signs they have to "go" and panics if any little thing goes wrong. When they get older it'll get better.

    Ruth: Don't worry about missing my b-day...I'm old enough not to care! And don't freak too much about the binge. Get yourself back on track TODAY! No one ever got fat by over-eating ONE day. You can do it!

    Terri: Hope you get to feeling better. I've had sinus problems for years and my Dr. has me on Allegra and Nasacort spray every day. I've only really noticed Oak Pollen and smoke as the things that still make me really stuffed up - but it's miserable! When you can't breath-you can't think! Makes me so tired.

    I stepped on the scale today to a shock...it read 4 lbs LESS than it did last Friday. I skipped the "official" WI last week, but I still think I may have dropped a lb or 2. We'll see tomorrow when I WI at the Dr. office. Perhaps the McDonalds-Pizza-Olive Garden-no exercise Diet is the one for me! Or maybe (more likely) there is something to that "eat more calories one day and less the next" hypothisis to break a plateau? Or maybe it was Aunt Flo deciding to pop up a week and 1/2 EARLY this month! Well, whatever it may be, I'll know tomorrow if I've lost!

    And now Justice is calling! Must work - so I can go home over lunch and take the puppies out! Onward and Downward Ladies!
  • I don't have to go to work tomorrow ......
    I don't have to go to work tomorrow ......

    I decided to take the day off and get my chores done so I can play this weekend. Not that I have that much to do, or for that matter anything planned, but I decided on impulse to have a me day.

    LILION: You're starting out right. In, out, eat, out, sleep, out, play, out .... over and over again and the pups will be housebroken quickly.
    CONGRATULATIONS on the loss. Hey, what ever works - use it!

    TERRI: 2 days OP. Good for you.
    I'm digging for sinus tablets myself. I'll take the stuffy nose as long as it stays cool.
  • Good morning ladies,

    Yeah for Friday! Jeans day too.

    Food was good again yesterday. Three no-Snickers days. I did have to fight the urge bad though but fight it I did! DH is getting back into this with me. He made a roasted chicken, nice salad and a half baked potato.

    Before dinner, he took me by WW for WI and I was not happy. Up again - less than half-pound but still up again. That one really puzzled me but I guess all the eating out over the weekend took care of any post-TOM loss. I really was tempted with the "might as well eat" mindset after that. I think maybe seeing how defeating it feels to me was good for DH to see that his wanting to eat out doesn't help me. But I am holding on tight to my determination to not sabotage myself. DAMMIT I WILL GET BACK DOWN TO MY 35 POUND LOSS AND THEN BEYOND!

    Tonight I'm going with the ladies Sunday school group to see Beth Moore. I've never seen her in person so I'm looking forward to it. Not looking forward to an arena full of women. It is tonight and a half-day tomorrow.

    Okay, I must get off my duff and ready for work. Anyone wear a size 3X top and size 22 skirt? I have a brand new top and skirt set that is now too big out on ebay if anyone is interested. I also have a few sweaters that are still in very good shape I'll be putting out too. PM me if you want my seller id.

    Ciao! This is Friday so for those of us who struggle over the weekend, let's make this weekend and in-control, eat intelligently weekend!

    Judy - Enjoy youre day!
  • Good Morning Ladies!

    Well, I didn't lose a lb or 2 - I LOST 5!!! I thought I had lost some, mainly because of the way my rings fit - I can't type anymore without turning the stones to my palm. An odd way to notice loss, I'd much rather notice it on my butt!

    Clearly, something very odd is going on here. I lose when I think I should gain or maintain, plateau when I think I should lose! But I guess I'll take it, enjoy it, and I'll definately NOT take it as an excuse to eat like a pig! Apparently, being "good" most of the time and letting myself have the occasional "bad" meal is a good thing for now. So, I'm going to relax at the family fish-fry tomorrow and be good otherwise.

    Terri: Good for you keeping that determination alive! You'll get there!

    J-Ann: Enjoy that day off! I envy you - not that I'm actually getting much done today!

    Well Ladies, must run. Office folks are taking me out for lunch today. I've never been to the restaurant we're going to, but I'm sure I'll find something to eat! Onward and Downward!
  • Sorry I haven't been around, but just not in the mood to be sociable. Besides the trauma I've been throug with loosing my mother, (or maybe because of it?) the victim of Katrina have really been on my mind. Are anyone on this thread from LA, AL, or MS?

    I am proud of all of you for your losses of weight, and keep up the good work. I keep thinking I'll get serious about loosing again, but somehow it just doesn't happen.

    I'll try not to stay away so long next time. Have a great weekend, what's left of it.

  • Hey!
    Hi Ya'll
    I'm back and am ready to go. In fact I just came back from a 1 1/2 mile walk which was quite invigorating. I needed something to clear my mind, anyway I've been so busy the past 3 weeks with school. I think the worst part was trying to get the financial aid stuff done because I ended up being dropped from both schools for not getting that stuff done.
    I am going to the local community college and taking business classes there because I am trying to finish up their certifcate program,9 credits (3classes) and then I am also attending Northern AZ University to work toward getting a Bachalors degree in Elementary Education, with them I have 12 credits (4classes). (21total credits) The good thing about this is that two of my class are online and one doesn't start until October. So thats part of what I've been busy with, the other is that me, my daughter and granddaughter just got back last Tuesday from Miami, Florida where my daughter competed in a pageant. Although she did win, we all had good time, that is they did, because I was sick for 2 days with allergies and sinus problems that are just now clearing up.
    Ok I think I am done with all the crazyness. So back to an almost normal life. I hope you all have a good week, and I'll check back with you lighter
  • Hi ladies. I hope everyone had a great weekend. Well, I managed to do it again. Was really good all week, started a second period Friday (the second in two weeks) and totally lost it. It's not that I pigged out, just when I did eat, I ate all of the wrong things. I ended up blowing off my WW class for the second weekend in a row. I feel like I am fighting a losing battle and just can't seem to get my together. I have a lot of stress right now, but that is NO excuse. Life is full of stress. If I cave everytime I get stressed out, I'll never lose anymore. I did go walk tonight, so I guess that's something. I bought ingredients to make two WW recipes this week, so all I can do is get back up and start over.

    I had my sleep study last night, which sucked. The bed was so hard I didn't get any extended-periods of sleep because my back hurt so bad it kept waking me up. I tossed and turned to the point where I kept pulling my wires off. You have two electrodes attached to each leg, one on each side of your chest, two on each side of your face, a long one that stretches under your chin, and then seven attached to your head. Oh, and the one that attaches to your finger to measure your blood oxygen level. I've never understood why they call it a sleep study, because you don't get much sleep! The good thing is that I will hopefully get all new equipment, including a chin strap. My C-Pap pressure at home is set on 7, and the tech told me (when they finally let me get up at 6:00 a.m., since I had been laying there since about 5:15 awake and in pain) that they had to actually turn the machine pressure up to 14 before I quit having non-breathing break-through episodes. Of course, it will probably take 4-6 weeks before I get it, but I've managed for the last 6 years with what I have at a 7, so I can wait a little longer.

    My son, Seth, has an appt. with a pediatric thoracic specialist at Children's Mercy Hospital here in KC on Sept. 22. He's been diagnosed with a birth defect called Pigeon Chest. Basically, the left side of his breast bone is about three times the size of the right side. It's always been slighter bigger, but years ago my doctor told me "not to worry about it, it's normal and he'll grow out of it." He hit his 13/14 year old growth spurt and it has just popped out and kept growing. We went back to the doctor a few months ago and I threw a hissy fit and he referred us to the specialist. It's taken this long to get in. We were suppose to go Oct. 6, but I called last week and told them that the other night Seth came in and showed me where you can actually see his heart beating through his skin, which lies in the depression "rut" under this jutting breast bone. He has also had some breathing issues when he's played hard and in gym class. They moved his appt. up and I am beside myself worried about him. We are trying to act nonchalant in front of him, because I don't want him to know how worried I am. I made the mistake of getting on-line and doing some research and if he ends up having to have surgery, it's a very nasty surgery with a long recovery and some really bad "complications" can occur with the lungs and/or heart. Please put Seth on any prayer lists you have.

    I'm also stressed out with the hubby right now. I won't go into it, but girls, I'm ready to crack and just don't have the energy to resist any temptation with food. Hubby has promised to make some changes 'cause he wants to save our marriage. Quite honestly, it's up to him. I'm too worried about my son right now to really give a damn whether he's here or not. Doesn't that sound awful?? I haven't talked to anybody else about this issue, so I had to vent somewhere or I was going to blow up. With all the devastation and destruction in the south, I feel like my problems are trivial and feel guilty for whinning about them, because I do have a roof over my head and food on my table.

    Well, thanks for listening and letting me vent. I need to get to bed, so hopefully I can get to personal replies tomorrow, but do want to say HUGE CONGRATS to you, Lilion for your GREAT loss! You are my role model right now!! Good night, ladies. - Kim
  • Good morning ladies,

    The weekend was much too busy. Not enough done as usual! This is just a fly-by this morning as I eat my yogurt and museli and then its off to work.

    Food was actually good this weekend. I'm still within my points for the week and only two days to go. I feel better mentally for keeping it together for a whole week!

    Kim - {{{{{hugs}}}}}}} We're kind of in a similar place with being frustrated and avoiding WI's. Its hard to get a grip on that the losing battle we're fighting is our own sabotage. You can do this! You have a lot of stress going on right now. While its not a good excuse to eat; just don't be hard on yourself and make it worse. I'm sorry that you are having difficulties with your DH and for your son's diagnosis. Breathe deeply and take it one day at a time right now. {{{{hugs}}}}}

    Lilion - Great loss! How was the fish fry.

    Barb.G - Don't beat yourself up right now. You'll get on with things when its time. Just don't pressure yourself.

    Joe Anne - Good to hear from you again. Good luck with your classes!

    Gotta run! Have a good OP day!
  • Good Morning Ladies!

    Well, another weekend done...I actually have Friday off this week. I took it off when we were going to go out of town for a camping event this weekend, but with the new puppies we've decided not to go. Maybe I'll actually get something done at home?

    The fish-fry was just that, with all the usual fattening salads and cassaroles and pies and cakes. I ate them ALL! But, it was lunch and I didn't eat any dinner and Sunday was better...so I'm not going to freak out about it. We'll just do our best this week and see what Friday WI brings.

    Sunday I went shopping with my best friend and her teenage daughter and her best friend. I went to keep my friend from facing arrest for murdering the girls! I am SO VERY, VERY GLAD I have a son. My poor friend is having quite a time with her child, but she's more polite to her mom around me, so I thought I would go. It was challenging. We were actually shopping for the daughter's friend, who at 15 is wearing a 16+ and shopping for homecoming dance gowns. Not too many made in bigger sizes, but more than when I was a girl. Which is kind of a sad comment on how many teenage girls are overweight. I was actually the only person who bought anything, a pair of green slacks - size 20! I was looking for khaki's, but they were $40 and the green were $10. I just refuse to pay $40 for pants I hope to not wear for more than a few months.

    These puppies are driving me nuts. The sad truth is, I'm not a patient person. I'm not patient with adults, children or animals. I'm not Mother of the Year for my DS - and I'm WAY not for a couple of furry little monsters! I don't think my house (or I) will ever survive the housetraining. I was right when I told DH it was like having twins! I'm just so darn TIRED... DH and I actually fell asleep at his uncles house at the fish-fry...kicked back in a recliner when we took a break from pup-walking and crashed! I fell asleep holding them last night while they took a nap last evening. I'm appalled with myself for being this tired and cranky over two cute little dogs. I've got no business complaining with the very real problems some of the ladies here are dealing with...not to mention the South...that's just too big to contemplate.

    Terri: Good for you on staying OP all week! The weekends always blow for me.

    Kim: I'm so sorry about your son's problems - and yours. There is nothing worse than worrying about your child. I'll keep him and you in my thoughts. You hang in there. (((hugs))). You vent any time you want - here or PM me. I haven't had to deal with this sort of worry...but I'll lend an ear if you need one.

    BarbG: Terri was right, you'll be ready to get back on track in time and you'll know when that is. Until then, know that we're here for you. (((hugs)))

    Joe Anne: Good for you going to school! It's hard to do that and have a life to live too. DH goes to school nights and works days. I wish we had enough money for him to quit and go full-time and get it done, but unless we sell our house and move to one that's about 1/2 the price - that ain't gonna happen!

    Well, on to work for the day. Onward and Downward Ladies!
  • Hello!
    Good morning ladies, thought I had better get my self in here and say howdy. Not much going on with me to brag about. I didn't have the most op weekend ...again! "nough said.

    Lilion, I laughed when I read your first post about taking the pups out. Oh yeah, I remember those days! It sounds as if maybe the puppies are training you instead. It takes awhile but they will get the hang of it after a few weeks.

    Kim, hang in there girl. I will be praying for your son, and you.

    Joanne, I admire anyone that can go back to school for any reason. Good luck with your studies and eating healthy.

    Barbg, I hope things start to get better for you soon.

    Terri, congrats on staying op for a whole week, darned if I can seem to manage that lately. Inspire me, just don't tell me to slap myself up side the head, ouch that hurt!

    Thin, were are you? I miss you!

    J-ann, I hope you are feeling better. It is the time of year for allergies and sinus to start acting up, very annoying. I have to walk around with a kleenex handy.

    Oh yeah, Lilion, I could just smack you! How can you eat like that and still lose weight???? I must be doing something wrong. (just kidding, I am j e a l o u s). All I can say is keep it up, whatever is working for you.

    Well, I think I have rambled on long enough. Hope I didn't miss anybody. Ta for now. Iwillbe.....Ruth
  • Anybody out there?
    OK, where is everybody?? Ruth
  • Sorry, Ruth.

    No time to post yesterday or this morning. Food has been good. The scale is neutral. I'll go to WI tonight anyway. And keep working at this. Seven days in a row of journalling. Seven days and within my point range. Now to make it another seven days. I will!

    Have a good OP day!
  • I'm here!

    Stopped in to visit so I wouldn't go to the office candy stash. I won't!

    Food has been soso. Some good days. Some not so good. But, the good are outnumbering the bad.

    It's a week with nothing to look forward to. Just work and go home. Next week will be better. A couple of planned outings after work to break up the week.